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all words:
VNEN Việt hóa * to Vietnamize, make or translate into Vietnamese *
VNEN ang áng * approximately; to make a rough estimate *
VNEN anh cứ tự nhiên như ở nhà anh * make yourself at home *
VNEN biên * (1) to write down, make a note (of something)
(2) to weave (basket)
(3) to edit, compile
(4) edge, limit, border
VNEN biện lễ * to make offerings, presents *
VNEN buột miệng * to make a slip of the tongue *
VNEN bà mối * matchmaker *
VNEN bào chế * pharmacy, druggist; to dispense, prepare medicines, make up medicines *
VNEN bày chuyện * to tell stories, make up a story *
VNEN bày tỏ * to express, make clear *
VNEN bày tỏ nỗi lòng * to make clear one’s feeling *
VNEN bá cáo * to broadcast, disseminate widely, publicize, make public, proclaim *
VNEN bái kiến * call on, visit, make or pay a visit *
VNEN bán mở hàng cho ai * to make the first sale of the day, give as a new year’s gift *
VNEN bé cái nhầm * make a mistake *
VNEN bé miệng * not powerful enough to make oneself heard, powerless, without authority *
VNEN bình dân hóa * popularization; to make common, vulgarize *
VNEN bình phục hoàn toàn * to recover completely, make a complete recovery *
VNEN * (1) to compensate for, make up for
(2) messed up, disheveled (hair)
VNEN bù hao * compensate for a loss, make up for a loss *
VNEN bù trừ * to balance, complement, compensate, make up for *
VNEN băng nhân * go-between, matchmaker *
VNEN bươn chải * run about, strive to make a living *
VNEN bạo miệng * make bold with one’s speech *
VNEN bải * to lengthen, make longer, stretch *
VNEN bầy đặt * to invent, make up *
VNEN bắt mối động từ * to make contact, get into touch (for the first time) with, make contact (with) *
VNEN bịa * to invent, fabricate, make up *
VNEN bịa chuyện * to tell tall tales, make up stories *
VNEN bịa đặt * to fake, forge, fabricate, make up, invent, imagine *
VNEN bồi * (1) to build up with earth
(2) to strengthen, make strong, glue together
(3) houseboy, waiter
(4) to reimburse, compensate, restore, indemnify
VNEN bồi thường * compensation, damages; to compensate, make up for, pay damages *
VNEN bổ bán * to appoint, name, make appointments *
VNEN bổ sung * to add, complete, supplement, make good (on something) *
VNEN bới chuyện * to make up stories *
VNEN bới việc * to create difficulties, complicate things, make work or trouble for oneself *
VNEN cam tâm * to resign oneself to, make up one’s mind to *
VNEN che tàn * make merry at the expense of others *
VNEN chen * to make one’s way through a crowd, cut in (speech) *
VNEN chen chúc * to be crowded, pushed together; to make one’s way, elbow through, jostle *
VNEN chiếm 80 phần trăm * to make up 80% *
VNEN chiếm * to occupy, take up, make up, seize, take possession, gain, usurp, win *
VNEN chiếm phần lớn * to make up a majority *
VNEN chiếm vào khoảng 25% * to make up approximately 25% *
VNEN chiếm đa số 2/3 * to make up a 2/3 majority *
VNEN chiếm đa số * to make up the majority *
VNEN chiếu cố * to patronize, pay attention to, take care of, consider, make allowance for, patronize *
VNEN cho biết * to announce, report, provide information, tell, make known *
VNEN cho chắc * to make sure, be sure *
VNEN cho mình vui lòng * to make us happy *
VNEN chuyên môn hóa * to make specialized, make into specialist *
VNEN chuẩn bị * to prepare, make ready; preparation; ready *
VNEN chuẩn bị bữa sáng * to make, prepare breakfast *
VNEN chê * to belittle, blame, find fault with, scorn, make little of *
VNEN chính thức hóa * to make official *
VNEN chính thức viếng thăm * to make an official visit *
VNEN chú thích * to annotate, note, edit, make a note; note, annotation *
VNEN chơi chữ * to play on words, make a pun *
VNEN chấm mút * to make money from rake-offs *
VNEN chấp nhận hy sinh * to accept, be willing to make a sacrifice *
VNEN chẩn đoán * diagnostic; to diagnose, make a diagnosis *
VNEN chẳng biết mô tê gì cả * to know anything at all, not to make head or tail of something *
