like: common
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all words:
VNEN Liên Hiệp Anh * British Commonwealth *
VNEN bách tính * the common people, the masses, the people *
VNEN bình dân * common, everyday person; popular, democratic *
VNEN bình dân hóa * popularization; to make common, vulgarize *
VNEN bạch cúc * (common) daisy *
VNEN bạch đinh * commoner, common person, plebian, nobody *
VNEN bất bình thường * unusual, uncommon, not normal *
VNEN bố y * cotton garments (the common people) *
VNEN chia sẻ mục tiêu chung * to share common goals *
VNEN chung * common, mutual, combined, together *
VNEN chung chạ * to share; in common *
VNEN chung nhau * to have in common (with each other) *
VNEN chuyện rất thường * common thing, everyday thing, nothing special *
VNEN chuyện thường * common thing, nothing unusual *
VNEN chân trắng * plebeian, commoner *
VNEN chữ thông dụng * common word, word in common use *
VNEN có một mục đích chung * to have a mutual, common goal, purpose *
VNEN có một điểm giống nhau * to have a point, something in common *
VNEN có nhiều nét chung * to have a lot in common *
VNEN công * (1) labor, effort, work
(2) (bank) account
(3) peacock
(4) duke
(5) wages, salary, pay
(6) fair, equal, just
(7) public, common
(8) to attack
VNEN công bội * denominator, common denominator *
VNEN công cộng * public, common, collective *
VNEN công lệ * rule, law, common rule *
VNEN cộng * (1) common, collective, communist
(2) to add (up)
VNEN cộng đồng * common, collective, community *
VNEN cộng đồng tài sản * communal, common, joint property *
VNEN của chung * common, communal property *
VNEN danh từ chung * common noun *
VNEN dân đen * mob, rabble, common run of the people *
VNEN dân ước * common agreement *
VNEN giao diện chung * common interface *
VNEN hạ nghị viện * lower house, house of commons, house of representatives *
VNEN hạng bét * common, ordinary, low-class, vulgar *
VNEN khuynh hướng chung * common tendency *
VNEN kẻ thù chung * common enemy *
VNEN loàng xoàng * common, plain, second rate, mediocre, so-so *
VNEN lê dân * common people, the masses *
VNEN lê thứ * common people, the masses *
VNEN lý do phổ biến nhất * the most commonly given reason *
VNEN lẽ hằng * common sense *
VNEN lẽ phải * reason, common sense, right *
VNEN lẽ thường * common sense *
VNEN lẽ thường tình * common sense, common course *
VNEN mòng két * common teal, anas creeca *
VNEN mẫu số chung * common denominator *
VNEN mục đích chung * common goal, objective *
VNEN ngôn ngữ bất đồng * speaking different languages, not having a common language *
VNEN ngôn ngữ chung * common language *
VNEN người phàm tục * common person *
VNEN ngải cứu * mugwort, common sagebrush *
VNEN nét chung * common feature *
VNEN nôm * popular, common, vulgar *
VNEN nơi chung * common area *
VNEN nỗi suy nghĩ chung * a common concern *
VNEN phàm * all, every, not a single exception; coarse, common *
VNEN phàm dân * common people *
VNEN phàm nhân * ordinary man, common people *
VNEN phàm tục * commonplace, ordinary, common *
VNEN phòng họp * meeting-place, boardroom, assembly-room, common room *
VNEN phạm nhân hình sự * common criminal *
VNEN phạt vi cảnh * fine (somebody) for a common nuisance *
VNEN phổ dụng * commonly used, common *
VNEN phổ thông * general, common, universal, popular; compulsory education *
VNEN quan điền * common (land) *
VNEN rất thông dụng ở Vietnamese * very common in VN *
VNEN rất thường * very common *
VNEN sáo mòn * commonplace, hackneyed cliché *
VNEN sĩ thứ * common people and intellectuals *
VNEN thói thường * common or habitual or normal practice, usage *
VNEN thông dụng * current, common, in general use *
VNEN thông nghĩa * common principle, common idea, understand the meaning *
VNEN thông thường * common, normal, general, popular, universal, usual, conventional; in general *
VNEN thường * frequent, usual, ordinary, common, average, customary, normal; ordinarily *
VNEN thường bệnh * common illness, common ailment *
VNEN thường dùng * frequently or commonly used, in common use; normal use, common usage *
VNEN thường lệ * common, usual, regular, ordinary; general rule, practice *
VNEN thường phạm * nonpolitical prisoner, common criminal *
VNEN thường quen gọi là * commonly called *
VNEN thỏa thuận chung * common agreement *
VNEN thứ dân * commoner, the common people *
VNEN thứ dân viện * lower house, house of commons *
VNEN tiếng Việt thông thường * popular, common Vietnamese *
VNEN tuyên bố chung * joint communiqué, common statement *
VNEN tót vời * something that passes the common standard *
VNEN tôm sú * common tiger prawn *
VNEN tầm thường * commonplace, mediocre, ordinary, mundane, everyday *
VNEN tốt đen * common soldier, cannon fodder *
VNEN tục xưng * common name *
VNEN viên ngoại * notable (the title for a commoner of some means in old *
VNEN viện dân biểu * lower house, house of commons (in uk), house of *
VNEN về hùa * to make common cause with somebody, side with somebody, to *
VNEN điều đặc biệt chung * common point *
VNEN đại táo * common food, cheapest canteen cooking *
VNEN ước số chung * common divisor *
VNEN cùng chung * in common, together *

SNOT: common road-sign texts (reading only) e.g. cross now, exit, give way, keep left Travel • traffic

B1 common (adj.)

OXF3000: chung common
OXF3000N công công cộng thông thường phổ biến common

OTOP: common * Education In school

BNC6000 : common [ Rank: 527 ] a 👪

OPD : Common illnesses and Childhood Diseases Illnesses and Medical Conditions

FN: common a Typicality
FN: common a Social_desirability
FN: common a Commonality
FN: common a Frequency
FN: common a Capital_stock
FN: common a Condition_symptom_relation

VSLW123 lẽ thường ☊ (S) common sense vsl3