like: eel
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VNEN cá chình * eel *
VNEN lươn * eel *

all words:
VNEN buôn buốt * feeling a rather sharp pain, feeling a rather biting cold *
VNEN buốt * feeling a sharp pain, feeling a biting cold; sharp, biting, cutting *
VNEN buồn hiu * feeling dull *
VNEN buồn ngủ * feel sleepy *
VNEN buồn nôn * to feel sick; queasy, nauseous; nausea *
VNEN buồn rầu * sad, sorrowful, unhappy morose; uninteresting; to want to, feel like (doing something) *
VNEN bày tỏ nỗi lòng * to make clear one’s feeling *
VNEN bám sát * to follow close or hard on somebody’s heels *
VNEN bánh * (1) cake, bread, pie, pastry
(2) wheel
VNEN bánh hạ cánh * landing wheels *
VNEN bánh lái * rudder, steering wheel *
VNEN bánh lăn * bogie wheel *
VNEN bánh thư nam * fifth wheel *
VNEN bánh treo * suspension wheel *
VNEN bánh treo dầu * fluid flywheel *
VNEN bánh treo nâng * track wheels *
VNEN bánh truyền xích * idler wheel *
VNEN bánh trước * front wheel *
VNEN bánh trước của xe * steering wheel (of a car) *
VNEN bánh trước phi cơ * nose wheel *
VNEN bánh trước phát động * front wheel drive *
VNEN bánh trớn * flywheel *
VNEN bánh trớn dầu * fluid flywheel *
VNEN bánh vít * screw-wheel *
VNEN bánh xe * tire, wheel (of a vehicle) *
VNEN bánh xe bện rơm * a wheel entangled with straw *
VNEN bánh xe có cánh * paddle wheel *
VNEN bánh xe có răng * toothed wheel, cog wheel *
VNEN bánh xe có ốc vô tận * worm wheel *
VNEN bánh xe không chốt * loose wheel, idle wheel *
VNEN bánh xe lăn trên tích * bogie wheel *
VNEN bánh xe lăn trên xích * bogie wheel *
VNEN bánh xe nước * water wheel, hydraulic wheel *
VNEN bánh xe phát động * driving wheel pinion *
VNEN bánh xe phía sau ghép đôi * dual rear wheel *
VNEN bánh xe phản tống * reversing wheel *
VNEN bánh xe răng khớp * cog wheel *
VNEN bánh xe trung giáo * stud wheel *
VNEN bánh xe truyền sức * driving wheel *
VNEN bánh xe tâm sai * eccentric wheel *
VNEN bánh xe vệ luận * planetary gear wheel *
VNEN bánh xe để thay thế * spare wheel *
VNEN bánh xe đỡ đuôi * (plane) tail wheel *
VNEN bánh đà * fly-wheel *
VNEN bánh đôi * dual wheels *
VNEN * (1) to compare
(2) skin, derma, peel, envelope, bag
(3) tired, exhausted, sound asleep
VNEN bó gối * to be unable to act freely *
VNEN bóc * to peel, skin, strip *
VNEN bóc cam * to peel an orange *
VNEN bất nhân * inhumane, unfeeling *
VNEN bất tình * heartless, unfeeling *
VNEN bần thần * haggard, worried; to feel sad *
VNEN bầu lại * to reelect *
VNEN bầu tâm sự * one’s heart, one’s feelings *
VNEN bắt chạch đằng đuôi * try to catch an eel by the tail, vain effort *
VNEN bằng sắt * made of iron, made of steel *
VNEN bộc lộ tình cảm * to show one’s feelings *
VNEN bỡ ngỡ * to feel strange, surprise; amazed, surprised, new and inexperienced *
VNEN bụng dạ * heart, feelings *
VNEN bụng ọc ạch * to feel flatulence in one's stomache *
VNEN cao gót * high heel *
VNEN chai sạn * harden, unfeeling, callous, scarred *
VNEN chanh giấy * thin-peel lemon *
VNEN chong chóng * pinwheel-propeller *
VNEN chân tay nhơ nhớp những bùn * to have one’s hands and feel all mucky with mud *
VNEN chân tình * sincere or genuine feelings, sincerity *
VNEN chân tình này * sincere feeling *
VNEN chò hỏ * on one’s heels *
VNEN chạnh * to be affected by some melancholy feeling *