VNEN chặn bóng * to make a save, save a goal *
VNEN chế tạo * to make, manufacture *
VNEN chỉnh bị * make ready, get ready *
VNEN coi nhẹ * to make a light of, view lightly *
VNEN coi nhẹ công lao * to make light of one’s efforts *
VNEN con Tạo * the Creator, the Maker *
VNEN cuốn xéo * make off, run away, take to one’s heels, bolt, do a punk *
VNEN cuỗm * to steal, rob, make of with *
VNEN có sao * what difference does it make?; to be wrong, have a problem *
VNEN công bố * to publish, make public, proclaim, announce *
VNEN công khai * open, public, publicly, in public; to publicize, make public *
VNEN công khai hóa * to publicize, make public *
VNEN công thành * to make an assault on a fort *
VNEN cúng * to offer sacrifices (religious), make offerings; sacrifice, offering *
VNEN cúng bái * make ceremonial offerings *
VNEN cúng tổ tiên * to make offerings to one’s ancestor(s) *
VNEN cười chê * to make fun of *
VNEN cải quá * to reform, amend, correct, make right *
VNEN cấu thành * to complete, form, make up, create, compose *
VNEN cấu tạo * to build, create, compose, construct, design, engender; structure, makeup, composition *
VNEN cấu tứ * put ideas in order, make an outline (for an essay) *
VNEN cầu đảo * to make offerings (to deity) for one’s wishes to be fulfilled *
VNEN cắt áo * to make a dress *
VNEN cố * (1) to make an effort, try (very hard)
(2) great grandfather
(3) to pawn
(4) reason
(5) old, former, late (deceased)
(6) intentional, premeditated
(7) firm, strong
(8) innate, original
(9) to look after, care for, turn one’s head
VNEN cố gắng * to try, strive, struggle, attempt, make an effort; effort *
VNEN cố sức * to endeavor, strive, make an effort, do one’s utmost *
VNEN cụ thể hóa * to solidify, make concrete *
VNEN cứ tự nhiên * to make oneself at home *
VNEN di lụy * make (cause) trouble for the coming generations *
VNEN diễn nghĩa * novelize, make into a historical novel *
VNEN du côn * troublemaker, hooligan *
VNEN dàn mỏng * to spread, make thin *
VNEN dàn xếp * to make arrangements, settle, arrange *
VNEN dành chỗ * to reserve space, set aside space, make room for *
VNEN dương * (1) ocean
(2) Yang - positive
(3) to show off, make known
(4) to open
(5) goat
VNEN dừng chân * to stop (walking), make a stop *
VNEN dự liệu * make preparations for some probable occurrence *
VNEN dự thầu * to put in a bid or tender, make a bid, submit a tender *
VNEN ghi rõ * to note clearly, make clear *
VNEN gia sức * to make efforts (to do something) *
VNEN giao phối * to make love, have sex, copulate *
VNEN giãi * open (one’s heart), make known *
VNEN giương vây * put on airs, make a show of strength *
VNEN giả thác * make invented excuses for *
VNEN giảng giải * to explain, interpret, make clear *
VNEN giảng hòa * to mediate, make peace *
VNEN giảng nghĩa * to explain, make clear the meaning of *
VNEN giẫy * to (make) even, (make) level, dig up, unearth, pull up, settle, arrange, fix up *
VNEN gá nghĩa * to strike up a friendship with (someone), make friends *
VNEN góp ý * to offer advice, make suggestions, point out, give or contribute one’s opinion *
VNEN gùn ghè * try to make approaches to a girl *
VNEN gượng * to try to, make a effort to *
VNEN gạ chuyện * to try to approach (someone), try to make friends with *
VNEN gạ gẫm * to coax, cajole, wheedle (into doing something); make approaches to (a woman), make a pass at *
VNEN gắng gượng * make an unusual effort *
VNEN gắng sức * to make every effort *
VNEN hao tài * make money dwindle, be costly *
VNEN hiển đạt * make one’s way in life, achieve a high position in society *
VNEN hiểu dụ * make clear something to, the *
VNEN hành hạt * make one’s round (of a mandarin) *
VNEN hâm * to warm (up), make warm *
VNEN hâm nóng * to make warm, hot *
VNEN hóa trang * makeup; to camouflage, disguise oneself *
VNEN hù dọa * to menace, threaten, make threats *
VNEN hưởng dụng * to make use of something, profit from something *
VNEN hạnh ngộ * to make a lucky encounter *
