like: destroy
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all words:
VNEN bị tiêu hủy * to be destroyed, demolished *
VNEN bị tàn phá đến mức hủy diệt * to be completely destroyed *
VNEN diệt * to exterminate, destroy, annihilate, wipe out, stamp out *
VNEN diệt ngư lội đĩnh * torpedo boat destroyer *
VNEN hủy * to destroy, cancel, reverse *
VNEN hủy diệt * to destroy completely, exterminate *
VNEN hủy hoại * to destroy, demolish, deteriorate, spoil, damage, ruin *
VNEN kích hủy * to destroy *
VNEN kích phá * to destroy *
VNEN làm sụp đổ * to knock down, topple, destroy *
VNEN làm thiệt hại * to damage, destroy *
VNEN phi tang * destroy the evidence, destroy the traces of crime *
VNEN phá * to destroy, demolish, harm, break, ruin *
VNEN phá bỏ * destroy, demolish *
VNEN phá hoại * to destroy, sabotage, tear down, break up *
VNEN phá hủy * to destroy, demolish, annul *
VNEN phá rối * to disturb, destroy, harass *
VNEN phá tan * to break (silence, peace), destroy *
VNEN phá vỡ * to break (up, through), destroy *
VNEN san bằng * to destroy, flatten *
VNEN tan hoang * devastated, completely destroyed *
VNEN tan nát * smashed, destroyed completely, in pieces; to break into pieces *
VNEN thiêu hủy * to destroy, burn down *
VNEN tiêu diệt * to destroy, annihilate, wipe out, extinguish; extinct *
VNEN tiêu hủy * destroyed, demolished; to destroy, demolish, ruin *
VNEN tiêu tan * to dissipate, evaporate, disappear; dashed, destroyed *
VNEN tuần duyên đĩnh * patrol gun motor, pocket destroyer *
VNEN tàn phá * to devastate, ravage, destroy *
VNEN tàn phá manh mún * to destroy, break into pieces *
VNEN tàu khu trục * destroyer *
VNEN tương tàn * to destroy, kill, slaughter (one another) *
VNEN tự hủy * self destroying *
VNEN tự tiêu diệt * to destroy oneself; self-destruction *
VNEN đánh phá * raid; to destroy, damage, attack *
VNEN đốt phá * to burn and destroy *

GNOT: to destroy Existentia • existence, non-existence

B1 destroy (v.)

OXF3000: phá hủy destroy
OXF3000N phá phá hoại phá huỷ tiêu diệt triệt phá destroy

BNC6000 : destroy [ Rank: 1589 ] v 👪

FN: destroy v Destroying
FN: destroy v Killing
FN: destroy v Experiencer_obj

VSLW 45 tiêu hủy ☊ (S) to destroy [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 67 phá/tàn phá ☊ (S) to destroy [ Advanced Reading ]