like: contract
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN hiệp đồng * contract *
VNEN hợp đồng * contract *
VNEN khế ước * contract *

all words:
VNEN băm * (1) thirty (contraction of ba mươi)
(2) to chop (meat), hash (Comp.)
VNEN bả * (1) poison, bait
(2) she (contraction of bà ấy)
VNEN bỏ thầu * to bid (on a contract) *
VNEN cai đầu dài * knavish contractor *
VNEN chủ thầu * contractor *
VNEN co * to contract, shrink, pull back *
VNEN co dúm * contracted; to shrivel, shrink, shrink out of shape, cringe *
VNEN co rút * to contract *
VNEN giao kèo * contract, agreement *
VNEN giấy giao kèo * contract, agreement *
VNEN gọi thầu * to call for contracts, bids *
VNEN hiệp đồng * contract *
VNEN hăm * twenty (contraction of hai mươi) *
VNEN hợp đồng * contract *
VNEN hợp đồng bảo hiểm người * personal insurance contract *
VNEN hợp đồng mua bán điện * electricity purchase contract *
VNEN hợp đồng đã ký * signed contract *
VNEN hợp đồng đã đáo hạn * the contract has expired *
VNEN hủy bỏ hợp đồng * to cancel a contract *
VNEN khoán ước * fixed-price contract *
VNEN khé cổ * have one’s throat contracted by too much sweetness *
VNEN khế ước * contract *
VNEN ký giao kèo * to sign an agreement, contract *
VNEN ký hợp đồng * to sign a contract *
VNEN ký khế ước * to sign a contract *
VNEN ký kết hợp đồng * to sign a contract *
VNEN kết ước * to contract *
VNEN mang bệnh * to contract a disease, catch a disease *
VNEN mang công mắc nợ * to contract or incur debts, get or run or fall into debt *
VNEN mâu thuẫn * to contradict, conflict; conflicting, contradictory, inconsistent; contraction, inconsistency, conflict, confrontation *
VNEN mắc phải * to acquire, contract, catch *
VNEN ngoặc tay * link forefingers (in sign of a contract agreed upon) *
VNEN nhiễm * to be infected, catch, contract (an illness) *
VNEN nhiễm bệnh * to contract, catch a disease *
VNEN nhiễm bịnh * to contract, catch a disease *
VNEN nhiễm một thói xấu * to contract a bad habit *
VNEN nhuốm bệnh * begin to catch (to contract) a disease *
VNEN nhà thầu * entrepreneur, contractor *
VNEN nhà thầu tư nhân * private contractor *
VNEN nhân viên hợp đồng * contractor *
VNEN nhận thầu * to contract, undertake *
VNEN rặn * to contract one’s abdominal muscles while lifting *
VNEN súc tính * contractility *
VNEN sự co cơ * muscular contraction *
VNEN thư khế * contract, transaction, deal, bargain *
VNEN thầu * (1) contract
(2) to steal
VNEN thầu khoán * builder, contractor *
VNEN thầu lại * to subcontract *
VNEN thắt đáy * take in, contract, make narrower *
VNEN tính co rút * contractibility *
VNEN tóp * to shrink, contract, wither, lose flesh, grow thin *
VNEN văn khế * contract, act *
VNEN xe duyên * to wed, marry, contract marriage with somebody, to *
VNEN á khế ước * implied contact, quasi contract *
VNEN đấu thầu * to bid for, contract, put in (make) a tender *

B1 contract (n.) (v.)

OXF3000: hợp đồng contract
OXF3000N hợp đồng sự ký hợp đồng ký kết contract

OTOP: contract * Business Business deals
OTOP: contract * Crime and law Legal documents
OTOP: contract * Health Being ill
OTOP: contract * Houses and buildings Buying a home
OTOP: contract * Science Materials and properties
OTOP: contract * Work Pay and conditions at work

BNC6000 : contract [ Rank: 648 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : contract [ Rank: 3800 ] v 👪

OPD : contractor A Bad Day at Work

FN: contract n Documents
FN: contract n Being_obligated
FN: contract v Expansion
FN: contract v Hiring
FN: contract v Change_position_on_a_scale

VSLW123 hợp đồng ☊ (S) contract vsl2
VSLW 45 hợp đồng ☊ (S) contract [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 chấm dứt hợp đồng lao động ☊ (S) termination of labor contract [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 khoán ☊ (S) contracted work [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 tiền khoán ☊ (S) contracted work payment [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 mắc (bệnh) ☊ (S) to catch / to contract (a disease) [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS hợp đồng kinh doanh business contract Economics
DUOS hợp đồng contract Economics
DUOS Hợp đồng này đã bị hoãn. This contract was postponed. Verbs 5
DUOS Hợp đồng này sẽ ràng buộc bạn. This contract will constrain you. Verbs 5
DUOS Công ty của bạn mất hợp đồng đó. Your company loses that contract. Verbs 5
DUOS Một hợp đồng béo bở A lucrative contract. Reduplicative Words