VNEN hẹn hò * appointment, rendezvous; to make a date *
VNEN hỏi một câu * to ask, make a request *
VNEN hốt bạc * make big money, profitable *
VNEN hốt thuốc * make up a prescription (by a herbalist) *
VNEN hớ * (1) to be overcharged, pay too much
(2) to blunder, make a mistake
VNEN hợp thành * to make up, constitute, compose, form *
VNEN hụt ăn * miss (a meal, an opportunity to make a profit) *
VNEN hứa hão * to make idle or airy or empty or vain promises, promise the *
VNEN im * silent, quiet, calm, still; to hush, make quiet *
VNEN khai man * to make a false statement, tell or utter a falsehood *
VNEN khiêu nộ * to make someone angry *
VNEN khiến khó * to make something difficult *
VNEN khoét * to bore, make a hole, pierce *
VNEN khó dễ * make difficulties, raise difficulties *
VNEN không bình phẩm gì * to not comment, not make any comments *
VNEN không lẽ * it doesn’t make sense if *
VNEN khăn gói * large handkerchief (to make a bundle of clothes, etc. with) *
VNEN khảo thích * research into and make glosses on. *
VNEN khởi thảo * make the first draft (of a document) *
VNEN kiếm chác * live by one’s wits, make small profits by dishonest tricks *
VNEN kiếm sống * to make a living, earn a living *
VNEN kiếm thức ăn * to find, make, grow food *
VNEN kiếm tiền * to find money, raise money, make money *
VNEN kiếm ăn * to make one’s living *
VNEN kiểu * model, pattern, make, design, style *
VNEN kiện toàn * to strengthen, make healthy; healthy *
VNEN ký chú * note down, take notes of, make careful recommendations to *
VNEN kết bạn với * to make friends with *
VNEN kỳ cạch * to make noise, tamper *
VNEN len chân * make one’s way, find one’s way in, worm (oneself) into *
VNEN liệu * (1) (rhetorical question maker)
(2) to think about, reflect, foresee
(3) material, ingredient
(4) to manage
VNEN lo liệu * to fend for, make arrangement for, contrive *
VNEN loan * to announce, make known *
VNEN loan báo * to announce, make known, inform; announcement *
VNEN loan báo chính thức * (to make an) official announcement *
VNEN loay hoay * give oneself trouble, make a great fuss, busy oneself *
VNEN lu loa * make a scene *
VNEN làm * to do, work, make, function as, serve; to cause something to happen *
VNEN làm biên bản * to make a report *
VNEN làm bù nhìn * to make a puppet (out of someone) *
VNEN làm bạn * to make friends with, befriend *
VNEN làm bạn với * to make friends with *
VNEN làm bản ước lượng * to make an estimate, draw up an estimate *
VNEN làm bất mãn * to make someone unhappy, discontent *
VNEN làm bẩm * to soil, make dirty *
VNEN làm chiêm * make preparations for the fifth-month rice crop *
VNEN làm cho * to cause, make *
VNEN làm cho các công ty có sức cạnh tranh cao hơn * to make companies more competitive *
VNEN làm cho mọi người lầm tưởng * to make everyone believe (something that isn’t true) *
VNEN làm cho đời sống nghèo khổ * to make life miserable *
VNEN làm các võ khí bằng đồng * to make weapons out of bronze *
VNEN làm căn bản * to make the basis of *
VNEN làm dấu * to (make a) sign, signal *
VNEN làm dấu hiệu * to make a sign, make a gesture *
VNEN làm dấu thánh giá * to cross oneself, make the sign of the cross *
VNEN làm giường * to make the bed *
VNEN làm khổ * to make (someone) unhappy or miserable, torment *
VNEN làm luật * to legislate, make laws *
VNEN làm lành * to make it up with *
VNEN làm mai * act as a matchmaker *
VNEN làm mùa * make preparations for the tenth-month rice crop *
VNEN làm mặt nghiêm * to make a serious face *
VNEN làm một cô gái mang bầu * to make a young woman pregnant *
VNEN làm người hơi choáng váng * to make someone a little dizzy *
VNEN làm người nào chóng mặt * to make someone dizzy *
VNEN làm nên * make one’s way in life (in the world) *
VNEN làm nổi bật lên * to make noticeable, bring out, call attention to *
VNEN làm phong phú hóa * to enrich, make rich *
VNEN làm phức tạp thêm * to complicate, make (something) more complicated, create (additional) complications *
