like: cowardly
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VNEN ươn hèn * cowardly *

all words:
VNEN dát như cáy * cowardly, chicken *
VNEN hèn nhát * cowardly; cowardice *
VNEN nhát * (1) short time
(2) to cut, stab, slash
(3) cowardly, shy, timid
VNEN nhát gan * fearful, cowardly; fear, cowardice *
VNEN yếu hèn * weak, feeble, cowardly, spineless, ineffective, incapable, weak-kneed, weak-willed *
VNEN đụt * dense, dull; to take cover, take shelter, shelter; imbecile, weak-minded, cowardly, fainthearted *
VNEN ươn hèn * cowardly *