like: cut
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Advanced Level


VNEN đứt khúc * cut *

all words:
VNEN ban chấp hành * executive board, executive committee *
VNEN beng * to cut (off) *
VNEN beng cổ * to cut the neck of *
VNEN beng mất đầu * to have one’s head cut off *
VNEN biện lý * attorney, prosecutor *
VNEN biện lý cuộc * prosecutor’s office *
VNEN biện l‎ý cuộc * prosecutor’s office *
VNEN buốt * feeling a sharp pain, feeling a biting cold; sharp, biting, cutting *
VNEN bàn ren * screw-cutter *
VNEN bá đạo * authoritarian, dictatorial, potent; short-cut *
VNEN bán cấp * subacute *
VNEN bêu đầu * to display the head of an executed criminal *
VNEN bạo đồ * thug, cutthroat, bandit, brigand *
VNEN bị cúp * to be cut off, be disconnected *
VNEN bị cắt * to be cut *
VNEN bị cắt đứt * to be cut, slashed *
VNEN bị hành hạ * to be persecuted *
VNEN bị hành quyết * to be executed *
VNEN bị truy tố * to be prosecuted *
VNEN bỏ bớt * to cut down, cut back, reduce *
VNEN chen * to make one’s way through a crowd, cut in (speech) *
VNEN chi ủy * party cell executive, cell committee *
VNEN chi ủy viên * member of a party cell executive, member of *
VNEN chành chạnh * clear, clear-cut *
VNEN chân bì * cutis, skincutis, skin *
VNEN chém * to cut, chop *
VNEN chính chủ tịch * chief executive officer *
VNEN chũm * top cut off an areca-nut *
VNEN chưởng lý * attorney-general, public prosecutor *
VNEN chạm nọc * to touch (someone) to the raw, cut (someone) to the quick *
VNEN chạy lon ton * scuttle along *
VNEN chấp * (1) to reproach, bear a grudge
(2) to give (an advantage)
(3) to hold, approve, manage, execute
(4) juice
VNEN chấp hành * execute, carry out *
VNEN chấp pháp * executive *
VNEN chặn hậu * to cut off the enemy’s retreat *
VNEN chặt * (1) fast, close, tight; solid
(2) to cut, chop down
VNEN chặt cây * to cut down a tree *
VNEN chặt cụt * shorten, chop off, cut off *
VNEN chặt ngọn * to cut the top off (a tree), (fig) beat to the punch *
VNEN chặt ngọn một cây * to top, cut the top off, a tree *
VNEN cuộng * cutting, graft, stem, stalk *
VNEN cành giâm * cutting *
VNEN cách bức * distant, indirect; to cut off, separate, isolate *
VNEN công tố * to prosecute (on behalf of the state) *
VNEN công tố viên * public prosecutor *
VNEN công tố viên đặc nhiệm * special prosecutor *
VNEN cúp * to cut, disconnect, cut in (traffic) *
VNEN cơ quan hành pháp * executive branch (of government) *
VNEN cơ xảo * skilful, cute, clever *
VNEN cạo đầu * to get a haircut, give a haircut, shave somebody’s head *
VNEN cấp tính * pernicious, acute *
VNEN cắt * to cut, reduce, chop *
VNEN cắt băng * cut the inauguration band *
VNEN cắt bằng phẳng * to cut smoothly *
VNEN cắt bỏ * to cut out *
VNEN cắt dán * cut-paste *
VNEN cắt giảm * to cut back on, cut down, reduce *
VNEN cắt khúc * cut into pieces *
VNEN cắt ngắn * cut short, shorten, cut down *
VNEN cắt quần áo * cut out a garment *
VNEN cắt rau * to cut up vegetables *
VNEN cắt tóc * to cut hair, give a haircut *
VNEN cắt tóc ngắn * to cut one’s hair short *
VNEN cắt xén * to clip, cut, shorten, edit, truncate *
VNEN cắt đứt * to cut (off), sever, break off *
VNEN cắt đứt liên hệ * to sever, cut off a relationship, relations *
VNEN cắt đứt lời * to cut someone off (while speaking) *
VNEN cổ họng bị rách đôi * to have one’s throat cut *
VNEN cụt * cut off, blind, lame, crippled *
VNEN cứa * to cut with a blunt knife *
VNEN diễn tấu * perform, execute (a musical work) *
VNEN dấu sắc * acute accent, high tone *
VNEN dứt khoát * to settle out of hand; unambiguous, definitive, clear-cut *
VNEN giám đốc điều hành * chief executive officer *
VNEN giảm * to decrease, cut down, reduce, lessen, drop, fall *
VNEN giảm chi phí * to reduce, cut costs *
VNEN giảm giá * to reduce or lower or cut the prices, discount *
VNEN giảm nhẹ * to cut down, lighten *
VNEN giảm thuế * to lower, reduce, cut taxes *
VNEN giảm trừ * to decrease, cut down *
VNEN giảm xuống * to decrease, go down, fall, reduce, cut down *
VNEN góc nhọn * acute angle *
VNEN hiển minh * clear-cut, unequivocal, unmistakable *
VNEN hành * (1) scallion, spring onion
(2) to act, execute, carry out
(3) stem
(4) to go, travel (on foot)
(5) one of the five elements
VNEN hành hình * to execute, put (a prisoner) to death *
VNEN hành hạ * to mistreat, treat badly persecute *
VNEN hành pháp * executive (branch of government) *
VNEN hành quyết * execution; to execute (a person) *
