like: inspect
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN Giám Đạo * General Inspector (Cao Dai) *
VNEN cuộc thanh tra * inspection *
VNEN duyệt * to examine, inspect, review *
VNEN giám sát * to inspect, supervise, oversee; surveillance *
VNEN giám sát viên * inspector, supervisor *
VNEN hệ thống kiểm tra đồng bộ * synchronization inspection system *
VNEN kinh lý * to inspect *
VNEN kiểm toán viên * inspector of accounts, examiner of accounts *
VNEN kiểm tra * to control, inspect, examine, check *
VNEN kiểm tra cẩn thận * to inspect carefully *
VNEN quyền tiếp cận * right to inspection *
VNEN sự giám sát * inspection, supervision *
VNEN thanh sát * to inspect; inspection *
VNEN thanh sát viên * inspector *
VNEN thanh tra * to inspect, audit, oversee; inspection, inspector *
VNEN thanh tra xây dựng * building inspector *
VNEN thẩm sát * examine, inspect, survey *
VNEN thẩm xét * examine, inspect, survey, investigate, explore *
VNEN thị sát * to inspect *
VNEN tuần thú * imperial inspection *
VNEN tổng kiểm tra * check, inspection, checksum *
VNEN tổng thanh tra * general inspector, inspector general *
VNEN việc giám sát * inspection, supervision *
VNEN xem xét * to examine, consider, inspect *
VNEN điểm binh * to review, inspect troops *
VNEN đô sát * court inspector *

BNC6000 : inspect [ Rank: 4504 ] v 👪

OPD : Inspect utilities. Emergency Procedures

FN: inspect v Inspecting

VSLW 45 kiểm tra ☊ (S) to inspect, to check [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 thanh tra ☊ (S) to inspect, inspector [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 kiểm nghiệm ☊ (S) to inspect, to test (for quality of commodity) [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 chuyến thị sát ☊ (S) inspection trip [ Advanced Reading ]