VNEN làm quen * to make the acquaintance of *
VNEN làm quen với ai * to make someone’s acquaintance *
VNEN làm ra * to create, produce, make, put out *
VNEN làm sống lại * to make (something from the past) come alive again, revitalize, reincarnate, reanimate, bring back to life *
VNEN làm trò khó dễ * to make trouble *
VNEN làm tình * to make love, have sex *
VNEN làm tổ * to (build or make a) nest *
VNEN làm vợ * to make one’s wife *
VNEN làm á khẩu * to make someone speechless *
VNEN làm ăn * to work, do business, make a living *
VNEN làm ăng kết * to make, hold an investigation, investigate *
VNEN làm điện ảnh * to make a movie *
VNEN làm đơn * to make a report *
VNEN làm ướt * to wet, make wet *
VNEN làm ồn * to make a noise, din, racket *
VNEN lành mạnh hóa * to clean up, make healthy *
VNEN lách * (1) to swerve (through), make one’s way (through)
(2) spleen
VNEN lùi bước * to step back, back off, yield, give way, make concessions *
VNEN lăn tay * to fingerprint, take fingerprints, make fingerprints *
VNEN lược dịch * make a loose translation, translate summarily *
VNEN lạc quyền * make (take) up a collection, subscribe *
VNEN lấm * to smear, make dirty, soil *
VNEN lấy lãi * make profit *
VNEN lấy tiếng * to make a reputation or name for oneself *
VNEN lầm lẫn * to make a mistake, be mistaken, misjudge *
VNEN lầm lỗi * be at fault, make a mistake *
VNEN lập một kỷ nguyên mới * to make a new epoch *
VNEN lật mặt * to unmask, make an about face, reverse a decision *
VNEN lặng im * keep silence, make no noise, keep quiet *
VNEN lễ lạt * gift, present, make a gift of something, present something *
VNEN lỡ lầm * make a mistake, make a false step *
VNEN lỡ lời * to blurt out, make a slip of the tongue *
VNEN lỡ miệng * to let words slip out, make a slip of the tongue *
VNEN lỡ mồm * to make a slip of the tongue *
VNEN lợi ích * profitable, useful; to use, make advantage of; use, advantage, benefit, interest, profit *
VNEN lục tặc * troublemaker *
VNEN ma ki ê * to make up *
VNEN ma két * mock-up, layout, make-up, model *
VNEN ma nơ canh * (dressmaker’s or tailor’s) dummy, mannequin *
VNEN mai mối * match-maker *
VNEN mau mau * haste, make haste, hurry up *
VNEN may * (1) to sew, stitch, make clothes
(2) lucky, fortunate
VNEN may áo * to make clothes *
VNEN minh thệ * vow, oath; to make or take an oath *
VNEN môi nhân * matchmaker *
VNEN mông ta * montage, layout, make-up *
VNEN mưu sinh * to make a living *
VNEN mưu sát * to make an attempt (on someone’s life), attempted assassination *
VNEN mưu sự * to see to (something), make careful arrangements for *
VNEN mần tuồng * to act or play the fool, make a fool of oneself *
VNEN mế * (dialect) old woman; (dialect) urinate, make water, piss, pee *
VNEN mếu máo * to make faces while crying *
VNEN mỉa * to ridicule, make fun (of) *
VNEN mổ xác * make a autopsy *
VNEN mở hàng * to make the first purchase in the day (of something) from someone *
VNEN mở đường cho * to open the door to (something), allow (something), make way for (something) *
VNEN mở đường máu * to make a sortie *
VNEN mừng công * make merry *
VNEN người gây hấn * troublemaker *
VNEN ngỏ ý * make known one’s intention, express one’s intention *
VNEN ngộ nhận * to mistake, make a mistake *
VNEN nhen * to kindle, light, make a fire *
VNEN nhiếc * make ironical remarks about (someone) *
VNEN nhà làm luật * lawmaker, legislator *
VNEN nhà lập pháp * legislator, lawmaker *
VNEN nhà may * tailor’s (shop), dressmaker’s (shop), tailor shop *
VNEN nhàn cư vi bất thiện * the devil makes work for idle hands *
VNEN nhào lộn * make loops, make somersaults *
VNEN nhân nhượng * to yield, be lenient, give into, make concessions to *
VNEN nhè * (1) to choose
(2) to whine, whimper
(3) aim (only at a given target)
(4) make use of, take advantage of
VNEN nhóm bếp * to light a fire, make a fire *
VNEN nhăn mặt * to make a face, grimace *
VNEN nhăn nhó * to make a face *
VNEN nhường nhịn * to make concessions *