VNEN hóm hỉnh * cute *
VNEN hạ bì * hypodermis, subcutaneous *
VNEN hở hang * low-cut *
VNEN hở ngực * decolleté, low-cut, low-necked (of dress) *
VNEN hở vai * decolleté, low-cut (of dress) *
VNEN im mồm * shut your mouth! cut your cackle! shut up! *
VNEN khô mực * dried cuttlefish *
VNEN khấu đuôi * pork cut at joint of tail-crupper *
VNEN khứa * to cut little by little *
VNEN kiểu tóc * hairstyle, haircut *
VNEN làm cỏ * to cut or mow grass, cut or mow the lawn *
VNEN lóc * to dissect, cut up *
VNEN lăng trì * death of a thousand cuts *
VNEN lạng * to cut into thin slices *
VNEN lẻo * to cut neatly *
VNEN lối tắt * shortcut (computer) *
VNEN miếng thịt bèo nhèo * a flabby cut of meat *
VNEN máy cắt * breaker, cutter *
VNEN * (1) to cut off, prune
(2) edge, border, space, area, side
VNEN mổ * to operate, cut up, perform surgery, dissect *
VNEN mộc bản tranh dân gian * the wood-blocks of folk woodcuts *
VNEN mực * cuttle-fish; ink *
VNEN người tiều phu * woodcutter *
VNEN người tử tội * person condemned to death, person awaiting execution *
VNEN ngược đãi * to persecute, mistreat, maltreat, abuse; mistreatment, maltreatment *
VNEN ngược đãi tôn giáo * religious persecution *
VNEN ngắt lời * to interpose, interrupt, slap somebody down, butt in on somebody, cut somebody short *
VNEN ngộ nghĩnh * queer, quaint, odd, funny, cute, pretty, sweet *
VNEN nha biện lý * public prosecutor *
VNEN nhuệ độ * acuteness *
VNEN nhát * (1) short time
(2) to cut, stab, slash
(3) cowardly, shy, timid
VNEN nhạc công * professional executant *
VNEN nhận thức * to carry out, realize, execute; to know, recognize, conceive *
VNEN nhọn * sharp, pointed, acute *
VNEN nói leo * cut into the grow-ups’ conversation, interrupt adults or superiors *
VNEN nữ cán bộ * woman executive *
VNEN pháp trường * execution ground *
VNEN phó ngữ * adverbial locution *
VNEN quán ngữ * locution *
VNEN rách đối * to cut or tear in two *
VNEN rạch * (1) canal, stream
(2) to cut, rip, divide
VNEN rọc * to cut open *
VNEN rọc giấy * paper-knife, paper-cutting machine *
VNEN siết * to cut off, slash off; to squeeze, wring, fasten, tighten *
VNEN sắc cạnh * sharp, acute *
VNEN sự nhát * a stab, slash, cut *
VNEN teo da * atrophia cutis *
VNEN thi công * to execute *
VNEN thi hành * to carry out (order, mission), execute; execution, carrying out *
VNEN thi hành luật * to execute, carry out the law *
VNEN thi hành mệnh lệnh * to carry out, execute an order, command *
VNEN thiến dái * to cut off sb’s genitals *
VNEN thêm bớt * adjust to add or cut details *
VNEN thằng đao phủ thủ * executioner *
VNEN thẻo * piece, bit, slice; to cut *
VNEN thế phát * have one’s hair cut *
VNEN thịt vai * shoulder cut *
VNEN thừa hành * to carry out, execute *
VNEN tiến hành * to advance, move forward, continue, carry out, execute, operate *
VNEN tiều phu * hewer, woodcutter, woodsman, lumberjack *
VNEN truy tố * to prosecute, sue *
VNEN tuân hành * to carry out, execute, perform *
VNEN tách bạch * clear cut *
VNEN tét * to split, cut *
VNEN tần số cắt * cutoff frequency *
VNEN tỏi gà * chicken’s leg (already cut out) *
VNEN vạc * (1) range, boiler, urn, cauldron
(2) bittern
(3) to whittle, cut
VNEN vằm * to mince, cut into small pieces *
VNEN vỏ quít dày có móng tay nhọn * diamond cuts diamond *
VNEN vụ hành quyết * execution (of a person) *
VNEN xinh xắn * lovely, cute *
VNEN xoẹt * (of knife, clap of thunder) cut fast, fast *
VNEN xà xẻo * worm out, extract (money), rake off, cheat cut, squeeze *
VNEN xén * to cut, trim *
VNEN xắt * to cut, slice *
VNEN xẻ * to saw, split (up), cut *
VNEN xẻo * to cut off, cut up, cut out *
VNEN xớn * wandering, loitering, cut *
VNEN xởn * to clip, prune, lop, cut short *
VNEN xử bắn * to execute by firing squad *
VNEN xử tử * to sentence to death, execute, put to death *
VNEN áp chế * to oppress, tyrannize, persecute *
VNEN ô tặc cốt * cuttle bone *
VNEN đao phủ * executioner, headsman, hangman *
VNEN đau buốt * acute pain *
VNEN đi tắt * to take a short-cut *
VNEN đoản đao * cutlass *
VNEN đĩnh ngộ * cute, handsome *
VNEN đường tắt * short cut *
VNEN đẵn * to cut down, chop down *
VNEN đẵn củi * to cut firewood *
VNEN đẵn gỗ * to cut down wood, trees *
VNEN đẽo * to cut, squeeze (money) *
VNEN đốn * to cut down, chop down *
VNEN đốn cây * to cut down a tree *
VNEN đứt * to break, cut, collapse, give way *
VNEN đứt khúc * cut *
VNEN ải sát * to execute by hanging, strangle to death *

