like: feeling
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VNEN cái cảm giác * feeling *

all words:
VNEN buôn buốt * feeling a rather sharp pain, feeling a rather biting cold *
VNEN buốt * feeling a sharp pain, feeling a biting cold; sharp, biting, cutting *
VNEN buồn hiu * feeling dull *
VNEN bày tỏ nỗi lòng * to make clear one’s feeling *
VNEN bất nhân * inhumane, unfeeling *
VNEN bất tình * heartless, unfeeling *
VNEN bầu tâm sự * one’s heart, one’s feelings *
VNEN bộc lộ tình cảm * to show one’s feelings *
VNEN bụng dạ * heart, feelings *
VNEN chai sạn * harden, unfeeling, callous, scarred *
VNEN chân tình * sincere or genuine feelings, sincerity *
VNEN chân tình này * sincere feeling *
VNEN chạnh * to be affected by some melancholy feeling *
VNEN chắc dạ * to have a feeling of fullness (in one’s stomach) *
VNEN cái cảm giác * feeling *
VNEN có cảm giác là * to have the feeling that *
VNEN có cảm giác như * to feel like, have the feeling that *
VNEN có cảm tình * to sympathize, have feelings for *
VNEN có cảm tình với * to have feelings for, sympathize with *
VNEN có tình * taking into consideration others’ feelings, feeling *
VNEN cảm * (1) to catch cold, have a cold
(2) to feel, feeling
(3) to dare
VNEN cảm giác * feeling, sensation, sense *
VNEN cảm giác sung sướng * happy feeling *
VNEN cảm giác tình dục * sexual feeling *
VNEN cảm giác âm ấm * warm feeling *
VNEN cảm tình * feeling, sentiment *
VNEN cảm xúc * feeling(s) *
VNEN cảnh nội * inward sentiments, feelings *
VNEN day lòng * bottom of one’s heart, depths of one’s feelings *
VNEN dân tình * people’s lot, popular feeling *
VNEN dạ * (1) polite yes, (introductory word of respect), OK
(2) stomach, abdomen, heart, feeling
(3) night
VNEN dằn lòng * to control one’s feelings *
VNEN gan sành dạ sỏi * unfeeling, hard *
VNEN gan óc * heart, soul, feeling *
VNEN giáo hóa * instill knowledge to and shape the feelings of *
VNEN hững * pleasure and enthusiasm, uplifting feeling, inspiration *
VNEN khoái cảm * pleasant feeling, pleasure *
VNEN kiềm hãm cảm xúc * to control, check one’s feelings *
VNEN kính nể * (feeling of) respect; to respect *
VNEN kẻ bất nhân * an unfeeling person *
VNEN lai láng * overflowing (of feelings) *
VNEN lòng * heart, spirit, feeling(s), innards, bowels, intestines *
VNEN lòng can đảm * (feeling of) courage *
VNEN lòng mến * feeling of love, affection *
VNEN lòng ngưỡng mô * (feeling of) admiration *
VNEN lòng yêu nước * feeling, spirit of patriotism *
VNEN mày mò * sound, grope (for, after), feel about (for), find by feeling or groping *
VNEN mối * (1) termite, white ant
(2) house lizard
(3) end (of entangled thread or string), beginning (of an involved story); [CL for feelings, tensions, relationships], cause for (hope, worry, danger), customer, passenger
(4) liaison, go-between
VNEN một cảm giác * a feeling *
VNEN mỹ cảm * feeling for the beautiful, sense of beauty *
VNEN ngâm vịnh * compose and recite a poem extempore (under the inspiration or some feeling) *
VNEN ngụ tình * express one’s feelings *
VNEN nhói * feeling stinging pain *
VNEN nhũ bộ * breast, breast-feeling *
VNEN nhẹ tình * make light of (some) feeling *
VNEN những cảm xúc * feelings (about something) *
VNEN niềm * feeling, sentiment *
VNEN niềm trắc ẩn * feeling of compassion, feeling of pity *
VNEN niềm tây * inmost feelings, personal considerations *
VNEN nén lòng * to repress, suppress one’s feelings *
VNEN nể lòng * spare (somebody’s feelings) *
VNEN nồng * (of smell, scent) strong, (of feeling) strong, ardent, warm, intense *
VNEN nỗi * bad situation, deplorable plight; emotion, feeling *
VNEN nỗi lo sợ * feelings of fear, anxiety *
VNEN nỗi lòng * (one’s own) feelings, sentiments *
VNEN nỗi niềm * innermost feelings, confidence *
VNEN nỗi sợ hãi * feeling of fear *
VNEN nỗi thao thức * feeling of restlessness *
VNEN nỗi đau khổ * a feeling of sadness *
VNEN nội tâm * (1) inner feelings
(2) endocentric
VNEN ruột tằm * heart, feelings *
VNEN sự thân thiện * friendliness, friendship, good feelings *
VNEN theo tôi đoán * I guess, my feeling is *
VNEN thiện cảm * good feelings, sympathy *
VNEN thấy hết buồn ngủ * to stop feeling sleepy *
VNEN thế tình * the feeling of this world *
VNEN thổ lộ niềm tây * to pour out one’s inmost feelings *
VNEN thử lòng * try and find out what the feeling is, feel, put out feelers *
VNEN trong lòng * inside (one’s body, thoughts, feelings), internally *
VNEN tâm niệm * to think that, have a feeling *
VNEN tâm niệm rằng * to think that, have a feeling that *
VNEN tâm tình * confidence, feelings, heart *
VNEN tình * feeling, sentiment *
VNEN tình bè bạn * (feeling of) friendship *
VNEN tình bằng hữu * (feeling of) friendship *
VNEN tình thật * in truth, as a matter of fact sincere feeling *
VNEN tơ duyên * marriage bonds, feeling of love *
VNEN tả tình * express one’s thoughts, one’s feeling in writing *
VNEN tự cảm thấy * to feel, have a feeling *
VNEN xúc động * emotion, feeling; to be moved, touched (emotionally) *
VNEN xúc động ái ân * feelings of love *
VNEN ác cảm * antipathy, aversion, dislike, hatred, hostility, ill feelings, animosity, enmity, bad blood *
VNEN ân tình * feeling of gratitude, grace, graciousness *
VNEN đầy cảm xúc * full of feeling *
VNEN ẩn tình * inner feelings, secret feelings, intimate sentiment *

B1 feeling (n.)

OXF3000N sự cảm thấy cảm giác feeling

BNC6000 : feeling [ Rank: 804 ] n 👪

FN: feeling n Sensation

VSLW 45 cảm giác ☊ (S) feeling [ Basic Reading ]