like: dill
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VNEN chần chừ * hesitant, undecided; to waver, hum and haw, dilly-dally *
VNEN lần lữa * to hang about, procrastinate, dilly-dally, dawdle *
VNEN lừng khừng * hesitate, dilly-dally, waver *
VNEN ngần ngừ * to dilly-dally, vacillate, hesitate *
VNEN nhùng nhằng * dilly-dally *
VNEN rau thơm * dill, fennel *
VNEN thì là * dill, fennel *
VNEN trùng trình * dawdle, trifle, dilly-dally, loiter, delay, stall *

OTOP: dill * Food and drink Herbs and spices

OPD : armadillo Mammals