like: dislike
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN chán ghét * to dislike, hate, be sick of, detest *
VNEN chê cơm * dislike food *
VNEN gờm mặt * hate, dislike *
VNEN hiềm * to hate, dislike *
VNEN kẻ ghét * someone one hates, dislikes *
VNEN sự thương ghét * likes and dislikes, preferences *
VNEN ác cảm * antipathy, aversion, dislike, hatred, hostility, ill feelings, animosity, enmity, bad blood *
VNEN đáng ghét * hated, disliked, unpleasant *

SNOT: likes and dislikes Personal identification • likes and dislikes

B1 dislike (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: không thích dislike
OXF3000N sự không ưa không thích sự ghét dislike

BNC6000 : dislike [ Rank: 4967 ] v 👪

FN: dislike n Experiencer_focus
FN: dislike v Experiencer_focus

VSLW123 ghét ☊ (S) to detest, dislike, hate vsl3
VSLW123 chê ☊ (S) to criticize, dislike vsl3
VSLW123 chê ☊ (S) to criticize, dislike vsl3