like: help
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hựu hựu giúp help
phụ phụ giúp help
thừa thừa giúp help

all words:
VNEN bang * (1) state, country, nation
(2) to help, protect, assist
VNEN bang trợ * to aid, help, assist *
VNEN bó tay * to have one’s hands tied, be helpless *
VNEN bù trì * to foster, bring up carefully, help wholeheartedly *
VNEN * (1) butter
(2) shameless; to ignore
(3) helpless
VNEN bơ vơ * abandoned, helpless, friendless, forsaken *
VNEN bảo trợ * to protect, aide, help, assist, patronize, sponsor *
VNEN bấn * to be short, lacking (of help, money) *
VNEN bất lực * incapable, incompetent, ineffective, impotent, powerless, helpless; impotence *
VNEN bần cùng * (1) poverty; poor, needy, destitute
(2) only when one cannot help it, only as a last resort
VNEN bợ vơ * to be abandoned, helpless, friendless (in a strange place) *
VNEN bợ đỡ * to help, aide, assist; to flatter *
VNEN chầm vập * friendly, show willingness to help *
VNEN chẩn * (1) to examine, treat
(2) to help (the needy)
VNEN chẳng thấm vào đâu * be no help *
VNEN chị ngã em nâng * mutual help between brothers and sisters *
VNEN chịu bó tay * resigned, helpless *
VNEN chịu vậy * can’t be helped *
VNEN con đỏ * newly-born baby-helpless member of the people *
VNEN cui cút * alone and helpless *
VNEN cung đốn * render financial assistance, give help *
VNEN cô thế * alone and helpless *
VNEN cưu * (1) to support, help, aid
(2) pigeon, turtledove
VNEN cười sặc sụa * to laugh oneself helpless *
VNEN cầu cứu * to ask for help, seek help *
VNEN cứu bần * to help the poor, help the needy *
VNEN cứu cơ * to help the poor, render assistance, lend support *
VNEN cứu giúp * to help, aid *
VNEN cứu trợ * aid, assistance; to aid, help, assist, relieve *
VNEN dùm * to help (for) *
VNEN giao hiếu * exchange visitors, exchange helper *
VNEN giùm * for, as a help to; to help *
VNEN giúp * to help, aid, assist *
VNEN giúp công * to help with work *
VNEN giúp sức * to help, assist *
VNEN giúp đỡ * to help, assist *
VNEN giúp đỡ lẫn nhau * to help each other *
VNEN giúp đỡ nhau * to help each other *
VNEN giúp đỡ tài chánh * financial help, assistance *
VNEN giải vây * raise a siege, raise the encirclement-help out of danger, put out of *
VNEN hiệp trợ * join forces and help each other *
VNEN hô hoán * to shout, cry out, yell (for help) *
VNEN hổ trợ * to help (each other) *
VNEN hỗ trợ * to support, help (one another); help, support; aid, assistance; mutual *
VNEN hỗ trợ bạn * to help one’s friends *
VNEN hộ * in place of, for; to help, assist *
VNEN hộ trì * to help, assist *
VNEN khuông phù * help, assist, aid (a dynasty) *
VNEN khái * tiger; too proud to accept other’s help *
VNEN không giúp ích được gì * to be of no help, be unhelpful *
VNEN không khỏi * cannot help *
VNEN khỏi * (1) to avoid, escape from, not help but (do sth)
(2) to recover (from illness)
VNEN khỏi cần * can’t help but *
VNEN khỏi phải * to can’t help but, can’t avoid, not need to *
VNEN kinh bang tế thế * govern the state and help humanity *
VNEN kêu cứu * to call for help *
VNEN la làng * to call for help *
VNEN la trời * cry to god for mercy (for help) *
VNEN lạy trời lạy đất * (exclamation asking for assistance), god help, heaven help *
VNEN người làm * servant, domestic help, staff member, employee *
VNEN người ở * servant, domestic help *
VNEN nhờ vả * to depend on (somebody) for help, resort to *
VNEN nâng đỡ * to support, help, assist *
VNEN nương cậy * depend on (somebody) for help *
VNEN phù hộ độ trì * (of god) protect and help *
VNEN phù trì * to assist, help *
VNEN phụ * to help, assist, aid; secondary, attached, assistant, auxiliary *
VNEN phụ giúp * to help, assist, aid *
VNEN phụ đạo * give extra-class help *
VNEN phục vụ * to serve, help, assist; service *
VNEN sự giúp đỡ * help, assistance *
VNEN sự hỗ trợ * help, support; aid, assistance *
VNEN sự trợ giúp * help, assistance, aide *
VNEN thì thôi * if that’s the case, then it can’t be helped (there’s nothing one can do) *
VNEN thế thì thôi * if that’s the case, then it can’t be helped (there’s nothing one can do) *
VNEN thừa * (1) left over, superfluous, extra
(2) to take advantage of
(3) to inherit
(4) to receive (from above)
(5) to take charge
(6) to help, assist
VNEN tiếp cứu * to help, relieve, succor, lend a helping hand to *
VNEN tiếp tay * to help, assist, lend a hand; help, assistance *
VNEN tiếp tay với * to help, assist, lend a hand *
VNEN truy hô * to chase and shout for help *
VNEN trợ * to help *
VNEN trợ giúp * to help *
VNEN trợ lý * assistant; to help, assist *
VNEN trợ lực * to help, aide, assist *
VNEN trợ thủ * assistant, helper, supporter *
VNEN tán * (1) to flatter, court, flirt
(2) to help, aid, assist
(3) to crush, grind, pulverize
(4) loose, scattered
(5) parasol, umbrella, shade
VNEN tình nguyện giúp sức * to offer help, assistance *
VNEN tư cấp * aid, help, furnish, supply, stock, subsidize, make a grant to *
VNEN tư trợ * succour, assist, help, relieve *
VNEN tế * to help, assist; to run (ride at full gallop); to sacrifice, worship *
VNEN tế bần * to assist the poor, help the poor *
VNEN tế thế * to help the world, save the world *
VNEN tự lực tự cường * self-help for self-improvement *
VNEN tự trợ luận * self help *
VNEN viện trợ * to aide, help; aide, assistance, help *
VNEN viện trợ cho Vietnamese * to help VN *
VNEN vùa * (informal) aid, help, assist *
VNEN vùa giúp * assist, help, relieve *
VNEN với sự cộng tác của * with the help, cooperation of *
VNEN với sự giúp đỡ * with the help of *
VNEN với sự giúp đỡ của * with the help of *
VNEN ám trợ * to aid secretly, give secret help to somebody *
VNEN đổi công * mutual help (a kind of low-level co-operative) *
VNEN đỡ * to help, assist (by assuming burden), parry, ward off, turn aside, prop, hold up, relieve *
VNEN đỡ dậy * help (somebody) stand up (sit up) *
VNEN đỡ đần * to help, assist *
VNEN ứng viện * to respond to a call for help, aid *

