like: further
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all words:
VNEN hơn thế nữa * further, furthermore, moreover, in addition *
VNEN lại thêm * another, a further, in addition, moreover *
VNEN ngoài ra * besides, beyond, furthermore, in addition *
VNEN nhiều hơn * further; greater, larger *
VNEN nói tiếp * to add, say further, go on to say *
VNEN nửa * additional, further, more; half *
VNEN nữa * more, anymore, further, another *
VNEN thêm * more, additional, further; to add, increase *
VNEN thêm nữa * more, additional, further *
VNEN tái bản * second (or further) edition; to reprint *
VNEN tăng them * to increase (further) *
VNEN tới cái gì nữa * what else, to what (further) extent, how much more *
VNEN với lại * moreover, furthermore, in addition *
VNEN đi thêm * go further *
VNEN đi xa hơn nữa * to go further *

GNOT: further Quantitati • quantity determiners

A2 further (adj.) (also furthest far)

OXF3000: hơn nữa further
OXF3000N xa hơn nữa thêm nữa further
OXF3000N xa hơn nữa thêm nữa bên kia further

BNC6000 : further [ Rank: 510 ] adv 👪

FN: further a Increment

VSLS Hơn nữa ông giám đốc lại không ưa tôi. Furthermore, the (male) director does not like me. vsl2

50L Tôi đếm tiếp: * I count further: 009