like: haste
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all words:
VNEN bươn * to hasten, hurry *
VNEN giong * to hasten, hurry *
VNEN lật đật * hurriedly, hastily; to hurry, hasten *
VNEN mau mau * haste, make haste, hurry up *
VNEN nguệch ngoạc * to scribble, scrawl; to do something hastily or in haste or hurriedly *
VNEN nhẩn nha * leisurely, deliberately, without haste, at leisure *
VNEN rồ * (1) mad, crazy
(2) to accelerate, hasten
VNEN thau tháu * to accelerate, quicken, hasten, press forward, talk fast, act rapidly *
VNEN thúc giục * to push, urge, hasten, hurry, press *
VNEN ton ton * to run, hasten, go quickly *
VNEN tong tả * to hurry, make haste *
VNEN trinh * virgin, righteous, chaste *
VNEN trong sạch * fair, just, upright, pure, clean, chaste *
VNEN vội * to be in a hurry, be hasty, be urgent, be pressing; to hurry, make haste *
VNEN vội vã * hastily, hurriedly, (in a) hurry; to rush, hasten *
VNEN điều kinh * to induce or hasten menstrual flow *
VNEN đoan trinh * chaste and decent *
VNEN đẩy nhanh * to hasten *
VNEN đồng trinh * chaste, virgin *