VNEN nhượng bộ * to make a concession, compromise, yield, give in *
VNEN nhạo đời * make fun of people, teach people a lesson *
VNEN nhất quyết * determined, resolute; to decide, make up one’s mind, resolve *
VNEN nhầm * to make a mistake; wrong *
VNEN nhận định * observation, comment; to judge, evaluate, (make a) comment *
VNEN nhập quỹ * to cash in, make an entry to the cash *
VNEN nhập tịch * to be naturalized, be granted citizenship; to naturalize, make a citizen *
VNEN nhằm nhè * succeed, make it *
VNEN nhẹ bước thang mây * to easily make one’s way the world *
VNEN nhẹ tình * make light of (some) feeling *
VNEN nhẻ nhói * make fun of, make sport of *
VNEN nhịu * to make a slip of the tongue *
VNEN nhỡ nhời * make a slip of the tongue *
VNEN nói chuyện chơi * to chit-chat, banter, make small talk *
VNEN nói cạnh * to speak by innuendoes, make oblique hints, hint at, drop hints *
VNEN nói giễu * mock, jeer at, make fun of *
VNEN nói một tiếng * to speak a word, make a sound *
VNEN nói rút lại * in short, make a long story short *
VNEN nước chảy chỗ trũng * money makes money, nothing succeeds like success *
VNEN nặn chuyện * make up a story *
VNEN nặn chuyện để vu cáo người * to make up a story and slander someone *
VNEN nặng mặt * make (pull, put on, wear) a long face *
VNEN nổi lửa * make (build) a fire *
VNEN nổi điên * fit of madness, temporary insanity; to make crazy, drive insane *
VNEN o * (3) eagle'> (1) to flirt, to make love to
(2) aunt (father's sister), young girl
(3) eagle
(3) eagle'>* (3) eagle'> ☊
VNEN om * to simmer; to make noise; very *
VNEN pha * (1) to make, prepare, brew (a beverage)
(2) phase (electric)
VNEN pha chế * prepare, make up *
VNEN pha chế theo đơn thuốc * to make up a prescription *
VNEN pha cà phê * to make coffee *
VNEN pha ly cà phê * to make a cup of coffee *
VNEN pha nước trà * to make tea *
VNEN phong bao * make a gift of money wrapped in paper *
VNEN phát biểu cảm tưởng * to state, make known one’s impressions *
VNEN phát khởi * to take initiative, make the first move, initiate *
VNEN phát tài * to succeed in business, make money *
VNEN phạm lỗi * to make or commit an error, make a mistake, go wrong *
VNEN phấn sáp * cosmetics, makeup; to make oneself up, put on make up *
VNEN phỏng dịch * make a rough translation, make a free translation *
VNEN phổ biến * to distribute, diffuse, make public, announce, spread, disseminate; popular, widespread, universal *
VNEN phổ cập * to generalize, universalize, make widespread, popularize, make popular *
VNEN phở áp chảo * make widesread sautéed beef noodle soup *
VNEN quyên giáo * make a collection for a charity *
VNEN quyết * to decide, determine, make up one’s mind; secret *
VNEN quá đáng * to say to much, exaggerate, make to much of; excessive *
VNEN quán cóc * small, make shift shop *
VNEN quẹo * to make a turn *
VNEN quẹo tay trái * make a left turn *
VNEN ra dấu * to give a sign, make a sign *
VNEN ra ngô ra khoai * to make things unambiguously clear *
VNEN riễu * to mock, make fun of *
VNEN rán * (1) to fry
(2) to try, strive, endeavor, make an effort
VNEN rùng rùng * (of crowd) to make noise *
VNEN rút vào thế thủ * to tighten up, pull back, make more conservative *
VNEN rợn tóc gáy * to horripilate, make *
VNEN sai lầm * to make a mistake, be mistaken; mistaken, incorrect, wrong; mistake *
VNEN sai lầm nghiêm * to make a serious mistake, commit a grave error *
VNEN sinh sống * to (be born and) live, make a living, earn for living *
VNEN song ẩm * drink tea in one another’s company, make enough tea for two *
VNEN sơ kết * sum up partially, make a preliminary summing-up of a discussion *
VNEN sơ sẩy * make a mistake *
VNEN sẩy miệng * make a slip of the tongue *
VNEN sắm sửa * to outfit, equip, furbish, make ready, prepare *
VNEN sởn gáy * make one’s hair stand on end *
VNEN sửa sai * to correct a fault, make something right (again), right as wrong *
VNEN sửa soạn * to get ready, prepare, make ready *
