like: leo
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VNEN leo * to climb, creep *

all words:
VNEN cho leo cây * to keep someone hanging, waiting *
VNEN cây leo * climbing plant, creeper, climber *
VNEN dây leo * liana, creeper *
VNEN dưa leo * cucumber *
VNEN leo * to climb, creep *
VNEN leo cây * to climb a tree *
VNEN leo cầu thang * to climb stairs *
VNEN leo giường * to climb into bed *
VNEN leo kheo * tall and thin, lanky *
VNEN leo lét * to flicker, burn unsteadily *
VNEN leo lên * to climb up *
VNEN leo lên giường * to climb into bed *
VNEN leo ra ngoài * to climb outside *
VNEN leo thang * to escalate *
VNEN leo trèo * to climb *
VNEN leo vào * to climb into *
VNEN leo xuống * to climb down *
VNEN nói leo * cut into the grow-ups’ conversation, interrupt adults or superiors *
VNEN sự leo thang * escalation *
VNEN trèo leo * to climb *

OXF3000: leo climb
OXF3000: leo climbing
OXF3000N sự leo trèo climbing
OXF3000D: leo climb klettern

VSLW123 leo ☊ (S) to climb, to creep up vsl3
VSLW123 leo cao ☊ (S) to climb high vsl3
VSLW 45 leo thang ☊ (S) to escalate [ Basic Reading ]

DUOS Tôi bị cho leo cây. I get stood up Informal Expressions

SYL leo SYL lèo SYL lẻo SYL lẽo SYL léo SYL lẹo