like: mồm
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN mồm * mouth *

all words:
VNEN bớt mồm * to talk less *
VNEN câm mồm * to keep quiet, keep one’s mouth shut, shut up, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN cùm mồm * to muzzle, gag, silence *
VNEN dẻo mồm * glib, talkative *
VNEN giữ mồm giữ miệng * to think twice about speaking *
VNEN há mồm * mouth open, open mouthed; to open one’s mouth *
VNEN hôi mồm * have a bad (strong) breath, suffer from *
VNEN hếch mồm * to gape *
VNEN hệch mồm * open one’s mouth, agape *
VNEN im mồm * shut your mouth! cut your cackle! shut up! *
VNEN khéo mồm * clever in one’s words, smooth-tongued, well-spoken *
VNEN lúc nào mồm cũng nặc mùi rượi * to be always reeking of alcohol *
VNEN lỡ mồm * to make a slip of the tongue *
VNEN miệng mồm * mouth *
VNEN mồm * mouth *
VNEN mồm miệng * mouth, tongue *
VNEN mồm mép * tongue, gift of the gad *
VNEN mồm rêu rao * to pay lip service *
VNEN ngượng mồm * to feel too awkward (embarrassed) to speak *
VNEN nói luôn mồm * to talk incessantly, monopolize the conversation *
VNEN nỏ mồm * protest loudly, talk loudly *
VNEN quai mồm * drawl loud-mouthedly *
VNEN thằng to mồm * loudmouth (person) *
VNEN to mồm * loudmouthed *
VNEN tàu há mồm * landing craft *
VNEN tầu há mồm * landing ship *

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