GNOT: helpful Qualitative • utility, inutility
SNOT: help-yourself Food and drink • eating and drinking out
SNOT: to help Services • garage

A1 help (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: giúp help

BNC6000 : help [ Rank: 873 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : help [ Rank: 233 ] v 👪

Hilfe help sự trợ giúp ☊ (N) Abstrakta

OPD : Help a classmate. Studying
OPD : Ask for help. Succeeding in School
OPD : Help with Health problems Taking Care of Your Health
OPD : Help people with disabilities. Emergency Procedures
OPD : look for help wanted signs Job Search

FN: help n Assistance
FN: help v Assistance
FN: help v Self_control

VSLW123 giúp ☊ (S) to help vsl1
VSLW 45 Xin giúp tôi. ☊ (S) Please help me. [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 giúp ☊ (S) to help [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 có lợi ☊ (S) helpful [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 trợ giúp ☊ (S) to assist, to help [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 có ích ☊ (S) helpful, useful [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 bất lực ☊ (S) helpless [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Dạ, xin lỗi, anh làm ơn cho hỏi: Chợ Nancy có gần đây không ạ? Excuse me, could you (to a male) help me: Is the Nancy Market nearby? vsl1
VSLS Chào ông. Ông cần gì ạ? Hello( to a male). May I help you? (Lit: What would you like?) vsl2
VSLS Dạ, chào bà. Bà cần gì ạ? Hello (to a female). May I help you? vsl2

DUOS Cứ tự nhiên. Help yourself! Common Phrases
DUOS Làm ơn cứ tự nhiên. Please help yourself. Common Phrases
DUOS Đứa trẻ giúp người phụ nữ. The child helps the woman. Verbs 1
DUOS Tôi giúp đỡ đứa trẻ bơi. I help the kid swim. Verbs 1
DUOS Anh ấy giúp đỡ tôi tìm con heo. He helps me to find the pig. Verbs 1
DUOS Chúng tôi giúp người đàn ông nghèo. We help the poor man. Adjectives 1
DUOS Họ ủng hộ tôi, nên họ giúp đỡ tôi. They support me, so they help me. Conjunctions
DUOS Anh ấy giúp đỡ tôi trước khi tôigiúp đỡ anh ấy. He helps me before I help him. Prepositions 1
DUOS Sorry, can you help me? I am lost.
DUOS Các kỹ sư không cần chúng tôi giúp đỡ. The engineers do not need us to help. Jobs 1
DUOS Giúp! Tôi bị lạc! Help! I am lost! Common Phrases 3
DUOS Sự toàn cầu hoá giúp du lịch trở nên đơn giản. Globalization helps travel to become simple. Economics
DUOS Bệnh viện này có một quỹ đặc biệt để giúp những người nghèo. This hospital has a special fund to help poor people. Economics
DUOS Họ muốn giúp những đứa trẻ mồ côi. They want to help the orphaned children. Adjectives 3
DUOS Gia đình và trường giúp một đứa trẻ hình thành tính cách. Family and school help a child to form personality. Verbs 5

50L Chúng tôi cần sự giúp đỡ. * We need help. 041
50L Bạn giúp tôi được không? * Can you help me? 042
50L Bạn đã giúp đỡ ai? * Who did you help? 088