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all words:
VNEN Phạn * (1) Buddhist
(2) cooked rice
VNEN Tổ Chức An Ninh và Hợp Tác Âu Châu * Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) *
VNEN anh bếp * cook *
VNEN anh nuôi * cook (male) *
VNEN bu * (1) mother
(2) coop
VNEN bu gà * chicken coop *
VNEN bung * (1) to burst, break open
(2) to stew, cook for a long time
VNEN bình tỉnh * calm, cool, collected, composed *
VNEN bất cộng tác * non-cooperation *
VNEN bất hợp tác * uncooperative, non-cooperation *
VNEN bếp * (1) kitchen, stove
(2) cook
VNEN bếp nước * cooking *
VNEN chín nhũn * soft (because cooked too long or overripe) *
VNEN chầu chực * to wait, cool one’s heels *
VNEN chị bếp * cook *
VNEN cu li * coolie *
VNEN cuộc dón tiếp nhạt nhẽo * a cool reception *
VNEN công điểm * cooperative mark for work *
VNEN cơm * rice, cooked rice, food (in general) *
VNEN cơm chín * cooked rice *
VNEN cơm khê * burnt (overcooked) rice *
VNEN cơm không * plain cooked rice, rice with nothing to go with it *
VNEN cố giữ bình tỉnh * to try to keep calm, try to stay cool *
VNEN cộng sự * fellow-worker, coworker; to work together, collaborate, cooperate *
VNEN cộng tác * cooperation, collaboration; to cooperate, collaborate *
VNEN cộng tác với * to cooperate with *
VNEN cộng tác với chính quyền * to cooperate with the government *
VNEN cứ bình tỉnh * to keep calm, stay cool *
VNEN dân phu * coolie, laborer *
VNEN gia chánh * domestic science (housework, cooking, needlework); head of a household, family *
VNEN gia tăng hợp tác * to increase cooperation *
VNEN gác bếp * smoking-shelf (over a cooking fire, stove), throw away *
VNEN * to coo *
VNEN gạo * raw (uncooked) rice *
VNEN gạo nép * uncooked sticky rice *
VNEN hiệp tác * to cooperate *
VNEN hình học giải tích * coordinate geometry, analytic *
VNEN hẫng hờ * cool, indifferent *
VNEN hỏa đầu quân * army mess-cook *
VNEN hợp tác * to cooperate, collaborate, work together; cooperation, collaboration *
VNEN hợp tác chặt chẽ với nhau * to work closely together, cooperate closely with each other *
VNEN hợp tác kinh tế * economic cooperation *
VNEN hợp tác trong chương trình * to cooperate, take part in a plan *
VNEN hợp tác với Hoa Kỳ * cooperation with the United States *
VNEN hợp tác với nhau * to cooperate with one another *
VNEN loạc choạc * uncoordinated *
VNEN làm bếp * to do the cooking, cook *
VNEN làm cơm * to cook, prepare a meal *
VNEN man mát * rather cool *
VNEN mát * cool, fresh *
VNEN mát dịu * breezy and cool, pleasant to the eye *
VNEN mát giời * the weather is cool *
VNEN mát mẻ * cool *
VNEN mát rợi * very cool *
VNEN múc * scoop, ladle soup out into bowls *
VNEN nguôi * subside, become appeased, become less sharp (severe), cool down, calm *
VNEN nguội * cool, cold *
VNEN ngày nấu cơm hai bữa * to cook rice twice a day *
VNEN nhà bếp * (1) cook, chef
(2) kitchen
VNEN nhạt nhẽo * tasteless, insipid; cool *
VNEN nhừ * be well-cooked, be well-done, feel a pervasive pain (numbness) *
VNEN nước rặc * ebb tide, water cooked off *
VNEN nấu * to cook, boil *
VNEN nấu cơm * to cook (rice), prepare a meal, do the cooking *
VNEN nấu nướng * to cook, broil *
VNEN nấu ăn * to cook, do cooking *
VNEN nồi ba * cooking pot for three men *
VNEN nồi cơm điện * multi rice cooker *
VNEN nồi mười * a cooking pot for ten men *
VNEN nồi áp suất * pressure cooker *
VNEN phao câu * parson’s nose, pope’s nose, rump of cooked fowl *
VNEN phu dịch * coolie, laborer *
VNEN phu hồ * mason coolie *
VNEN phu phen * coolies, corvee-bound laborers *
VNEN phăm phắp * in perfect coordination *
VNEN phạn * pot for cooked rice *
VNEN phối hợp * to coordinate, combine, mate; synchronization, coordination *
VNEN sáo * (1) magpie
(2) bamboo blinds
(3) stock phrase, cliché
(4) flute
(5) cook meet with bamboo shoots and spices
VNEN sâm cầm * black coot *
VNEN sự cộng tác * cooperation, collaboration *
VNEN sự hợp tác * collaboration, cooperation *
VNEN thanh lương * coolness, freshness *
VNEN thổi cơm * to cook rice *
VNEN thổi nấu * to cook, make (dinner) *
VNEN trời mát * cool and fresh weather *
VNEN tài nấu nướng * cooking skill, talent *
VNEN tát * to slap, hit; to scoop (water), bail out (a boat) *
VNEN tướng quân * army general, tycoon, shogun *
VNEN tỉnh bơ * calm, cool, composed *
VNEN tổ họp * joint venture; union, combination, cooperation, organization, trust *
VNEN việc phối hợp * coordination *
VNEN với sự cộng tác * in cooperation with, with the cooperation of *
VNEN với sự cộng tác của * with the help, cooperation of *
VNEN vục * scoop something, up with an instrument *
VNEN xào nấu * cook (food) *
VNEN xôi vò * glutinous rice cooked with split peas *
VNEN xúc * to shovel, scoop *
VNEN xúc cá * to catch fish (by scooping them up) *
VNEN xúc rác * to scoop up the garbage *
VNEN ám hiệu tọa độ bản đồ * map coordinate code *
VNEN ông trùm * godfather, magnate, tycoon, baron, lord, leader, head *
VNEN ăn ghém * to feed on uncooked vegetables *
VNEN ăn gỏi * to eat uncooked food, spend too much *
VNEN ăn sống * to eat uncooked food *
VNEN ăn xổi * to eat (pickles) before they are ready, eat before sth is completely cooked *
VNEN đi phu * serve as coolie, laborer *
VNEN điều hòa * regular; to adjust, regulate, coordinate *
VNEN điều phối * to coordinate *
VNEN điều phối viên * coordinator *
VNEN điều vận * to coordinate the transport system *
VNEN đũa cả * large (cooking, serving) chopsticks *
VNEN đại táo * common food, cheapest canteen cooking *
VNEN đầu bếp * cook, chef *
VNEN đầu ngô mình sở * uncoordinated, incoherent, inconsistent *
VNEN đầu rau * earthen tripod (for a cooking pot) *

