like: ghost
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Advanced Level


VNEN con ma * ghost *
VNEN yêu ma * ghost *

all words:
VNEN bóng ma * shadows and ghosts *
VNEN con ma * ghost *
VNEN ma * (1) ghost
(2) narcotics; [3] hemp, sesame
(4) to rub
VNEN ma quỷ * ghost, devil, spirit *
VNEN sợ ma * to be afraid of ghosts *
VNEN tái xanh * green-white as a sheet, pale as a ghost *
VNEN u hồn * soul (of the dead), ghost, spirit *
VNEN yêu ma * ghost *
VNEN âm binh * ghost soldier *
VNEN âm phong * ghost wind, cold wind *

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Gespenst ghost con ma ☊ (N) Abstrakta

DUOS Bạn sợ ma không? Are you afraid of ghosts? Paranormality
DUOS Những con ma ở trong lâu đài đã biến mất. The ghosts in the castle disappeared. Paranormality
DUOS ma ghost Paranormality