like: go with
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all words:
VNEN cơm không * plain cooked rice, rice with nothing to go with it *
VNEN gắn liền * to connect closely, go with, be related to, join *
VNEN nhịn * to endure, go without, suppress, abstain, refrain (from doing something) *
VNEN nhịn thuốc lá * to go without tobacco *
VNEN nhịn ăn * to fast, not eat, go without food *
VNEN đi theo * to accompany, go with, follow *
VNEN đi với * to go with *
VNEN đúng * (1) correct, exact, sharp (of time), accurate, correct
(2) to bind (book); to close, shut; to pay; to build, (3) to fit with, go with, agree with, be in accord with
(4) to play (a role), act
VNEN khỏi cần phải nói thêm * to go without saying *

VSLW 45 theo (chồng) ☊ (S) to follow (her husband), to go with [ Intro to Reading ]

DUOS Hãy đi với tôi. Go with me! Common Phrases 2