VNEN thiết bị * to prepare, get ready, make ready, build up, build out; device, equipment *
VNEN thu nhỏ * to make small, miniaturize *
VNEN thuyết lý * to make somebody listen to reason *
VNEN thí bỏ * give, bestow, make a donation (to of) *
VNEN thông báo * announcement, report, statement, message; to inform, announce, make known, advise, warn *
VNEN thùng rỗng kêu to * empty vessels make most noise *
VNEN thút * to make a knot *
VNEN thắt đáy * take in, contract, make narrower *
VNEN thị hùng * make a show of one’s power *
VNEN thổi nấu * to cook, make (dinner) *
VNEN thợ giày * shoemaker *
VNEN thủng * to bore, make a hole; having holes, pierced *
VNEN tiến những bước nhảy vọt * to make great advances *
VNEN tiến thân * to make one’s way in life, succeed in life *
VNEN tiến tới * to advance, move forward, make progress *
VNEN tiết lậu * divulge, reveal, make public, leak out (secret) *
VNEN tiện việc * to facilitate, make easier *
VNEN tiện việc theo dõi * to make something easier to follow, understand *
VNEN tong tả * to hurry, make haste *
VNEN trang điểm * to make up, beautify *
VNEN tranh thủ * to fight for; to make use of *
VNEN trót dại * to make a mistake in doing something *
VNEN trù liệu * scheme, form projects, plan, prepare, dispose, make ready *
VNEN trù mưu * machinate, make plans *
VNEN trả thù * to take revenge, avenge, make reprisals, retaliate (against) *
VNEN trần tình * to make clear, set forth, petition *
VNEN trọng dụng * to use, make use of, employ *
VNEN tuyên phán * to make a decision, read a sentence *
VNEN tuần phòng * to patrol, go round, make the round *
VNEN tác * (1) job, task, work
(2) to make, do
VNEN têm * to make a quid of *
VNEN tính ang áng * to make a rough estimate *
VNEN tô điểm * to embellish, adorn, make up *
VNEN tư cấp * aid, help, furnish, supply, stock, subsidize, make a grant to *
VNEN tương đối hóa * relativization, make something relative (to something else) *
VNEN tạ bệnh * excuse or exculpate oneself, make an apology for reason of *
VNEN tạo * to create, make, form, establish *
VNEN tạo ra sự khác biệt * to make a difference *
VNEN tạo thành * to make, create, form *
VNEN tấn tới * to make headway or progress *
VNEN tấy * to fester to make a chance packet *
VNEN tần tới * to make progress *
VNEN tẩy trang * to remove one’s make-up *
VNEN tận dụng * to make use of, use (up) *
VNEN tận hưởng * to enjoy fully, make the most of *
VNEN tế thần * to make a gift, sacrifice (to a deity) *
VNEN tệ hơn nữa * even worse, make matters worse *
VNEN tốc chiến * to make a sudden attack *
VNEN tống tình * to make eyes at somebody; emotional blackmail *
VNEN tống đạt * to notify, make known, transmit, convey, send on, deliver, serve (legal papers) *
VNEN uất * angry, frustrated; to anger, make indignant *
VNEN ve vuốt * caress, fondle, stroke, make much of, flatter, pat *
VNEN vuốt giận * to reconcile, make up (after an argument, e.g.) *
VNEN vào đời * to make one’s way in the world *
VNEN ví von * analogy; to compare, make comparison *
VNEN vùn * to make bigger, larger, or greater *
VNEN vấp * to trip, stumble to flounder, make (mistakes) *
VNEN vấp váp * to make mistakes, flounder, blunder *
VNEN vận dụng * to use, make use of, apply, employ *
VNEN về hùa * to make common cause with somebody, side with somebody, to *
VNEN vị chi * that makes, the total cost is *
VNEN vội * to be in a hurry, be hasty, be urgent, be pressing; to hurry, make haste *
VNEN xin đề * to inscribe, write, make out to (check) *
VNEN xuyên tạc * to make up, distort *
VNEN xuýt xoa * to make a hissing sound, utter a cry of pain *
VNEN xuất đầu lộ diện * to appear, make an appearance, show up *
VNEN xướng * (1) singer
(2) to take the initiative, make the first move, originate
VNEN ân ái * to love, make love *
VNEN ích * to use, make use of; profit, use *
VNEN ông tơ * the match-maker *
VNEN ông tơ bà nguyệt * matchmaker *
VNEN ù * (1) to buzz, be noisy
(2) fast, swift, hurried; to hurry (up)
(3) to win (in certain card games)