VNEN chầu chực * to wait, cool one’s heels *
VNEN chắc dạ * to have a feeling of fullness (in one’s stomach) *
VNEN chắc ăn * to be sure of success, feel secure of victory *
VNEN chồm hỗm * on one’s heels, squatting *
VNEN chột ý * be ashamed, feel ashamed *
VNEN cuốn xéo * make off, run away, take to one’s heels, bolt, do a punk *
VNEN cuộn phim * reel or roll of film *
VNEN cá chình * eel *
VNEN cá nhân tôi * personally (I feel, think, etc) *
VNEN cái cảm giác * feeling *
VNEN cám * (1) to feel, move, affect
(2) bran
VNEN cân tay * a steelyard *
VNEN cân thiên bình * steelyard *
VNEN câu khách * to attract customers, pull in customers, reel in customers *
VNEN có cảm giác là * to have the feeling that *
VNEN có cảm giác như * to feel like, have the feeling that *
VNEN có cảm tình * to sympathize, have feelings for *
VNEN có cảm tình với * to have feelings for, sympathize with *
VNEN có cảm tưởng gì * to feel what, have what kind of impression *
VNEN có tình * taking into consideration others’ feelings, feeling *
VNEN căm * (1) to bear, hold a grudge
(2) spoke (of a wheel)
VNEN căm giận * to feel a deep resentment against, deeply resent *
VNEN cạo * to shave, scrape, scratch, peel *
VNEN cảm * (1) to catch cold, have a cold
(2) to feel, feeling
(3) to dare
VNEN cảm giác * feeling, sensation, sense *
VNEN cảm giác sung sướng * happy feeling *
VNEN cảm giác tình dục * sexual feeling *
VNEN cảm giác âm ấm * warm feeling *
VNEN cảm hoài * feel nostalgia, have a touching recollection of the *
VNEN cảm phục * to admire, feel admiration for *
VNEN cảm thương * to feel pity for *
VNEN cảm thấy * to feel *
VNEN cảm thấy buồn nôn * to feel nauseated *
VNEN cảm thấy bình tĩnh * to feel calm *
VNEN cảm thấy có tội * to feel guity *
VNEN cảm thấy dễ chịu hơn * to feel better *
VNEN cảm thấy giận * to feel angry at *
VNEN cảm thấy hối hận * to regret, feel sorry *
VNEN cảm thấy khó chịu * to feel uncomfortable *
VNEN cảm thấy lạc lõng * to feel lost *
VNEN cảm thấy muốn nôn mửa * to feel nauseous, want to get sick *
VNEN cảm thấy muốn nôn ọe * to feel like throwing up *
VNEN cảm thấy mắc cỡ * to feel embarrassed, ashamed *
VNEN cảm thấy mệt mỏi * to feel tired *
VNEN cảm thấy nhẹ nhõm * to feel relieved, relief *
VNEN cảm thấy nhục nhã * to feel embarrassment, shame *
VNEN cảm thấy rất ngán * to feel very depressed *
VNEN cảm thấy say xe * to feel, be carsick *
VNEN cảm thấy thoải mái * to feel relaxed *
VNEN cảm thấy thông cảm với * to sympathize with, feel sympathy for *
VNEN cảm thấy trách nhiệm * to feel responsible *
VNEN cảm thấy tội nghiệp * to pity, feel sorry for *
VNEN cảm thấy áy náy * to feel uneasy *
VNEN cảm thấy đau * to hurt, feel pain *
VNEN cảm thấy ớn lạnh * to feel cold, have chills, shiver *
VNEN cảm tình * feeling, sentiment *
VNEN cảm xúc * feeling(s) *
VNEN cảnh nội * inward sentiments, feelings *
VNEN cầm lái * to drive (a car), land (a plane), take the helm, be at the wheel *
VNEN cắp bánh xe súng đại bác * wheel pair (artillery) *
VNEN cọn * water-wheel *
VNEN cốt sắt * steel framework *
VNEN cốt thép * steel rod *
VNEN cồn cào * to feel hungry *
VNEN cồn ruột * turn one’s stomach, feel nauseous *
VNEN cứ thoải mái * to feel free to do sth *
VNEN da cam * orange peel, skin *
VNEN day lòng * bottom of one’s heart, depths of one’s feelings *
