like: bun
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all words:
VNEN Chùm nho chín mọng * A bunch of ripe and succulent grapes *
VNEN buồng * (1) room, cage, chamber, cabin
(2) bunch
(3) [CL for (body) organs]
VNEN bàn đồng ngũ * roommate, bunkmate *
VNEN * to tie (in a bunch), bundle; bundle, bunch *
VNEN bó nhang * bundle of incense *
VNEN bó đũa * bundle of chopsticks *
VNEN búi tó * bun (hairstyle) *
VNEN bọc * (1) to cover, wrap; package, bundle, bag, sack, pack
(2) to protect, shelter; cover(ing)
VNEN chòm * tuft (of hair), clump (of trees), bunch (of flowers), group (of stars) *
VNEN chùm * bunch, bundle *
VNEN con chạch * bund *
VNEN cụm * (1) grove, clump, tuft, grove, bunch
(2) group, crowd, set
VNEN cụm nhọt * anthrax, carbuncle *
VNEN doanh * full, abundant *
VNEN dính chùm * to stick together in a bunch, clump up *
VNEN dồi dào * abundant *
VNEN giảng đàn * tribune *
VNEN guột * bunch, bundle *
VNEN gói * packet, parcel, package; to pack, wrap, bundle *
VNEN gói gém * to package, bundle, pack, tie up *
VNEN hấp hối * to be about to die, be moribund *
VNEN kho đạn vũ khí * bunker, magazine (for weapons) *
VNEN khăn gói * large handkerchief (to make a bundle of clothes, etc. with) *
VNEN kỳ đài * platform, rostrum, tribune *
VNEN lam nham * bungled, done by halves *
VNEN lính quýnh * to bungle *
VNEN lượm * to pick up, collect, gather; bunch, handful, fistful *
VNEN mướt * sweat profusely, perspire abundantly *
VNEN một chùm nho * a bunch of grapes *
VNEN một mớ * a lot, a bunch, a set, a group *
VNEN một mớ thì giờ * a lot of time, a bunch of time *
VNEN nghếch chùm quả trên cây * to look up at bunch of fruit on a tree *
VNEN nhan nhản * abundant, numerous, incalculable, innumerable *
VNEN nhiều * much, many, a great deal, plentiful, often, numerous, abundant, a great deal *
VNEN nhúc * numerous, abundant, teeming *
VNEN nhúc nhúc * numerous, abundant, teeming *
VNEN nhễ nhại * sweat abundantly, be all of a sweat, sponge down *
VNEN phong doanh * abundance, plenty *
VNEN phong phú * rich, abundant *
VNEN pháo đài * fort(ress), bunker *
VNEN phì * fat, abundant, fertile *
VNEN phủ phê * abundant *
VNEN ruộng đất phì * fertile, abundant field *
VNEN ròng rọc * to flow abundantly *
VNEN rông rổng * abundant, plentiful, copious, many, much, a great many *
VNEN sung mãn * abundant, plentiful *
VNEN súc * (1) to raise (animals)
(2) bale, bundle
(3) to rinse
(4) to hold, contain, arrest
VNEN tam đa * the three abundances *
VNEN thịnh soạn * ample, plentiful, abundant *
VNEN thừa thãi * overflowing, in abundance *
VNEN tòa án * court (of law), tribunal *
VNEN tòa án binh * military tribunal, court martial *
VNEN tòa án nhân dân * people’s court, people’s tribunal *
VNEN tòa án quân sự * military court, tribunal *
VNEN tóc vấn * long twisted bun in hairdo *
VNEN tồ tồ * flow abundantly *
VNEN ê hề * abundant, profuse, plentiful *
VNEN đồ bỏ * waste, abundance *

OTOP: bun * Body and appearance Describing hair
OTOP: bun * Food and drink Sweets and desserts

Brötchen bun bánh mì nhân nho ☊ (N) Essen

OPD : bunk beds The Kid's Bedroom
OPD : a bunch of bananas Fruit
OPD : bungee cord Tools and Building Supplies
OPD : Bunsen burner Science

VSLW123 nải (- chuối) ☊ (S) hand, bunch (- of banana) vsl2
VSLW123 ☊ (S) bouquet, bunch vsl2
VSLW 45 phong phú ☊ (S) rich, abundant [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 ☊ (S) bundle [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 lật tẩy ☊ (S) to uproot / to expose / to debunk [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 vụ mùa bội thu ☊ (S) abundant harvest [ Advanced Reading ]