like: leave
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all words:
VNEN an cư * to leave in peace *
VNEN biệt tích * to not leave any traces *
VNEN bái biệt * to take one’s leave *
VNEN bán xới * to leave one’s native country (for good) *
VNEN bê bối * to leave things undone, be disorderly or sloppy *
VNEN bê trễ * to leave undone, neglect; tardy *
VNEN bỏ * (1) to leave, quit, abandon (a policy), drop, divorce
(2) to insert, put, invest (into)
VNEN bỏ bê * to abandon, let go, leave unfinished *
VNEN bỏ bừa * to leave in disorder, in disarray *
VNEN bỏ chồng * to leave one’s husband *
VNEN bỏ dở * to leave something unfinished *
VNEN bỏ mạng * to die (leave this life) *
VNEN bỏ một mình * to leave alone, by oneself *
VNEN bỏ mứa * to leave (food) unfinished *
VNEN bỏ ngỏ * to leave open (door or window) *
VNEN bỏ nhà * to leave home *
VNEN bỏ quê hương * to leave one’s country, leave one’s homeland *
VNEN bỏ quên * to leave behind, forget *
VNEN bỏ sót * to leave out, omit *
VNEN bỏ sở * to leave the office *
VNEN bỏ trống * to leave blank, empty *
VNEN bỏ vạ bỏ vật * to leave something lying around *
VNEN bỏ về * to leave and go home *
VNEN bỏ đi * to leave, leave out *
VNEN bỏ đất nước * to leave one’s country *
VNEN bổ * (1) to hit, split, cleave, open (a fruit)
(2) nutritious, nourishing
(3) to add, complement, supplement
(4) to appoint, name
VNEN chia tay * to depart, leave, wish farewell *
VNEN chè * tea (leaves); tea (the beverage); kind of desert *
VNEN chè tươi * concoction of green tea leaves, fresh tea, tea, made with fresh tea *
VNEN cuốn gói * to clear out, pack up and go, leave *
VNEN cành lá * branches and leaves, foliage *
VNEN cáo biệt * to take leave, say goodbye *
VNEN cáo lui * to ask permission, take leave *
VNEN cáo từ * to say goodbye, take one’s leave *
VNEN cút ra * to leave, get out *
VNEN cút ra khỏi * to leave, get out *
VNEN cút ra khỏi nhà * to leave, get out of the house *
VNEN cỏ ba lá * clover, a three leaved clover *
VNEN dao rựa * cleaver, jungle-knife *
VNEN di * to move to leave behind, crush with feet by rubbing *
VNEN di xú * leave a bad name (reputation) *
VNEN dinh tê * leave for enemy-occupied zones *
VNEN dời chân * leave, go off *
VNEN giã từ * to take leave of *
VNEN giũ áo * leave for good *
VNEN giải nghệ * retire, leave one’s profession *
VNEN gửi * to send, give, entrust, leave in someone’s care *
VNEN hưu dưỡng * sick-leave, be on sick leave *
VNEN khoán trắng * leave (some work) entirely to (someone), give(someone) a blank *
VNEN kệ * (1) shelf
(2) to ignore, leave alone, pay no attention to
VNEN kệ thây * leave somebody alone, so much the worse for *
VNEN ly hương * to leave one’s native land *
VNEN ly khai * dissident; to leave, depart *
VNEN ly khai đảng Cộng sản * to leave the Communist party *
VNEN làm nửa chừng bỏ dở * to leave a job unfinished *
VNEN lá cây đổi màu * the leaves change colors *
VNEN lá lẩu * leaves (in general) *
VNEN lè xè * sound of bird’s wings or leaves *
VNEN lên đường * to depart, set out, start a journey, leave, go away *
VNEN lìa * to leave, part, separate *
VNEN lúc chia tay * upon leaving, upon taking leave *
VNEN lưu danh * to leave a good name *
VNEN lọi * to leave behind, spare *
VNEN mạn phép * permission, leave *
VNEN mảnh cộng * a kind of grass, its leaves may be used to wrap cakes *
VNEN mất hút * to lose sight of somebody, leave no trace, disappear *
VNEN mặc * to leave alone, not care for, ignore; to wear, put on *
VNEN mặc xác * to leave alone, ignore, not to pay attention to *
VNEN nghỉ an dưỡng * to be on convalescent leave *
VNEN nghỉ năm * take one’s annual leave *
VNEN nghỉ phép * to be on leave; vacation *
VNEN nghỉ phép đến ngày kìa * to be on leave until the day after day after tomorrow *
VNEN nghỉ ốm * take one’s sick leave *
VNEN nhất đán bỏ ra đi * to leave one’s home suddenly one day *
VNEN nón bài thơ * hat made of first quality latania leaves *
VNEN phóng sinh * to leave uncared for, neglect, set free (animal) *
VNEN phơi thây * leave one’s mortal remains somewhere *
VNEN phải đi liền * to have to go right away, have to leave immediately *
VNEN phới * leave quickly (a place) *
VNEN ra * to go out, exit, give, issue, emit, leave *
VNEN ra khỏi * from; to go out, exit, leave *
VNEN ra khỏi nhà * to leave home *
VNEN ra khỏi phòng * to leave the room *
VNEN ra trường * to leave school *
VNEN ra viện * leave hospital, be discharged from hospital *
VNEN ra về * to leave (and go home) *
VNEN ra đi * (1) to depart, start, leave
(2) radium
VNEN rau húng * basil, mint leaves *
VNEN rời * to leave, break off, detach *
VNEN rời bỏ * to leave, quit, drop *
VNEN rời bỏ chức vụ * to leave office, give up a function, responsibility *
VNEN rời chức vụ * to leave office, resign one’s position *
VNEN rời ghế nhà trường * to leave school, finish with school *
VNEN rời khu vực * to leave the area *
VNEN rời khỏi * to depart, leave *
VNEN rời nhà * to leave one’s house or home *
VNEN rời nơi làm việc * to leave work *
VNEN rời quê hương * to leave one’s homeland *
VNEN rời đất nước * to leave one’s country *
VNEN rụng * to fall (leaves, flower, fruit, hair) *
VNEN sót * to omit, leave out *
VNEN thoát ly * leave, go away or off *
VNEN thôi việc * to resign one’s job, leave one’s job, resign, stop working *
VNEN tiếng lá sột soạt * the rustle of leaves *
VNEN tuyệt tích * to vanish, leave no trace *
VNEN tàu * (1) ship, boat
(2) stable
(3) China, Chinese
(4) (classifier for big leaves)
VNEN từ * from, since, of; to leave; to turn down; word, expression, vocabulary; temple guard; to renounce, give up *
VNEN từ bỏ * to abandon, renounce, forsake, leave, give up, desert, get off of; renunciation *
VNEN vòm cây * vault of green leaves *
VNEN vùng * (1) region, area
(2) to leave in a hurry
VNEN xin được phép * to ask permission, leave (to do something) *
VNEN xuất biên * to leave a country *
VNEN xuất cảnh * to exit or leave a country *
VNEN xuất gia * to leave one’s home (to become a Buddhist monk or nun) *
VNEN đi biệt * leave forever *
VNEN đi liền * to go right away, leave immediately *
VNEN đoạn tang * go out of mourning, leave off mourning *
VNEN đánh trống bỏ dùi * to leave a work unfinished *
VNEN đón đưa * meet (someone when he arrives) and see him off (when he leaves) *
VNEN đăng trình * set off (on a journey), leave, take the road *
VNEN đặt hàng * place an order-make (pay, leave) a deposit *
VNEN để chỏm * leave a top tuft of hair *
VNEN để của * leave (money or property) to somebody *
VNEN để hở * leave oneself wide open *
VNEN để lại * to leave behind *
VNEN để lại phía sau * to leave behind *
VNEN để mốc * to leave unused *
VNEN để nguyên * to leave alone, leave sth as is *
VNEN để ngỏ * to leave open *
VNEN để tiếng * to leave a bad name *
VNEN để yên * to leave alone *
VNEN kiếu từ * to excuse oneself, take one’s leave *