GNOT: cool Spatial • temperature
SNOT: to cook Daily life • at home

OTOP: coo * Personality and emotio Love

OPD : cool Weather
OPD : cook dinner , make dinner Daily Routines
OPD : cooked chicken Meat
OPD : cookies A Grocery Store
OPD : a package of cookies Containers and Packaging
OPD : cook Food Preparation and Safety
OPD : cookie sheet Kitchen Utensils
OPD : Line Cook Workplace Clothing
OPD : scoop neck Describing Clothes
OPD : Put in coolant. Buying and Maintaining a Car
OPD : cook Job Skills
OPD : short-order cook A Hotel
OPD : racoon Mammals
OPD : cooler The Beach

FN: coo n Sounds
FN: coo v Communication_noise
FN: coo v Make_noise

VSLW123 nấu ăn ☊ (S) to cook vsl1
VSLW123 cơm ☊ (S) (cooked) rice vsl1
VSLW123 nấu ☊ (S) to cook vsl1
VSLW123 mát/mát mẻ ☊ (S) cool vsl1
VSLW 45 dầu ăn ☊ (S) cooking oil [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 phối hợp ☊ (S) to coordinate [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 phối hợp ☊ (S) to coordinate [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tọa độ ☊ (S) coordinates [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 hợp tác xã ☊ (S) cooperative [ Intermediate Reading ]

VSLS Bội Lan có thích nấu ăn không? Do Bội Lan (you) like cooking? vsl2
VSLS Dạ thích. Mặc dù không có nhiều thời gian nhưng Lan rất thích tự mình nấu ăn. Yes, I do. Although I don't have much time, (I) Lan like to cook very much. vsl2

DUOS Dầu ăn cooking oil Food
DUOS Tôi học nấu ăn. I learn (how) to cook. Verbs 1
DUOS The woman cooks for the children. Verbs 1
DUOS Bạn luyện tập nấu cơm. You practice cooking rice. Verbs 1
DUOS Anh ấy làm việc và cô ấy nấu ăn. He works and she cooks. Verbs 1
DUOS Bạn nấu canh như thế nào? How do you cook the soup? Questions 2
DUOS Cô ấy nấu ăn trong khi đọc. She cooks while she reads. Conjunctions
DUOS Nếu bạn nấu thì tôi ăn. If you cook then I eat. Conjunctions
DUOS Tôi mua trứng để nấu ăn. I buy eggs for cooking. Conjunctions
DUOS Anh ấy đang nấu bữa trưa vào lúc này. He is cooking lunch at the moment. Continuous
DUOS Chúng tôi sản xuất dầu ăn. We produce cooking oil. Verbs 2
DUOS Khi nào bạn nấu ăn cùng mẹ của bạn? When do you cook with your mother? Prepositions 1
DUOS Đầu bếp cần những chiếc muỗng dài. The cook needs long spoons. Jobs 1
DUOS Đầu bếp này rất chuyên nghiệp. This cook is very professional. Attributes
DUOS hợp tác cooperate Verbs 2.5
DUOS Con mèo không muốn hợp tác với tôi. The cat does not want to cooperate with me. Verbs 2.5
DUOS Họ không đồng ý hợp tác với chúng tôi. They do not agree to cooperate with us. Verbs 2.5
DUOS Làm ơn hợp tác với chúng tôi. Please cooperate with us. Verbs 2.5
DUOS Cảm ơn vì sự hỗ trợ và sự hợp tác của bạn. Thanks for your support and cooperation. Verbs 2.5
DUOS Bạn có dám hợp tác với tôi không? Do you dare to cooperate with me? Verbs 2.5
DUOS Tôi thậm chí không hợp tác vớihọ. I do not even cooperate with them. Adverbs
DUOS Bạn không thể trộn nước và dầu ăn. You cannot mix water and cooking oil. Verbs 3
DUOS Người đầu bếp xuất hiện ở nhà thờ. The cook appears in the church. Verbs 3
DUOS Anh ấy là đầu bếp của chương trình. He is the cook of the program. Education
DUOS Họ muốn tự mình nấu mì Ý. They want to cook pasta by themselves. Common Phrases 3
DUOS Thể tích của một chai dầu ăn The volume of a bottle of cooking oil. Science

50L Hôm nay bạn muốn nấu món gì? * What do you want to cook today? 021
50L Bạn nấu bằng điện hay bằng ga? * Do you cook on an electric or a gas stove? 021
50L Bạn nấu xúp ở trong nồi này à? * Are you cooking the soup in this pot? 021
50L Chị ấy đọc báo thay cho nấu ăn. * She reads the newspaper instead of cooking. 098