like: heat
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Advanced Level


VNEN nhiệt * heat *
VNEN sức nóng * heat *

all words:
VNEN ban hát * theater group *
VNEN ban kịch * theater troupe, theatrical group *
VNEN buôn gian bán lận * to cheat in commerce, traffic *
VNEN buồi hát * theatrical performance, show *
VNEN bị lừa * to be cheated, deceived, swindled *
VNEN bịp * to bluff, cheat *
VNEN bội * (1) to violate, break
(2) to double, multiply
(3) opera, classical theater
VNEN bột mì * wheat flour *
VNEN bột mì lức * whole wheat flour *
VNEN ca kịch * play, theater *
VNEN chất dẫn nhiệt * heat-conducting substance *
VNEN chịu nhiệt * impervious to heat, refractory, heatproof *
VNEN coi hát * to go to the theater *
VNEN cá nheo * mudfish, sheatfish *
VNEN cách nhiệt * heat shield (e.g. on the space shuttle) *
VNEN cái nóng ngốt người * stifling heat *
VNEN cóp * to copy, cheat *
VNEN cờ gian bạc lận * to cheat in gambling *
VNEN cỡn * rut, (of female) be in heat *
VNEN dưới sức nóng 120 độ F * in 120F heat *
VNEN dẫn nhiệt * to conduct heat *
VNEN dối * to lie, cheat *
VNEN gay * tense, tough, hard, heated *
VNEN gay gắt * blazing hot, heated, severe, sharp, critical *
VNEN gian lận * to cheat, swindle, defraud *
VNEN giải nhiệt * antipyretic, heat-relieving *
VNEN giảng đường * auditorium, amphitheater, lecture room *
VNEN gánh hát * troupe, theatre company *
VNEN gạt * (1) to cheat, dupe, trick, deceive, beguile
(2) to reject, turn aside
VNEN gạt gẫm * swindle, cheat *
VNEN hát cải lương * modern theatre, modernized theatre *
VNEN hí cuộc * theater, place of entertainment *
VNEN hí trường * theater, stage *
VNEN hí viện * theater, playhouse *
VNEN hạ thử * summer heat *
VNEN hạt lúa mì * grain of wheat pip, seed *
VNEN khai diễn * start (theatrical performance) *
VNEN khoang nhạc * orchestra pit, pit(in a theatre) *
VNEN kinh kịch * Chinese opera theatre *
VNEN kiều mạch * buckwheat *
VNEN kịch bản * play (theatrical), scenario *
VNEN kịch hát * theatre, music, entertainment world *
VNEN kịch tính * theatricality, dramatics *
VNEN làm việc cầm chừng * to do a half-heated job *
VNEN lúa mì * wheat *
VNEN lúa mạch * buckwheat, barley, oats *
VNEN lăng * (1) sheat-fish
(2) mound, hillock, imperial tomb
(3) angle
(4) to insult, offend, invade
VNEN lường gạt * to deceive, fool, dupe, cheat, swindle *
VNEN lận * (1) to cheat, deceive
(2) be stingy
VNEN lật lẹo * to cheat, swindle, be crooked *
VNEN lật lọng * to cheat, swindle, be crooked *
VNEN lộn sòng * swindle, cheat *
VNEN lừa * (1) donkey
(2) to cheat, swindle, deceive
VNEN miến * (1) glass noodles, long rice
(2) wheat noodles
VNEN mo * (1) sheath, (2) sorcerer *
VNEN mo cau * sheath, spathe (of areca tree) *
VNEN mo nang * cataphyll (of bamboo), sheath of bamboo shoot *
VNEN nguồn phát nhiệt * a source of heat *
VNEN nhiệt * heat *
VNEN nhiệt liệu pháp * deep-heat treatment, thermotherapy *
VNEN nhiệt làm nước bay thành hơi * heat evaporates water into steam *
VNEN nhiệt phản ứng * chemical reaction heat *
VNEN nhiệt đông đặc * condensation heat *
VNEN nhiệt độ * temperature, degree of heat *
VNEN nhà hát * theater, playhouse *
VNEN nung cho nóng chảy ra * to heat (something) to the melting-point *
VNEN nung nấu * to heat *
VNEN nèo bạn đi xem hát * to drag one’s friend to the theatre *
VNEN nóng bức * to be hot, stifling; sweltering heat *
VNEN nóng ra * to get hot, heat up *
VNEN nắng ác * blistering heat; blisteringly, swelteringly hot *
VNEN phim xi nê * movie (in a theater) *
VNEN phường tuồng * group of singers, choir, theatrical *
VNEN phỉnh gạt * to cheat, deceive, dupe *
VNEN que đun nước * submersion heater *
VNEN quá nhiệt * overheated *
VNEN rạp * tent, booth flat on the ground, theater *
VNEN rạp chiếu bóng * movie theater, cinema *
VNEN rạp chớp bóng * movie theater *
VNEN rạp chớp ảnh * movie theater *
VNEN rạp hát * theater *
VNEN rạp hát bóng * movie theater *
VNEN sức nóng * heat *
VNEN thao * (1) raw silk, silk tassle
(2) sheath
(3) to hold tight, squeeze, clasp
(4) to exercise, drill
VNEN tháu cáy * to bluff, cheat, trick *
VNEN thân nhiệt * blood heat, body temperature *
VNEN thấu nhiệt * conduction of heat *
VNEN thời tiết ngột ngạt * stifling heat, weather *
VNEN tia nóng * heat ray *
VNEN tiểu mạch * corn, wheat *
VNEN tranh cãi gay gắt * heated debate *
VNEN truyền nhiệt * to transfer heat *
VNEN trốn nắng * to get away from the summer heat *
VNEN tỉ nhiệt * specific heat *
VNEN tỏa nhiệt * to spread or radiate heat *
VNEN vỏ * shell, skin, exterior, bark, crust, peel, husk, sheath; tire *
VNEN vỏ gươm * sheath, scabbard *
VNEN xem hát * to go to the theatre *
VNEN xà xẻo * worm out, extract (money), rake off, cheat cut, squeeze *
VNEN xảo hoạt * false, untrue, cheating, deceitful, two-faced, misleading *
VNEN xập xí xập ngầu * cheat, cheating *
VNEN áo gió * wind-breaker, wind-cheater, lumber-jacket, blouson, anorak *
VNEN ông bầu * manager (theater) *
VNEN ăn gian * to cheat *
VNEN ăn lận * to cheat *
VNEN đun * to heat, boil, warm to push, shove *
VNEN đại bịp * deceiver, cheat, fraud, trickster, arrant knave, arch-rogue *
VNEN đại thử * heat wave *
VNEN đồ lường gạt * (you) cheater!, (you) swindler! *
VNEN độ nóng * heat, temperature *
VNEN động cỡn * rut, be in (on) heat, aroused *
VNEN động dục * be on heat, be in heat *
VNEN ẩn nhiệt * latent heat *