VNEN dân tình * people’s lot, popular feeling *
VNEN dạ * (1) polite yes, (introductory word of respect), OK
(2) stomach, abdomen, heart, feeling
(3) night
VNEN dằn lòng * to control one’s feelings *
VNEN gai sốt * begin to feel feverish *
VNEN gan sành dạ sỏi * unfeeling, hard *
VNEN gan óc * heart, soul, feeling *
VNEN giun lươn * eelworm *
VNEN giày cao gót * high-heeled shoe *
VNEN giá áo túi cơm * parasite, freeloader, sponger *
VNEN giáo hóa * instill knowledge to and shape the feelings of *
VNEN giáo mác * cold steel (weapons in former times), spears and swords *
VNEN giản xương * feel rested (as from stretching one’s legs or lying down) *
VNEN gàng * wind (round), reel *
VNEN gây gấy * to feel feverish *
VNEN gót chân * heel of foot, heel *
VNEN gót giày * heel of shoe *
VNEN gót sen * graceful feel (of a beautiful woman) *
VNEN gót son * frail heels (of a beautiful woman) *
VNEN gót sắt * iron heel *
VNEN gót tiên * heel of a beautiful girl *
VNEN gấy sốt * feel feverish *
VNEN gọt * to pare, whittle, sharpen (pencil), peel (fruit, etc.) *
VNEN hai bánh * two wheeled *
VNEN hưng khởi * feel fired, feel enthusiastic *
VNEN hổ ngươi * feel ashamed *
VNEN hững * pleasure and enthusiasm, uplifting feeling, inspiration *
VNEN khinh dể * feel contempt for, scorn *
VNEN khoan khoái * (feel) at ease, be in good spirits *
VNEN khoái cảm * pleasant feeling, pleasure *
VNEN không thấy đói * to not feel hungry *
VNEN kinh sợ * feel great fear, be *
VNEN kiềm hãm cảm xúc * to control, check one’s feelings *
VNEN kính nể * (feeling of) respect; to respect *
VNEN kẻ bất nhân * an unfeeling person *
VNEN lai láng * overflowing (of feelings) *
VNEN loáng choáng * feel giddy, groggy *
VNEN loạng choạng * to stagger, reel, lurch, totter *
VNEN luyện kim đen * iron and steel metallurgy *
VNEN làm bằng thép * made of steel *
VNEN lò mò * to grope, feel one’s way, fumble *
VNEN lòng * heart, spirit, feeling(s), innards, bowels, intestines *
VNEN lòng can đảm * (feeling of) courage *
VNEN lòng mến * feeling of love, affection *
VNEN lòng ngưỡng mô * (feeling of) admiration *
VNEN lòng yêu nước * feeling, spirit of patriotism *
VNEN lươn * eel *
VNEN lạnh mình * to grow cold, shiver, feel a chill *
VNEN lạnh người * to get the chills, grow cold, feel one’s blood freeze *
VNEN lảo đảo * to stagger, totter, reel *
VNEN lấy làm * to feel *
VNEN lột vỏ * to bark, peel, skin, shell, husk *
VNEN lờm lợm * feel sick, feel like vomiting *
VNEN lợm giọng * to feel nauseous *
VNEN mày mò * sound, grope (for, after), feel about (for), find by feeling or groping *
VNEN mân mó * feel, touch, finger *
VNEN * to grope, fumble, hunt, touch, feel *
VNEN mò mẫm * to grope, feel, fumble (around for) *
VNEN mó máy * to touch, twiddle with, toy with, touch, feel, palpate *
VNEN mặc sức * without restraint, freely *
VNEN mối * (1) termite, white ant
(2) house lizard
(3) end (of entangled thread or string), beginning (of an involved story); [CL for feelings, tensions, relationships], cause for (hope, worry, danger), customer, passenger
(4) liaison, go-between
VNEN một cảm giác * a feeling *
VNEN mủi lòng * be moved, feel pity, feel compassion *
VNEN mừng thầm * to feel or be happy inside *
VNEN mừng thầm trong lòng * to feel or be happy inside *
VNEN mỹ cảm * feeling for the beautiful, sense of beauty *