GNOT: to leave Spatial • motion

A1 leave (v.)

OXF3000: rời khỏi leave

OTOP: leave * Family and life stages Separation
OTOP: leave * Personality and emotio Describing strange traits
OTOP: leave * Work Office life
OTOP: leave * Work Pay and conditions at work

BNC6000 : leave [ Rank: 3727 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : leave [ Rank: 136 ] v 👪

OPD : Leave the room. A Day at School
OPD : leave work Daily Routines
OPD : leave a tip A Restaurant
OPD : Take off. / Leave. An Airport
OPD : leave a message Office Skills
OPD : rake the leaves Landscape and Gardening
OPD : leaves Flowers

FN: leave n Grant_permission
FN: leave n Temporary_leave
FN: leave v Path_shape
FN: leave v Departing
FN: leave v Forming_relationships
FN: leave v Quitting
FN: leave v Abandonment
FN: leave v Causation
FN: leave v Giving

VSLW123 rời ☊ (S) to leave vsl1
VSLW123 nhắn/ nhắn lại ☊ (S) to leave a message vsl2
VSLW123 lá dừa nước ☊ (S) palm leave vsl3
VSLW 45 để lại ☊ (S) to leave [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 độ ướt lá ☊ (S) moist of the leaves [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 gác lại ☊ (S) to leave, to put aside [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 bỏ lọt ☊ (S) to leave out [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 bỏ lọt sót ☊ (S) to leave out and to miss [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Anh có nhắn gì không? Do you (to a male) want to leave a message? vsl2
VSLS Anh có nhắn gì không? Do you (to a male) want to leave any messages? vsl2
VSLS Căng lắm. Không thể đi trễ về sớm như ở công ty cũ được. Very tense. (I) can't arrive late and leave early like at the former company. vsl2

50L Lúc mấy giờ có chuyến tàu hỏa đi Warsawa? * When does the train for Warsaw leave? 035
50L Lúc mấy giờ có chuyến tàu hỏa đi Stockholm? * When does the train for Stockholm leave? 035
50L Lúc mấy giờ có chuyến tàu hỏa đi Budapest? * When does the train for Budapest leave? 035
50L Tàu chạy từ đường ray số mấy? * From which platform does the train leave? 035
50L Bao giờ tàu chạy? * When does the train leave? 036
50L Bạn muốn ngày mai ra đi hả? * Do you want to leave tomorrow? 073
50L Bỏ đi! Bạn hãy bỏ đi! * Leave it! 092