like: itch
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all words:
VNEN Táo quân * Kitchen God *
VNEN buồn mình * to have a desire to do something, have one’s itch *
VNEN bảng chỉnh lưu * switchboard *
VNEN bật * to pluck; to snap, switch on, turn on, burst out, explode, jettison *
VNEN bật đèn * to turn on, switch on a light *
VNEN bẻ ghi * to switch *
VNEN bếp * (1) kitchen, stove
(2) cook
VNEN bỏ bùa * to bewitch, cast a spell on *
VNEN chuyển * to take, transfer, move, transmit, convert, change, pass, shift, switch (over) *
VNEN chuyển gói * packet switching *
VNEN chuyển hoán * to commute; commute, switchover, exchange, conversion *
VNEN chuyển mạch * switching *
VNEN chó cái * female dog, bitch *
VNEN chó đẻ * son of a bitch *
VNEN cái bếp * kitchen *
VNEN cái ghẻ * itch-mite *
VNEN công tắc * switch, contact *
VNEN cầu dao * knife-switch *
VNEN cắm * to plant, pitch *
VNEN cắm lều * to pitch a tent *
VNEN cắt chỉ * to take out stitches *
VNEN dao * knife; switch *
VNEN ghẻ * itch, scabies *
VNEN giật giật * to twitch *
VNEN hoán chuyển * to exchange, switch; to convert *
VNEN hầm chông * blind ditch *
VNEN hầm hố * ditches, trenches *
VNEN hố * ditch, hole, crater, lake, pit, gap *
VNEN khâu vắt * whip-stitch *
VNEN khíu * to stitch temporarily *
VNEN khúc mắc * difficult; hitch, difficulty *
VNEN kim chỉ * needlework, sewing, stitching, needle and thread *
VNEN làu * without a hitch *
VNEN lên giọng * to raise the pitch, up the tone, raise one’s *
VNEN lại mũi * back-stitch *
VNEN ma thuật * magic, wizardry, witchcraft *
VNEN may * (1) to sew, stitch, make clothes
(2) lucky, fortunate
VNEN mách lẻo * to tell tales, sneak, snitch *
VNEN mê mẩn * be bewitched, charmed *
VNEN mương * ditch *
VNEN mương phai * ditches; irrigation, drainage *
VNEN mắt ngứa * itchy eye *
VNEN mịt * very dark, pitch black *
VNEN ngòm * pitch *
VNEN ngắt mạch * switch *
VNEN ngứa * itchy; to itch *
VNEN ngứa miệng * to be itching to speak *
VNEN ngứa ngáy * itching *
VNEN nhà bếp * (1) cook, chef
(2) kitchen
VNEN như diều gặp gió * without meeting any obstacle, without a hitch, smoothly *
VNEN nút điện * switch (electrical) *
VNEN pháp thuật * magic, sorcery, witchcraft *
VNEN phép thuật * magic, sorcery, witchcraft *
VNEN phụ bếp * kitchen maid, kitchen hand *
VNEN roi * (1) whip, switch, rod, cane
(2) (hill) apple
VNEN rộc * small arroyo, small ditch *
VNEN sân bóng * football ground, pitch *
VNEN sân phân phối * switchgear *
VNEN sứt chỉ * to come unstitched *
VNEN thanh * sound, noise, tone, pitch *
VNEN thiết bị đóng cắt * switchgear *
VNEN thằng chó đẻ * son of a bitch *
VNEN tiếng oanh * high-pitched female voice *
VNEN trong nhà bếp * in a kitchen *
VNEN trời tối om * it is pitch dark *
VNEN táo * (1) jujube
(2) constipated
(3) kitchen god
(4) bold, daring
VNEN tắt * (1) to be shortened, abbreviated
(2) to turn off, extinguish, switch off, turn off
(3) to die out, be extinct
VNEN tối mịt * completely dark, pitch black *
VNEN tối như hũ nút * pitch-dark, pitch-black *
VNEN tối như mực * pitch black *
VNEN tối om * pitch-dark, pitch-black *
VNEN tối trời * pitch-dark, pitch-black *
VNEN tối đen * pitch-black, pitch-dark *
VNEN tối đen như mực * it is pitch dark *
VNEN tổng đài * switchboard *
VNEN vai tôi ngứa * my shoulder is itching *
VNEN vá may * to sew and mend, stitch *
VNEN vặn * to screw, turn (on), twist, wind, switch on *
VNEN vọt * (1) rod, switch
(2) to gush forth, squirt out, soar, leap forward, spurt out
VNEN vợt * (1) switch, rod, cane
(2) to gush, pour, leap (out); to pick up to save to pass
VNEN xót * to itch; to pity *
VNEN âm độ * pitch (of a sound) *
VNEN ông công * the lares, kitchen god *
VNEN ông táo * the lares, kitchen god *
VNEN đen ngòm * pitch-black, pitch-dark *
VNEN đen như hũ nút * pitch black *
VNEN đen như mực * black as coal, pitch-black *
VNEN đen thui * coal black, dark black, pitch black, very black *
VNEN đóng điện * power on, switch on *
VNEN đường chỉ * seam, stitch *
VNEN đồ chó đẻ * son of a bitch *
VNEN đồng cốt * witchcraft, sorcery *
VNEN đồng thiếp * witchcraft, sorcery *
VNEN độn tóc * switch *
VNEN đột * (1) sudden, abrupt, unexpected
(2) to sew, stitch up, mend
(3) to pierce, put a hole in (metal)
VNEN ổn * settled, smooth, without a hitch, stable, peaceful *

OPD : kitchen The Home
OPD : light switch A Bedroom
OPD : kitchen timer Kitchen Utensils
OPD : kitchen A Restaurant
OPD : stitches First Aid
OPD : A Restaurant kitchen A Hotel
OPD : pitch Sport Verbs

FN: itch v Perception_body
FN: itch v Desiring
FN: itch v Cause_bodily_experience

VSLW123 nhà bếp ☊ (S) kitchen vsl2
VSLW 45 nhà bếp ☊ (S) kitchen [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 bếp ăn ☊ (S) kitchen [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 chuyển sang ☊ (S) to switch to, to shift, to move [ Basic Reading ]

VSLS Mời bà đi xem tiếp nhà bếp ạ. Please (to a female) continue on to see the kitchen. vsl2
VSLS Nhà bếp thì quá chật, nhà vệ sinh thì quá rộng. The kitchen is too narrow, while the bathroom is too large. vsl2

DUOS bếp1 kitchen Places
DUOS Tôi nghe một âm thanh bất thường từ bếp. I hear an unusual sound from the kitchen. Adjectives 3

50L Ở đây là phòng bếp và phòng tắm. * The kitchen and bathroom are here. 019
50L Bạn có một bộ bếp mới à? * Do you have a new kitchen? 021
50L Có nguy hiểm nếu đi nhờ xe không? * Is it dangerous to hitchhike alone? 039
50L Tôi đã phải tắt đài. * I had to switch off the radio. 084