VNEN nghe * to hear, listen, feel, obey *
VNEN ngâm vịnh * compose and recite a poem extempore (under the inspiration or some feeling) *
VNEN ngã bổ chửng * fall back, fall head over heels *
VNEN ngót dạ * feel a little hungry, feel a bit peckish *
VNEN ngượng mồm * to feel too awkward (embarrassed) to speak *
VNEN ngượng ngập * feel awkward *
VNEN ngạt * to choke, suffocate, feel oppressed, breath with difficulty *
VNEN ngất ngư * to be unsteady, reel, stagger, totter *
VNEN ngấy sốt * shiver with cold, feel feverish *
VNEN ngồi trong xe lăn * to sit in a wheelchair *
VNEN ngồi trên xe lăn * to sit in a wheelchair *
VNEN ngồi xổm * to sit on one’s heels, squat *
VNEN ngột * feel suffocated *
VNEN ngợp * feel dizzy (at altitudes) *
VNEN ngụ tình * express one’s feelings *
VNEN ngứa mắt * shock the eyes, feel uneasy at seeing something shocking the eyes *
VNEN ngứa nghề * feel sexual urge, feel aroused *
VNEN ngứa tai * shock the ears, feel uncomfortable at hearing something shocking the ears *
VNEN ngứa tay * feel the urge of doing something *
VNEN nhà máy thép * steel factory *
VNEN nhói * feeling stinging pain *
VNEN nhũ bộ * breast, breast-feeling *
VNEN nhẹ tình * make light of (some) feeling *
VNEN nhộn nhạo * be in a stir, be alarmed; feel upset *
VNEN nhừ * be well-cooked, be well-done, feel a pervasive pain (numbness) *
VNEN những cảm xúc * feelings (about something) *
VNEN niềm * feeling, sentiment *
VNEN niềm trắc ẩn * feeling of compassion, feeling of pity *
VNEN niềm tây * inmost feelings, personal considerations *
VNEN niền * hoop, rim (of a wheel) *
VNEN nén lòng * to repress, suppress one’s feelings *
VNEN nói toạc các ý nghĩ mình * to state one’s opinions openly, freely *
VNEN nắn gân * sound feel the pulse *
VNEN nặng lòng * feel deep concern in, pay great attention to *
VNEN nặng mình * to feel unwell *
VNEN nể lòng * spare (somebody’s feelings) *
VNEN nồng * (of smell, scent) strong, (of feeling) strong, ardent, warm, intense *
VNEN nỗi * bad situation, deplorable plight; emotion, feeling *
VNEN nỗi lo sợ * feelings of fear, anxiety *
VNEN nỗi lòng * (one’s own) feelings, sentiments *
VNEN nỗi niềm * innermost feelings, confidence *
VNEN nỗi sợ hãi * feeling of fear *
VNEN nỗi thao thức * feeling of restlessness *
VNEN nỗi đau khổ * a feeling of sadness *
VNEN nội tâm * (1) inner feelings
(2) endocentric
VNEN nứng * feel sexually aroused *
VNEN oi * creel *
VNEN oán * to resent, feel resentment against *
VNEN oán ghét * to feel resentment, resent, hate *
VNEN oán hờn * feel resentment against, resent *
VNEN oán thù * feel resentment and hatred against, resent and hate *
VNEN phim thời sự * news-film, newsreel *
VNEN phỉnh mũi * feel flattered *
VNEN quay * (1) to roast (fowl, pig)
(2) to turn (wheel, crank), revolve, go around, swivel, spin
VNEN quay gót * turn on one’s heels *
VNEN quá ngán * be broken-hearted, feel very deeply *
VNEN quì * (1) to kneel down
(2) species of lotus, sunflower
VNEN quì xuống * to kneel down *
VNEN quờ * to feel, grope for *
VNEN quờ quạng * grope for, feel for *
VNEN quỳ * (1) to kneel down
(2) species of lotus, sunflower
VNEN quỳ gối * to go down on one’s knees, kneel, genuflect *
VNEN quỳ xuống * to kneel down *
VNEN quỳ xuống đất * to kneel to the ground *
VNEN rong mái chèo * eelgrass *
VNEN ruột tằm * heart, feelings *