(4) to thunder, make a thundering sound
VNEN ăn chặn * to extort, squeeze, make money dishonestly *
VNEN ăn lãi * to make, earn a profit *
VNEN ăn tươi nuốt sống * to make mincemeat of somebody, wipe the floor with somebody *
VNEN đi giải * make water, urinate *
VNEN đi rỏn * to make one’s rounds *
VNEN đi theo vết xe đổ * to make mistakes, follow the wrong path *
VNEN điều chế * to make up, prepare *
VNEN điều trần * to (make a) report, show in detail *
VNEN điểm báo * to make a press round-up or press review *
VNEN đoán chừng * to make a guess, surmise, infer *
VNEN đoán già * make a positive affirmation on uncertain grounds *
VNEN đoán già đoán non * to make a wild guess, guess wildly *
VNEN đoán mò * to make a wild guess *
VNEN đoán trúng mom * to make a right guess at someone’s ulterior motive *
VNEN đàn tràng * makeshift platform (for worshipping Buddha) *
VNEN đánh bạn * to make friend *
VNEN đánh bạn với ai * to make friends with someone *
VNEN đánh bẩn * to soil, make dirty *
VNEN đánh ghen * to make a scene of jealousy *
VNEN đánh luống * make beds (for growing vegetables) *
VNEN đáp nhẹ xuống * to make a soft landing *
VNEN đâm lủng * to puncture, stab, make holes in *
VNEN đón tay * make a visiting present to a child of *
VNEN đùa nhả nhớt * to make too familiar jokes *
VNEN đơm đặt * fabricate, invent, make up (a story) *
VNEN đưa ra lời xin lỗi công chúng * to make a public apology *
VNEN đưa tình * to ogle, make eyes (at) *
VNEN đạt tiến bộ * to make progress *
VNEN đấu thầu * to bid for, contract, put in (make) a tender *
VNEN đầu cua tai nheo * cock-and-bull (story), nonsense, make *
VNEN đặt cọc * advance security money; to make a down-payment *
VNEN đặt hàng * place an order-make (pay, leave) a deposit *
VNEN đặt trước * (pre)defined; to make a deposit, down-payment, reservation *
VNEN đền * (1) to compensate for, return, make up for
(2) temple
VNEN để khi khác * make it another time, some other time (declining an invitation) *
VNEN để rõ ràng hơn * to make something clearer, clarify *
VNEN định chí * decide, make up one’s mind *
VNEN định liệu * make arrangements for *
VNEN đồng hóa * to put in the same category, make no distinction between *
VNEN độ thân * to earn, make a living *
VNEN đột phá * to make a sudden attack on, make a breakthrough *
VNEN đụng chạm xác thịt * to make physical contact, touch (sb) *
VNEN ải * (1) to defile, pass
(2) to mould, mildew, disintegrate, rot; rotten
(3) to hang
(4) pass (mountain)
(5) trial, ordeal, obstacle, hurdle
(6) to make loose, aerate (soil)
VNEN ỏm * make a noise, raise a din *
VNEN ụa khan * to make efforts to vomit, retch *
VNEN hẹp lại * to make narrow, to begin to close *

GNOT: to make Existentia • existence, non-existence
GNOT: to (make) wet Qualitative • moisture
GNOT: to make something better Qualitative • correctness/incorrectness
SNOT: to make Daily life • at home
SNOT: to make Free time, entertainment • intellectual and artistic pursuits
SNOT: to make an appointment Relations with other people • invitations

A1 make (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: làm make
OXF3000N làm chế tạo sự chế tạo make

OTOP: make * Health Recovering from illness
OTOP: make * Travel and tourism The car industry

BNC6000 : make [ Rank: 5964 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : make [ Rank: 46 ] v 👪

OPD : Make progress. Succeeding in School
OPD : make small talk Everyday Conversation
OPD : make lunch Daily Routines
OPD : cook dinner , make dinner Daily Routines
OPD : Make an offer. Finding a Home
OPD : Make a mortgage payment. Finding a Home
OPD : coffeemaker A Kitchen
OPD : make the bed Housework
OPD : dressmaker Making Alterations
OPD : dressmaker's dummy Making Alterations
OPD : Makeup Personal Hygiene
OPD : makeup remover Personal Hygiene
OPD : Make a deposit. The Bank
OPD : Make a disaster kit. Emergency Procedures
OPD : homemaker Jobs and Occupations H-P
OPD : make furniture Job Skills
OPD : make copies Office Skills
OPD : Make eye contact. Interview Skills
