like: grope
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN lò dò * to grope, fumble one’s way *
VNEN lò mò * to grope, feel one’s way, fumble *
VNEN mày mò * sound, grope (for, after), feel about (for), find by feeling or groping *
VNEN * to grope, fumble, hunt, touch, feel *
VNEN mò mẩm * to grope *
VNEN mò mẫm * to grope, feel, fumble (around for) *
VNEN mò mẫm loanh quanh * to grope around *
VNEN quờ * to feel, grope for *
VNEN quờ quạng * grope for, feel for *
VNEN * (1) to check
(2) to grope, thrust oneself
VNEN rà rẫm * grope one’s way *
VNEN rờ rẩm * feel in the dark, grope in the dark *
VNEN rờ rệt * to grope *
VNEN sờ soạng * to feel, grope *

FN: grope v Manipulation
FN: grope v Seeking