GNOT: to cut Qualitative • physical condition
SNOT: to cut Health and body care • hygiene
SNOT: to cut Health and body care • ailments– accidents

A2 cut (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: cắt cut
OXF3000N cắt chặt sự cắt cut

OTOP: cut * Body and appearance Describing hair
OTOP: cut * Body and appearance Describing hair
OTOP: cut * Clothes and fashion The fashion world
OTOP: cut * Culture Making films
OTOP: cut * Culture Making films
OTOP: cut * Culture Making films
OTOP: cut * Culture Showing films
OTOP: cut * Culture Producing music
OTOP: cut * Food and drink Preparing food
OTOP: cut * Food and drink Meat
OTOP: cut * Health Injuries
OTOP: cut * Health Injuries
OTOP: cut * Health Addiction
OTOP: cut * Technology Using a computer

BNC6000 : cut [ Rank: 1696 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : cut [ Rank: 563 ] v 👪

OPD : cute Describing People
OPD : cut hair Describing Hair
OPD : cutting board A Kitchen
OPD : veal cutlets Meat
OPD : Cut the chicken. Food Preparation and Safety
OPD : low-cut socks Underwear and Sleepwear
OPD : cut ... Nails Personal Hygiene
OPD : cut Symptoms and Injuries
OPD : Executive Government and Military Service
OPD : prosecuting attorney The Legal System
OPD : executive An Office
OPD : paper cutter An Office
OPD : head chef / executive chef A Hotel
OPD : acute angle Mathematics
OPD : rotary cutter Hobies and Games

FN: cut a Hair_configuration
FN: cut n Hair_configuration
FN: cut n Cause_change_of_position_on_a_scale
FN: cut v Cause_harm
FN: cut v Experience_bodily_harm
FN: cut v Cause_change_of_position_on_a_scale
FN: cut v Cutting
FN: cut v Intentional_traversing
FN: cut v Change_direction
FN: cut v Change_operational_state
FN: cut v Removing

VSLW123 dễ thương ☊ (S) lovely, cute vsl2
VSLW123 cắt ☊ (S) to cut (with scissor) vsl3
VSLW123 cúp ☊ (S) to be cut off, turn off vsl3
VSLW 45 thường trực ☊ (S) executive, standing [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 thi hành ☊ (S) to execute [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 truy tố ☊ (S) to prosecute [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hành pháp ☊ (S) executive [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 trồng trọt ☊ (S) to plant, to cutivate [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 khởi tố, truy tố ☊ (S) to prosecute [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 cứa ☊ (S) to cut [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 khởi tố ☊ (S) to prosecute [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 sắc sảo ☊ (S) sharp, acute (like in "sharp / acute remark") [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 Cơ quan thi hành án ☊ (S) Agency of judgment execution [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 công tố viên ☊ (S) prosecutor [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Những con chuột này thật dễ thương. These mice are really cute. Adjectives 3
DUOS dễ thương cute Adjectives 3
DUOS chặt chém slash cut Informal Expressions

50L Có cần tôi thái hành tây không? * Shall I cut the onions? 021
50L Thìa dĩa ở đâu? * Where is the cutlery / silverware (am.)? 021
50L Bạn cắt tóc cho tôi được không? * Can you cut my hair? 076