like: found
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all words:
VNEN chuyển biến sâu xa * profound change *
VNEN chưng hửng * amazed, thunderstruck, dumbfounded *
VNEN công ty mới thàn lập * a newly-founded, new company *
VNEN căn bản * basis, base, root, background, groundwork, principle, foundation; basic, fundamental *
VNEN * (1) foundation
(2) occasion, opportunity, circumstance
(3) odd
(4) regiment
(5) machine, mechanism, motor, engine
(6) airplane
(7) hunger, famine
(8) muscle
(9) outburst, crisis
VNEN cơ bản * base, foundation, fundamentals; fundamental, basic, elementary *
VNEN cứng họng * silent, speechless, dumbfounded *
VNEN day * base, bottom, foundation; jute; to banish, exile *
VNEN dựa trên * to found on, base on; to rely on *
VNEN dựa trên căn bản * based on, founded on *
VNEN dựa trên luật quốc tế * based, founded on international law *
VNEN dựng * to set up, erect, raise, found *
VNEN dựng nước * to set up, found a nation *
VNEN gây dựng * to found, establish, set up *
VNEN hạ tầng cơ sở * basis, foundation *
VNEN hắc tố * melanin (pigment found in skin, hair, fur, and feathers) *
VNEN hết ý * to be dumbfounded *
VNEN khai quốc * found a state, found a dynasty *
VNEN khai sáng * to found, establish *
VNEN khai sáng phong trào * to found a movement *
VNEN kiến quốc * to found, set up a state *
VNEN luận cứ * foundation, basis, ground *
VNEN lò đúc * foundry, mint *
VNEN lúng túng * embarrassed, awkward, clumsy; to puzzle, perplex, confound *
VNEN lạc quan tếu * unfounded optimism *
VNEN lập gia đình * to get married, found a family *
VNEN lập nghiệp * to settle, found, establish (a business) *
VNEN lập quốc * to found a country, found a state *
VNEN lặng người * dumbfounded, petrified, dumbstruck, speechless, mute *
VNEN mang tội * to be found guilty *
VNEN mo rát * foundry proof, final proof *
VNEN móng * (1) foundation, base
(2) claw, (finger) nail, claw, hoof
VNEN mới thành lập * newly founded, newly established *
VNEN người sáng lập * founder *
VNEN ngẩn * dumbfound, flabbergast, be wildered, look dumbfounded *
VNEN ngọn nguồn * origin, foundation *
VNEN ngồi thừ * to sit dumbfounded *
VNEN nhảm * unfounded *
VNEN nền * [CL for political, social ideals, concepts, institutions]; foundation, base, basis, surface, background; basic *
VNEN nền an ninh quốc gia * (foundation of) national security *
VNEN nền kinh tế * economy, economic foundation *
VNEN nền kinh tế của quốc gia * the economic foundation of the country *
VNEN nền kinh tế thị trường * the foundation, founding of a market economy *
VNEN nền móng * foundation, base *
VNEN nền nhà * the foundation of a house *
VNEN nền tảng * base, basis, foundation, (computer) platform *
VNEN nền âm nhạc Việt Nam * the foundation of Vietnamese music *
VNEN nồng cốt * foundation *
VNEN nồng nàn * intense, deep, profound *
VNEN nồng thắm * intense, profound, passionate, ardent *
VNEN quảng uyên * vast and profound *
VNEN sáng lập * to found, establish *
VNEN sáng lập viên * founding member, founder *
VNEN sáng nghiệp * found (a dynasty) *
VNEN sâu * (1) worm
(2) deep, profound
VNEN sâu lắng * profound, deep-lying *
VNEN sâu rộng * deep, profound, wide and deep *
VNEN sâu sắc * profound *
VNEN sâu thẳm * very profound, very deep *
VNEN sâu xa * deep, profound *
VNEN sở cứ * base oneself on-ground, foundation *
VNEN sửng * stunned, stupefied, dumbfounded *
VNEN thiết lập * to establish, set up, found *
VNEN thành lập * to form, found, establish, create *
VNEN thành lập tổ chức * to found, establish an organization *
VNEN thành lập đảng * to found a (political) party *
VNEN thành viên sáng lập * founding member *
VNEN thái tổ * founder of a dynasty *
VNEN thánh sư * founder, father *
VNEN thâm * black; deep, profound *
VNEN thâm sâu * deep, profound *
VNEN thâm thùng * profound, deep *
VNEN thâm thúy * profound and subtle *
VNEN thừ * confounded, dumbfounded, stupefied, nonplussed *
VNEN tin đồn nhãn * an unfounded rumor *
VNEN tiên sư * patron saint of a trade, founder, (mild exclamation) *
VNEN tân tạo * newly founded *
VNEN tìm thấy trong thiên nhiên * to be found in nature *
VNEN tưng hửng * stupefied, dumbfounded, thunderstruck *
VNEN tổ sư * progenitor, founder, initiator, patron saint *
VNEN uyên bác * profound, deep (learning) *
VNEN uyên mặc * calm, profound *
VNEN uyên thâm * profound (learning) *
VNEN uyên thân * profound (learning) *
VNEN uyên thúy * profound (learning) *
VNEN uẩn súc * erudite, learned, profound *
VNEN viên đá * foundation stone, block *
VNEN việc thành lập * foundation, establishment *
VNEN vô căn cứ * unfounded *
VNEN vô cớ * groundless, causeless, baseless, unfounded, unprovoked *
VNEN vúc vắc * astonished, stupefied, dumbfounded, niny, booby *
VNEN * my (younger relative); house, dwelling, forgive, pardon; to salute, bow profoundly *
VNEN xây dựng hạ tầng cơ sở * to build a foundation *
VNEN xét phạm tội * to be found, judged guilty of *
VNEN xét phạm tội gián điệp * to be found guilty of spying *
VNEN âm thầm * deep, profound, quiet, latent, secret; to keep quiet, secret *
VNEN đá móng * foundation stone, corner stone *
VNEN đánh vào thành trì * to strike at the foundation, core of *
VNEN đây rồi * here it is, I found it *
VNEN đặt móng * lay the foundation *
VNEN đặt nền móng * to set up a foundation *
VNEN đặt trên tinh thần * to be done in the spirit of, built on the foundation of *
VNEN đặt viên đá đầu tiên * to lay the foundation *
VNEN đớ * dumbfounded *
VNEN đứng đớ * to stand dumbfounded *
VNEN đực mặt * dumbfounded, with a dazzed expression on one’s face *
VNEN ảnh hưởng sâ sắc * profound influence *

B2 found (v.)

OXF3000: tìm thấy found

BNC6000 : found [ Rank: 2841 ] v 👪

OPD : Newfoundland time Time
OPD : foundation Personal Hygiene
OPD : founders U.S. History

FN: found a Circumscribed_existence
FN: found v Intentionally_create

VSLW123 cơ sở ☊ (S) foundation, installement vsl3
VSLW123 nền nhà ☊ (S) the house foundation vsl3
VSLW 45 nền tảng ☊ (S) foundation, platform, base [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nền tảng ☊ (S) foundation [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nền móng ☊ (S) foundation [ Basic Reading ]

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