like: conduct
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Advanced Level


VNEN cách ăn ở * conduct *

all words:
VNEN ba toác * ill-mannered, have improper speech or conduct, careless *
VNEN bán dẫn * semiconductor *
VNEN bắt nhịp * to conduct (an orchestra, a choir), beat time, be in tune with *
VNEN chấp kinh * to keep to the usual code of conduct *
VNEN chất bán dẫn * semiconductor *
VNEN chất dẫn nhiệt * heat-conducting substance *
VNEN cách ăn ở * conduct *
VNEN cư xử * to behave, act, conduct oneself *
VNEN cột thu lôi * lightning-rod, lightning-conductor *
VNEN diễn tập * to perform maneuvers, conduct war games *
VNEN dung hạnh * behavior, conduct *
VNEN dây dẫn * conductor wire, conducting-wire *
VNEN dẫn * to guide, take, conduct, quote, cite; according to *
VNEN dẫn nhiệt * to conduct heat *
VNEN dẫn điện * to conduct electricity *
VNEN dụng binh * to conduct an army, conduct a war *
VNEN giở chứng * to change one’s behavior, conduct *
VNEN hoạt động kinh doanh * to carry out, conduct business *
VNEN hướng dẫn * to guide, lead, conduct; guidance, direction *
VNEN hạnh kiểm * behavior, conduct *
VNEN hỗ dẫn * mutual conductance *
VNEN khuôn phép * rule of behavior, rule of conduct, discipline *
VNEN khám bệnh * medical examination; to conduct a medical examination *
VNEN kinh doanh * to carry on business, conduct (trade, commerce) *
VNEN làm chay * conduct an expiatory mass *
VNEN làm thương mại * to do business, conduct trade, commerce *
VNEN lãnh đạo * to guide, lead, direct, conduct; leadership, direction *
VNEN mối giềng * rule of conduct to be followed *
VNEN nhạc trưởng * leader or conductor of an orchestra, bandmaster *
VNEN nết * conduct, behavior, habit *
VNEN phép nhà * family’s rule of conduct *
VNEN phải phép * conform to the rule of conduct *
VNEN phẩm hạnh * (good) conduct, behavior *
VNEN quang dẫn * photoconduction *
VNEN siêu dẫn * supraconductor *
VNEN suất lĩnh * conduct, lead, guide, command, direct, order *
VNEN thi hành thương mại * to conduct trade *
VNEN thấu nhiệt * conduction of heat *
VNEN thể thống * fixed rule of conduct, conventional trend *
VNEN truyền điện * conductive *
VNEN tu tỉnh * to mend one’s ways, better one’s conduct, turn over a *
VNEN tính hạnh * conduct, behavior *
VNEN tư cách * status, capacity behavior, conduct *
VNEN vì lý do hạnh kiểm * for (bad, poor) conduct *
VNEN ăn ở * to (eat and) live, conduct oneself, behave *
VNEN điểm hạnh kiểm * (classroom) conduct grade, behavior grade *
VNEN điện dẫn * conductivity *
VNEN đưa * to take, give, conduct, lead, bring (something or someone) *
VNEN ống dẫn * conduct, track, pipe *
VNEN ứng xử * to behave (oneself), comport oneself, conduct oneself *

B2 conduct (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: hạnh kiểm conduct
OXF3000N điều khiển chỉ đạo chỉ huy sự điều khiển chỉ huy conduct

OTOP: conduct * Science Electronics
OTOP: conduct * Science Experiments and research

BNC6000 : conduct [ Rank: 2770 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : conduct [ Rank: 1835 ] v 👪

OPD : conductor Public Transportation
OPD : conduct an orchestra Music

FN: conduct n Conduct
FN: conduct v Cotheme
FN: conduct v Conduct
FN: conduct v Intentionally_act

VSLW123 hướng dẫn ☊ (S) to conduct, to guide vsl2
VSLW 45 Quy tắc ứng xử trên Biển Đông ☊ (S) Code of Conduct in the East Sea [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 ứng xử ☊ (S) conduct [ Advanced Reading ]