VNEN róc * to bark, peel *
VNEN rờ * to feel, touch *
VNEN rờ rẩm * feel in the dark, grope in the dark *
VNEN rờ vào * to feel *
VNEN se mình * feel out of sorts, feel under the weather *
VNEN si mê * crazy, head over heels (in love) *
VNEN suồng sã * too familiar, impolite, natural, freely *
VNEN sượng mặt * to feel awkward *
VNEN sắt thép * iron and steel *
VNEN sờ * to stroke, feel, touch *
VNEN sờ mó * to feel, touch *
VNEN sờ soạng * to feel, grope *
VNEN sự thân thiện * friendliness, friendship, good feelings *
VNEN tay bánh * steering wheel *
VNEN tay lái * steering wheel, helm *
VNEN theo tôi đoán * I guess, my feeling is *
VNEN theo ý tôi * in my opinion, I think, I feel *
VNEN thiện cảm * good feelings, sympathy *
VNEN thiện tiện * freely, without restrain, boldly *
VNEN thép * steel, iron *
VNEN thép hợp kim * alloy steel *
VNEN thép không gỉ * stainless steel *
VNEN thì thụp * to kneel and rise repeatedly *
VNEN thông cảm * to sympathize, feel for, understand, comprehend *
VNEN thương cảm * to feel sorry for *
VNEN thả cửa * freely, at will, without restrain *
VNEN thả rong * to allow to range freely *
VNEN thả sức * act freely *
VNEN thấy * to see, perceive, feel *
VNEN thấy biết ơn * to feel grateful *
VNEN thấy bực mình * to feel angry *
VNEN thấy chóng mặt * to feel dizzy *
VNEN thấy cảm động * to feel moved, be touched *
VNEN thấy hơi hối hận * to feel a little sorry, feel a little remorse *
VNEN thấy hết buồn ngủ * to stop feeling sleepy *
VNEN thấy lạnh mình * to feel cold *
VNEN thấy lợm giọng * to feel nauseated, feel sick *
VNEN thấy mắc cỡ * to feel ashamed, embarrassed *
VNEN thấy mừng * to be happy, feel happy *
VNEN thấy ngượng ngùng * to feel embarassed *
VNEN thấy đói * to feel hungry *
VNEN thầy thuốc bắt mạch * the physician feels the patient’s pulse *
VNEN thật lòng * really, truly (feel that) *
VNEN thẹn * to feet ashamed to feel shy *
VNEN thẹn mặt * feel cheap *
VNEN thẹn thùng * to feel ashamed *
VNEN thế tình * the feeling of this world *
VNEN thể tình * understand someone’s situation, feel (for) *
VNEN thọc gậy bánh xe * to put a spoke in somebody’s wheel *
VNEN thổ lộ niềm tây * to pour out one’s inmost feelings *
VNEN thử lòng * try and find out what the feeling is, feel, put out feelers *
VNEN trong lòng * inside (one’s body, thoughts, feelings), internally *
VNEN trong lòng cảm thấy * to feel inside *
VNEN trái khế * cogwheel, cylinder *
VNEN trúm * eel pot *
VNEN trả hết nợ thấy nhẹ mình * to feel peace of mind after paying all one’s debts *
VNEN tua * fringe, tassel feeler, antenna *
VNEN tum * nave (of cartwheel) *
VNEN tái cử * to reelect *
VNEN tái đắc cử * to be reelected *
VNEN tâm niệm * to think that, have a feeling *
VNEN tâm niệm rằng * to think that, have a feeling that *
VNEN tâm tình * confidence, feelings, heart *
VNEN tình * feeling, sentiment *
VNEN tình bè bạn * (feeling of) friendship *
VNEN tình bằng hữu * (feeling of) friendship *
VNEN tình thật * in truth, as a matter of fact sincere feeling *
VNEN tôi luyện * temper, steel, steel oneself, temper oneself *
VNEN tôn dợn sóng * corrugated steel *
VNEN tơ duyên * marriage bonds, feeling of love *
VNEN tả tình * express one’s thoughts, one’s feeling in writing *
VNEN tỉnh táo ra * to feel better, like oneself again *
