like: defeat
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all words:
VNEN bái xái * suffer or sustain a defeat, be defeated *
VNEN bại * to lose, fail, be defeated *
VNEN bại binh * defeated troops *
VNEN bại trận * defeated (army) *
VNEN bại tướng * defeated general *
VNEN bại vong * defeated *
VNEN bị thua trận * to be defeated in battle *
VNEN bị thất bại * to be defeated, fail (a business) *
VNEN bị đại bại * to be defeated *
VNEN chiến bại * defeated, vanquished *
VNEN chạy dài * to suffer a complete defeat, sustain a complete defeat *
VNEN chịa thua * to admit defeat, yield *
VNEN một thất bại nặng * a heavy defeat *
VNEN một thất bại nặng nề * heavy defeat *
VNEN người thua * loser, defeated person *
VNEN phơi áo * defeated *
VNEN sự thất bại * failure, defeat *
VNEN thua * to lose, be defeated *
VNEN thua trận * to be defeated in battle *
VNEN thảm bại * defeat, loss *
VNEN thất bại * to be defeated, lose, fail, be unsuccessful; defeat, failure *
VNEN thắng bại * victory or defeat, success or failure *
VNEN trá bại * to feign defeat *
VNEN tàn binh * defeated troops, remains *
VNEN tàn quân * remnants of a (defeated) army *
VNEN xiểng liểng * badly defeated, beaten hollow *
VNEN đánh bại * to defeat *
VNEN đánh bại các lực lượng Cộng Sản * to strike a defeat to communist forces *
VNEN đánh bại địch thủ * to defeat an opponent *
VNEN đánh tan * to defeat, put (an army) to rout *
VNEN đánh thắng * to conquer, defeat, strike down *
VNEN được * (passive marker); can, be able, okay; that, which; to have, receive, obtain; to defeat, beat *
VNEN đại bại * major defeat *
VNEN đập tan * to shatter, crush, defeat completely *

SNOT: defeat Relations with other people • war and peace

B1 defeat (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: sự thất bại defeat
OXF3000N đánh thắng đánh bại sự thất bại (1 kế hoạch) sự tiêu tan (hy vọng) defeat

BNC6000 : defeat [ Rank: 2606 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : defeat [ Rank: 2909 ] v 👪

Niederlage defeat sự thất bại ☊ (N) Gefühle

FN: defeat n Beat_opponent
FN: defeat v Beat_opponent

VSLW123 chịu thua ☊ (S) be defeated, to give up vsl3

DUOS Những kẻ ác sẽ không bao giờ thắng chúng tôi. The villains will never defeat us. People
DUOS thắng defeat People