like: decline
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all words:
VNEN chiều tà * decline of day, even tide, sunset *
VNEN cự tuyệt * to refuse, reject decline *
VNEN giảm sút * to decrease, decline, diminish, drop *
VNEN hồi tị * decline judging *
VNEN khước từ * to refuse, decline *
VNEN kiếu * to excuse oneself; to refuse, decline *
VNEN kiếu bệnh * decline on pretext of illness *
VNEN lao dốc * to decline, plunge *
VNEN luân lạc * to decline *
VNEN mòn mỏi * wear out gradually, decline gradually *
VNEN mức đầu tư của Nhật Bản đã sụt giảm đáng kể * the level of Japanese investment has declined considerably *
VNEN suy * to consider, think, reflect; to decline, weaken *
VNEN suy di * to deteriorate, decline *
VNEN suy giảm * to decrease, decline *
VNEN suy sụp * to collapse, fall, crumble, decline, go down *
VNEN suy thoái * recession, slump, decline, drop; to degrade, regress, recess, decline, drop *
VNEN suy tàn * decay; to decline *
VNEN suy tổn * worsen, decline *
VNEN suy vong * to decline, fall into decadence, degenerate *
VNEN suy yếu * to weaken, decline; weak, feeble *
VNEN sút kém * deteriorate, decline *
VNEN sụt giảm * to diminish, decrease, be reduced, decline *
VNEN sự suy sụp * weakness, decline *
VNEN thoái hóa * to degenerate, decline *
VNEN thoái thác * to decline *
VNEN thua nặng * to decline, fall *
VNEN trượt dốc * to slide, slip, decline *
VNEN tàn * ashes, remains; to decline, decrease, fade, draw to an end, decay, crumble *
VNEN từ chối * to refuse, decline, turn down *
VNEN từ khước * to refuse, decline, reject *
VNEN xuống thấp * to go down, decline *
VNEN xế * slant, decline *
VNEN xế chiều * decline of day *

B2 decline (n.) (v.)

OXF3000: từ chối decline
OXF3000N sự suy tàn sự suy sụp suy sụp suy tàn decline

OTOP: decline * Business Trends

BNC6000 : decline [ Rank: 2147 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : decline [ Rank: 2451 ] v 👪

Verfall decline sự suy giảm ☊ (N) Abstrakta

OPD : decline an invitation Everyday Conversation

FN: decline n Change_position_on_a_scale
FN: decline v Change_position_on_a_scale
FN: decline v Agree_or_refuse_to_act

VSLW123 từ chối ☊ (S) to refuse, to decline vsl3
VSLW 45 suy giảm ☊ (S) to decline, to decrease [ Basic Reading ]