VNEN tởm lợm * disgusting, feel or show loathing *
VNEN tủi * to lament, feel hurt, be ashamed *
VNEN tủi thân * to feel self-pity *
VNEN tự cảm thấy * to feel, have a feeling *
VNEN tự ti * inferiority complex; to feel inferior *
VNEN tự tôn * to feel superior to, have a superiority complex *
VNEN uống có một chén rượu đã ngà ngà * to feel tipsy only after drinking a cup of alcohol *
VNEN vành bánh xe * rim (of a wheel), wheel rim *
VNEN váng vất * feel or be unwell or ill *
VNEN vòi * (1) faucet, tap
(2) spout
(3) feeler (insect)
(4) trunk (elephant)
VNEN vùng vẫy * to move about freely; to struggle, wrestle *
VNEN vần vò * touch, feel, finger, torment, torture *
VNEN vẫy vùng * to act freely, act on one’s own initiative *
VNEN vỏ * shell, skin, exterior, bark, crust, peel, husk, sheath; tire *
VNEN vỏ quít * mandarin peel *
VNEN xa giá * state-coach, four-wheeled carriage, chariot of the king *
VNEN xe cút kít * wheelbarrow *
VNEN xe lam * motorized mini-bus, three-wheeled taxi *
VNEN xe lăn * wheelchair *
VNEN xem mạch * to feel the pulse (of a patient) *
VNEN xuống tinh thần * to feel down, feel depressed *
VNEN xúc động * emotion, feeling; to be moved, touched (emotionally) *
VNEN xúc động ái ân * feelings of love *
VNEN xương gót * heel bone, calcaneum *
VNEN xương đồng da sắt * a man of steel, very strong *
VNEN xổm * squat down upon the hams or heels, squat, crouch *
VNEN yếu mềm * tender, soft, weak, feeble; to feel fondness or affection for somebody *
VNEN ác cảm * antipathy, aversion, dislike, hatred, hostility, ill feelings, animosity, enmity, bad blood *
VNEN ái ngại * (1) to feel sorry, show concern for; compassion
(2) worried, uneasy; to fear, be afraid
VNEN án mạch * to check, feel, take someone’s pulse *
VNEN ân hận * to (feel) regret, be sorry, repent *
VNEN ân tình * feeling of gratitude, grace, graciousness *
VNEN ê mặt * feel ashamed, feel awkward with shame *
VNEN ê răng * to feel one’s teeth on edge *
VNEN ăn chực * to freeload, sponge *
VNEN Đau ngâm ngẩm * feel a dull and lasting pain *
VNEN đau buốt như kim châm * to feel a sharp pain as if pricked by needles *
VNEN đau khổ * to suffer, feel pain, be miserable *
VNEN đau lòng * to feel great pain, feel deep grief; painful *
VNEN đau xót * to feel great anguish *
VNEN đau đáu * be on tenterhooks, feel anxious *
VNEN đi lại tự do * to move about freely *
VNEN đói ngấu * feel the gnawing pains of hunger *
VNEN đùm xe đạp * bicycle wheel *
VNEN đạn sắt * steel ball, shot, bullet *
VNEN đầy cảm xúc * full of feeling *
VNEN đồi trọc * bald hill, bare hill, treeless hill *
VNEN động tình * feel sexually aroused *
VNEN đứt gan đứt ruột * feel unhappy (about), torment oneself *
VNEN ướm lòng * sound out intentions, put out feelers *
VNEN ấm lòng * to feel warm, warm the heart *
VNEN ẩn tình * inner feelings, secret feelings, intimate sentiment *
VNEN ớn rét * to feel chilly, shiver *
VNEN muốn run người * to feel like shivering *
VNEN thấy lạnh * to feel cold *

GNOT: steel Qualitative • material
SNOT: to feel well Health and body care • personal comfort
SNOT: to feel ill Health and body care • ailments– accidents
SNOT: to feel sick Health and body care • ailments– accidents
SNOT: to peel Food and drink • types of food and drink

OTOP: eel * Animals Fish

OPD : steel-wooll soap pads Cleaning Supplies
