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VNEN mắm * salted fish *

all words:
VNEN cá mắm * salted fish *
VNEN liệu cơm gắp mắm * to live within one’s means *
VNEN mùi nước mắm * smell of fish sauce, odor of fish sauce *
VNEN mắm * salted fish *
VNEN mắm nêm * a type of fish sauce, made from small fish or small shrimps *
VNEN mắm ruốc * shrimp paste *
VNEN mắm tôm * shrimp paste *
VNEN nước mắm * fish sauce *
VNEN thêm mắm thêm muối * to enliven, season *

VSLW 45 nước mắm ☊ (S) fish sauce [ Topic Reading ]

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