GNOT: heat Spatial • temperature
GNOT: to heat Spatial • temperature
SNOT: heating House and home, environment • services
SNOT: central heating House and home, environment • services
SNOT: on (e.g. the heating is on) House and home, environment • services
SNOT: off (e.g. the heating is off) House and home, environment • services
SNOT: cabaret, disco, theatre Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre

B1 heat (n.) (v.)

OXF3000: nhiệt heat
OXF3000N hơi nóng sức nóng heat

OTOP: heat * Food and drink Ways of cooking
OTOP: heat * Leisure Athletics
OTOP: heat * Science Energy and physical forces

BNC6000 : heat [ Rank: 1727 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : heat [ Rank: 4163 ] v 👪

Hitze heat nóng ☊ (N) Wetter

OPD : heat wave Weather
OPD : The water heater is not working. Household Problems and Repairs
OPD : wheat bread Seafood and Deli
OPD : Preheat the oven Food Preparation and Safety
OPD : heating pad A Pharmacy
OPD : movie theater City Streets
OPD : theater City Streets
OPD : heater Parts of the Car
OPD : wheat Farming and Ranching

FN: heat v Cause_temperature_change
FN: heat v Change_of_temperature

VSLW123 nhà hát ☊ (S) music theatre vsl1
VSLW123 rạp chiếu bóng/rạp hát ☊ (S) cinema/theatre vsl2
VSLW123 máy tắm nước nóng ☊ (S) water heater (for taking a shower) vsl2
VSLW 45 rạp chiếu phim ☊ (S) cinema (movie theatre) [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 67 lừa đảo/lừa ☊ (S) to deceit/to cheat [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Năm giờ rưỡi. Ở rạp Rex. Five thirty. At Rex Theatre. vsl2
VSLS Năm giờ rưỡi. Ở rạp Rex. Five thirty. At Rex Theatre. vsl2

DUOS nhà hát theater Places
DUOS rạp phim movie theater Places

50L Bạn có thích đi xem / coi kịch không? * Do you like to go to the theatre / theater (am.)? 022
50L Lò sưởi không dùng được. * The heater isn’t working. 030
50L Buổi tối hôm nay có gì ở nhà hát? * What’s playing at the theatre / theater (am.) this evening? 046
50L Có còn vé cho nhà hát nữa không? * Are tickets for the theatre / theater (am.) still available? 046