OPD : Peel the carrots. Food Preparation and Safety
OPD : vegetable peeler Kitchen Utensils
OPD : high heels Casual, Work, and Formal Clothes
OPD : steel toe boots Workplace Clothing
OPD : heel Shoes and Accessories
OPD : high heels Shoes and Accessories
OPD : low heels Describing Clothes
OPD : hig heels Describing Clothes
OPD : heel Inside and Outside the Body
OPD : feel dizzy Symptoms and Injuries
OPD : feel nauseous Symptoms and Injuries
OPD : wheelchair A Pharmacy
OPD : hubcap / wheel cover Parts of the Car
OPD : steering wheel Parts of the Car
OPD : wheelbarrow Landscape and Gardening
OPD : eel Marine Life, Amphibians, and Reptiles

VSLW123 giày cao gót ☊ (S) high heels vsl2
VSLW123 buồn nôn ☊ (S) to feel nauseous vsl2
VSLW123 cảm thấy ☊ (S) to feel vsl2
VSLW123 chóng mặt ☊ (S) to feel dizzy vsl2
VSLW123 khó chịu ☊ (S) to feel bad, painful vsl2
VSLW123 thoải mái ☊ (S) (to feel) at ease vsl2
VSLW123 ái ngại ☊ (S) feel compassion for vsl3
VSLW 45 cảm giác ☊ (S) feeling [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 thương cảm ☊ (S) to feel sorry for [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 thương cảm ☊ (S) to feel sorry for, to compassionate [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Bây giờ anh thấy trong người thế nào? How do you (to a male) feel now? vsl2
VSLS Chẳng hiểu sao mình luôn luôn cảm thấy thiếu ngủ. I don't understand why I always feel short of sleep. vsl2

DUOS Đu quay ferris wheel Alphabet Introduction 1
DUOS Nhà ga, đu quay Train station, ferris wheel Alphabet Introduction 1
DUOS Tôi cảm thấy hạnh phúc. I feel happy. Verbs 3
DUOS Bạn cảm thấy như thế nào? How do you feel? Verbs 3
DUOS Đôi khi, anh ấy cảm thấy lười biếng. Sometimes, he feels lazy. Verbs 3
DUOS cảm thấy feel Verbs 3
DUOS Tôi thà cảm thấy đau đớn còn hơn cảm thấy trống rỗng. I would rather feel in pain than feel empty. Adjectives 2
DUOS Tôi luôn cảm thấy họ không phù hợp. I always feel they are not suitable. Adjectives 2
DUOS Đôi khi, tôi cảm thấy như tôi tàng hình với mọi người. Sometimes I feel like I am invisible to everyone. Adjectives 2
DUOS Họ cảm thấy thất vọng về kết quả của cuộc bầu cử. They feel disappointed about the result of the election. Politics
DUOS Bạn cảm thấy đau ở đâu? Where do you feel pain? Medical
DUOS Tôi cảm thấy rất tự hào vì tôi cómột người mẹ tuyệt vời. I feel very proud because Ihave a wonderful mother. Adjectives 3
DUOS Anh ấy luôn cảm thấy mọi thứ rất nghiêm trọng. He always feels everything is very serious. Adjectives 3
DUOS Từ ngày hôm qua, tôi đã bắt đầu cảm thấy rất lạ. Since yesterday I have started to feel very strange. Adjectives 3
DUOS Tôi cảm thấy hạnh phúc khi mặc bộ quân phục này. I feel happy when I wear this military uniform. Military
DUOS Tôi cảm thấy mệt mỏi. I feel tired. Reduplicative Words
DUOS Khi bạn tha thứ cho mọi người, bạn sẽ cảm thấy hạnh phúc. When you forgive everyone, you will feel happy. Reduplicative Words 2

50L Có cần tôi gọt khoai tây không? * Shall I peel the potatoes? 021
50L Bạn hãy coi như là ở nhà. * Please, feel right at home! 022
50L Bạn có hứng đi bơi không? * Do you feel like swimming? 052
50L Có hứng thú * to feel like / want to 058
50L Chúng tôi có hứng thú. * We feel like. / We want to. 058
50L Chúng tôi không có hứng thú. * We don’t feel like. / We do’t want to. 058