OPD : make a wish A Birthday party

FN: make someone's acquaintance
FN: make n Type
FN: make v Causation
FN: make v Building
FN: make v Arriving
FN: make v Cooking_creation
FN: make v Intentionally_create
FN: make v Self_motion
FN: make v Manufacturing
FN: make v Cause_change
FN: make v Earnings_and_losses
FN: make v Creating

VSLW123 quẹo ☊ (S) to make a turn vsl1
VSLW123 làm quen ☊ (S) to acquaint, to make an acquaintance vsl3
VSLW123 nhầm ☊ (S) to make an error vsl3
VSLW123 người đẹp vì lụa ☊ (S) fine feather makes a nice bird vsl3
VSLW123 sản xuất ☊ (S) produce,to manufacture, to make, to yield vsl3
VSLW 45 ... làm tôi hơi ngạc nhiên ☊ (S) ... makes me a little surprised [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 đặt câu hỏi ☊ (S) to make questions [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 bù đắp ☊ (S) to make up for, to compensate for, offset [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nhà hoạch định ☊ (S) maker, planner [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 buột miệng ☊ (S) to make a slip of the tongue [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 giậm chân tại chỗ ☊ (S) to walk on the pot (lit.), to make no progress (fig.) [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 dốc tâm dốc lực ☊ (S) to make every effort to do something [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 san bằng ☊ (S) to make even, to level [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 đầu sẽ xuôi và đuôi sẽ lọt ☊ (S) a good beginning makes a good ending [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 mai mối ☊ (S) match make [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Tôi làm cô ấy cười. I make her smile. Verbs 1
DUOS Sự thân thiện của quốc gia này làm tôi hạnh phúc. The friendliness of this country makes me happy. Nominalization
DUOS Một khi tôi yêu một ai đó, tôi sẽ làm anh ấy hạnh phúc. Once I love someone, I will make him happy. Conjunctions 2
DUOS Bố của tôi luôn ủng hộ tôi. Việc đó làm chúng tôi hạnh phúc. My dad always supports me. That makes us happy. Relative Clauses
DUOS Cô ấy cười với tôi và điều đó làm tôi hạnh phúc. She smiles at me and that makes me happy. Relative Clauses
DUOS Con mèo của tôi đang ngủ. Điều đó làm tôi cười. M y cat is sleeping. That makes me smile. Relative Clauses
DUOS Chúng tôi không muốn làm bạn sợ. We do not want to make you afraid. Adjectives 2
DUOS Bạn cần có nhiều sự cố gắng hơn cho lần tới. You need to make more efforts next time. Abstract Objects 2
DUOS Thầy bói nói chúng tôi phải cúng thường xuyên. The fortune teller says we must make offerings usually. Paranormality
DUOS cúng make offerings Paranormality
DUOS Anh ấy làm mọi thứ một cách chậm chạp. He makes everything slowly. Reduplicative Words
DUOS Bài diễn văn vớ vẩn của bạn làm tôi cười. Your nonsensical speech makes me laugh. Reduplicative Words
DUOS Lá thư của cô ấy làm tôi ngẩn ngơ. Her letter makes me astounded. Reduplicative Words
DUOS Bạn làm tôi chờ dài cổ! You make me wait for a very long time. Informal Expressions

50L Xin bạn hãy tự nhiên. * Make yourself comfortable! 022
50L Tôi vẫn có nhiều lỗi lắm. * I still make many mistakes. 025
50L Xin lỗi nhé, ngày mai tôi không rảnh rỗi. * I’m sorry, I can’t make it tomorrow. 026
50L Tôi gọi điện thoại ở đâu được? * Where can I make a call? 041
50L Tôi có thể gọi điện thoại ở đâu? * Where can I make a call? 061
50L Sáu tháng là nửa năm. * Six months make half a year. 063
50L Mười hai tháng là một năm. * Twelve months make a year. 063
50L Tôi muốn gọi điện thoại. * I want to make a call. 071
50L Các bạn ấy muốn gọi điện thoại. * They want to make a call. 072
50L Tôi bây giờ gọi điện thoại nhanh được không? * May I just make a call? 075
50L Gọi điện thoại * to make a call 085
50L Bạn đã hẹn với ai? * With whom did you make an appointment? 087
50L Tôi đã muốn gọi điện thoại. * I just wanted to make a call. 089
50L Tôi đã được phép ước điều gì đó. * I was allowed to make a wish. 090