like: loss
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN Hoa * (1) China
(2) flower, blossom
VNEN ban long * jelly (glue) made from antlers; megalossaur *
VNEN bán lỗ * to sacrifice, sell at a loss or disadvantage, bargain away *
VNEN bông * (1) cotton
(2) flower, blossom, [CL for flowers]
(3) coupon
(4) to joke, jest, kid around
VNEN bù hao * compensate for a loss, make up for a loss *
VNEN bù lỗ * in compensation for losses *
VNEN bồi thường thiệt hại * to compensate for loss, damage *
VNEN cay cú * revengeful and bent on recoup one’s losses (like a bad loser), con *
VNEN cho qua * to let pass, gloss over, ignore *
VNEN chải tóc mượt * to comb one’s hair glossy *
VNEN chớm nở * to blossom, bloom *
VNEN cuống quít * to be at a loss, not know what to say, lose one’s head *
VNEN có nước da nuột nà * glossy and fair-complexioned *
VNEN dẫn giải * gloss, insert glosses in *
VNEN hoa * (1) flower, blossom, bloom
(2) earring
(3) smallpox
(4) to wave, gesticulate
(5) Chinese
VNEN hoa anh đào * cherry blossom *
VNEN hoa mai * apricot blossom *
VNEN hoa đào * peach blossom *
VNEN hoàng mai * yellow apricot blossom *
VNEN hơn thiệt * pros and cons, gain and loss *
VNEN hư hao * suffer some damage and loss; to waste, pollute *
VNEN khai hoa kết quả * blossom and bear fruit, be successful *
VNEN khó nghĩ * be at a loss *
VNEN khảo thích * research into and make glosses on. *
VNEN khổng lồ * huge, giant, tremendous, colossal *
VNEN làm mất * to lose, cause the loss of *
VNEN láng * glossy, smooth *
VNEN lấp liếm * to gloss over *
VNEN lỗ * loss (in business); hole *
VNEN lỗ lãi * losses and profits *
VNEN lời lỗ * profit and loss, gains and losses *
VNEN lụa óng * glossy silk *
VNEN mưu hại * attempt (to harm), loss *
VNEN mượt * glossy *
VNEN mất mát * loss; to lose *
VNEN mất trắng * complete loss, dead loss; completely *
VNEN mặt bàn nhẵn bóng * a glossy table top *
VNEN ngữ vị * morpheme, moneme, glosseme *
VNEN ngữ vị học * glossematics *
VNEN nháng * shiny, glossy *
VNEN nhẵn bóng * glossy, smooth and shiny *
VNEN nuột * glossy and fair *
VNEN nẩy lộc * to bud, blossom, sprout *
VNEN nở * (1) to develop, blossom, open up
(2) to hatch
(3) rise, expand
VNEN nở rộ * to blossom fully, flourish *
VNEN quyến * glossy black silk gauze *
VNEN sa sẩy * to suffer loss, waste *
VNEN sồi * floss, floss silk oak *
VNEN sự mất * a loss *
VNEN sự thiệt hại * loss, damage *
VNEN thiệt * (1) to lose, suffer loss
(2) tongue
(3) [=thật] true, real
VNEN thiệt hại * loss; to damage, harm, lose *
VNEN thiệt hại hậu quả * consequential loss *
VNEN thiệt hại tài sản * property loss, damage *
VNEN thua lỗ * to lose, fail (in business); loss *
VNEN thua lỗ nặng * heavy loss *
VNEN thua thiệt * to suffer a loss, injury *
VNEN thảm bại * defeat, loss *
VNEN thất * (1) loss
(2) seven; house, wife
VNEN thất thoát * loss (financial) *
VNEN trỗ * sprout, shoot, flower, blossom *
VNEN tần ngần * stunned and at a loss *
VNEN tổn thất * to lose; loss *
VNEN tổn thất hậu quả * consequential loss *
VNEN tổn thất nhân mạng * loss of life, deaths, casualties *
VNEN tự vựng * glossary, lexicon, dictionary *
VNEN tự điển * glossary, lexicon *
VNEN vĩ đại * great, large, tremendous, colossal, huge, big, imposing *
VNEN xót ruột * to suffer (because of loss, waste) *
VNEN óng * glossy, sleek, shining, brilliant *
VNEN óng mượt * glossy and velvety *
VNEN đâm bông * flower, bloom; to flower, blossom *
VNEN đâm chồi * bud; to bud, blossom, sprout *
VNEN được thua * gain or loss, result *

B2 loss (n.)

OXF3000: sự mất loss
OXF3000N sự mất sự thua loss

OTOP: loss * Business Running a business
OTOP: loss * Business Economy

BNC6000 : loss [ Rank: 663 ] n 👪

Verlust loss tổn thất ☊ (N) Abstrakta

OPD : floss ... Teeth Personal Hygiene
OPD : dental floss Personal Hygiene
OPD : hearing loss Taking Care of Your Health

FN: loss n Finish_competition
FN: loss n Earnings_and_losses

VSLW123 lỗ ☊ (S) losses vsl3
VSLW123 lỗ ☊ (S) losses vsl3
VSLW 45 thua lỗ ☊ (S) to lose, loss [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 thất thoát ☊ (S) loss [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 làm ăn bê bết ☊ (S) operating at a loss [ Advanced Reading ]