like: disease
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Advanced Level


VNEN chứng bệnh * disease *

all words:
VNEN bá bệnh * many diseases *
VNEN bách bệnh * all diseases *
VNEN bệnh * disease, sickness, ailment; sick *
VNEN bệnh bất trị * an incurable disease *
VNEN bệnh hoa liễu * venereal disease, STD *
VNEN bệnh hoạn * disease, sickness, illness *
VNEN bệnh kinh niên * chronic disease *
VNEN bệnh nan y * a disease difficult to cure *
VNEN bệnh nghiện * addiction (as a disease, illness) *
VNEN bệnh ngoài da * skin diseases *
VNEN bệnh nhiệt đới * tropical sickness, disease *
VNEN bệnh nào thuốc nấy * each disease has its own cure *
VNEN bệnh phong tình * venereal disease, STD *
VNEN bệnh phổi * lung disease *
VNEN bệnh tim * heart disease *
VNEN bệnh tim mạch * cardiovascular disease, heart disease *
VNEN bệnh trầm kha * chronic disease, illness *
VNEN bệnh tình * venereal disease, STD; progress of an illness *
VNEN bệnh tật * ailment, illness, sickness, disease *
VNEN bệnh tật nhiệt đới * tropical disease, illness *
VNEN bệnh đau phổi * lung-disease *
VNEN bị bệnh đau tim * to suffer from heart disease *
VNEN bị nhiễm bệnh * to be infected, catch a disease *
VNEN chẩn bệnh * to diagnose a disease, diagnose *
VNEN chẩn bịnh * to diagnose, examine a disease *
VNEN chết dịch * to die from disease, from an epidemic *
VNEN chết toi * die of a communicable disease, die in an epidemic *
VNEN chứng * disease, ailment, symptom, sickness, illness; proof, evidence *
VNEN chứng bệnh * disease *
VNEN chứng bịnh * disease, illness, sickness *
VNEN chứng tật * disease, ailment *
VNEN da liễu * skin and venereal diseases *
VNEN dịch bệnh * epidemic (disease) *
VNEN hình thức bệnh * symptom (of an illness, disease) *
VNEN hột xoài * chance (kind of venereal disease) *
VNEN lan tràn * to spread all over (disease, misfortune) *
VNEN lây lan * to spread (disease) *
VNEN lây truyền * to transmit (a disease) *
VNEN mang bệnh * to contract a disease, catch a disease *
VNEN ngã bệnh * to fall ill, become sick, be struck with a disease *
VNEN nhiễm bệnh * to contract, catch a disease *
VNEN nhiễm bịnh * to contract, catch a disease *
VNEN nhuốm bệnh * begin to catch (to contract) a disease *
VNEN nầm mống * germ, cause of a disease *
VNEN nội thương * internal disease *
VNEN phát phù * come down with beriberi, develop disease *
VNEN sài * children’s lasting and serious disease *
VNEN truyền bệnh * to transmit, pass on a disease *
VNEN truyền nhiễm * to transmit, communicate (a disease) *
VNEN trị bệnh cứu người * to treat the disease and save the *
VNEN tái lại * return, go back, recurrence (of disease), recur (of disease) *
VNEN tật * infirmity, disease, illness, (bad) habit, vice *
VNEN tật bệnh * disease, illness *
VNEN tứ khổ * the four sufferances (birth, old age, disease, death) *
VNEN ác tật * dangerous illness, fatal illness, incurable disease *
VNEN ăn vào gan * to eat at one’s liver (disease) *
VNEN đau gan * liver disease, hepatitis *
VNEN đau tim * heart disease *
VNEN điều trị bịnh * to treat a disease, illness *
VNEN định bệnh * to diagnose a disease; diagnosis *
VNEN đổ bệnh * to pass on a disease *

SNOT: disease Health and body care • ailments– accidents
SNOT: names of diseases e.g. Health and body care • ailments– accidents

B1 disease (n.)

OXF3000: căn bệnh disease
OXF3000N căn bệnh bệnh tật disease

OTOP: disease * Health Ailments and diseases

BNC6000 : disease [ Rank: 940 ] n 👪

OPD : Common illnesses and Childhood Diseases Illnesses and Medical Conditions
OPD : Serious Medical Conditions and Diseases Illnesses and Medical Conditions
OPD : heart disease Illnesses and Medical Conditions
OPD : gum disease Dental Care

FN: disease n Medical_conditions

VSLW 45 bệnh tim mạch ☊ (S) cardiovascular disease [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nhiễm ☊ (S) to catch a disease [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 mắc (bệnh) ☊ (S) to catch / to contract (a disease) [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Ung thư là một bệnh nguy hiểm. Cancer is a dangerous disease. Medical