like: break
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN đánh bể * break *

all words:
VNEN bung * (1) to burst, break open
(2) to stew, cook for a long time
VNEN bãi lập * to break off, discontinue *
VNEN bùng nổ * break out *
VNEN bùng phát * outbreak *
VNEN bùng ra * to break out, start quickly *
VNEN bạo phát * to break out *
VNEN bảo vệ chống máy cắt từ chối * breaker failure protection *
VNEN bật ra * to break apart, crack open *
VNEN bẻ * (1) to criticize
(2) to bend, break, pick (fruit), fold, pin
VNEN bẻ cò * to keep count by breaking sticks *
VNEN bẻ gãy * to break *
VNEN bẻ ra làm đôi * to break into half *
VNEN bị gãy tay * to break one’s hand, have a broken hand *
VNEN bộc phát * to explode, break out; outbreak *
VNEN bội * (1) to violate, break
(2) to double, multiply
(3) opera, classical theater
VNEN bội thê * to break a vow *
VNEN bội ước * to break a promise; breech of promise *
VNEN bột phát * to break out suddenly *
VNEN bữa sáng * breakfast *
VNEN bữa ăn sáng * breakfast *
VNEN can * (1) to stop, dissuade
(2) to concern, involve
(3) to dissuade, stop someone from doing something, interfere, break up
(4) symbol of the Chinese zodiac
(5) shield
(6) liver
(7) to accuse
VNEN chia cắt * to separate, break up, divide, partition, isolate, partition *
VNEN chuẩn bị bữa sáng * to make, prepare breakfast *
VNEN chêm * to add in, break in, wedge in, insert *
VNEN chêm vào * to break in, wedge in *
VNEN chấm dứt * to conclude, end, finish, be over, break off *
VNEN chẻ cổ * break somebody’s neck *
VNEN cười toe toét * to break into a broad grin, smile from ear *
VNEN cắt đứt * to cut (off), sever, break off *
VNEN dễ gãy * fragile, breakable *
VNEN dứt tình * to break off (a romantic relationship, friendship) *
VNEN dứt tình bạn bè * to end a friendship, break off a friendship *
VNEN già néo đứt dây * everything has its breaking point, the last *
VNEN gián đoạn * discontinuity; to break off, interrupt, delay, put off; interrupted, discontinued *
VNEN giải binh * breakup the troops *
VNEN giải bùa * to break the spell on somebody, remove the spell from *
VNEN giải lao * break, interval, rest; to take a rest *
VNEN giải tán * to adjourn, dissolve, break up, disband, disperse *
VNEN giải tán phong trào * to break up a movement *
VNEN giờ giải lao * break(time) *
VNEN giờ nghỉ * break, interval *
VNEN gãy * to be broken, break *
VNEN gãy chân * to break one’s leg, break one’s foot *
VNEN gãy đổ * to break down, fail, collapse, fall in *
VNEN gẫy * to break, be broken (stick-like object) *
VNEN gẫy xương sườn * to break a rib *
VNEN hé nắng * to break *
VNEN hòa vốn * to break even, recoup one’s investment or costs or expenses *
VNEN hết thân * to break off a friendship, relationship *
VNEN hết thân với * to break off a friendship with *
VNEN hỏng * to break down, fail, miss *
VNEN hối hôn * to break the promise of marriage *
VNEN hủy dấu niêm bức thư * to break the seal of a letter *
VNEN kẻ cướp đột nhập vào nhà * robbers break suddenly into the house *
VNEN làm hỏng * to break, wreck, ruin, spoil, foil, thwart *
VNEN lê minh * daybreak, dawn *
VNEN máy cắt * breaker, cutter *
VNEN mổ xẻ * to dissect, operate (on), anatomize, break down *
VNEN mờ sáng * dawn, daybreak *
VNEN người phạm pháp * lawbreaker, criminal *
VNEN nhổ trại * strike (break up) camp *
VNEN nát ra * to break apart *
VNEN nát vụn * to reduce to fragments, break or smash to smithereens *
VNEN nổ bùng * burst, break out *
VNEN pan * breakdown *
VNEN phá * to destroy, demolish, harm, break, ruin *
VNEN phá giới * unfrock oneself, break one’s religious vow *
VNEN phá hoang * to break (claim) virgin land *
VNEN phá hoại * to destroy, sabotage, tear down, break up *
VNEN phá kỷ lục * to break a record *
VNEN phá lệ * break traditional practices *
VNEN phá tan * to break (silence, peace), destroy *
VNEN phá tan sự im lặng * to break a silence to burst out *
VNEN phá vây * break through (the enemy siege) *
VNEN phá vỡ * to break (up, through), destroy *
VNEN phá vỡ đoàn biểu tình * to break up a group of protestors *
VNEN phát ban * to break out in a rash, fever *
VNEN phát ra * to start, break out, emit, send forth *
VNEN phân hủy * to break up, disintegrate *
VNEN phòng khi chiến tranh bùng nổ * if, in case war breaks out *
VNEN phạm luật * to break or violate the law /rules; illicit, illegal *
VNEN phạm pháp * to break the law; illegal *
VNEN phạm quy * break examination regulations *
VNEN phụ ước * break an agreement, not to live up to a pledge *
VNEN quà sáng * breakfast *
VNEN ròng rã * uninterrupted, without a break, on end *
VNEN rạng mai * tomorrow at daybreak *
VNEN rạng ngày * at daybreak, at dawn *
VNEN rạng đông * dawn, daybreak, the break of day *
VNEN rồi tay * knock off, have a break *
VNEN rời * to leave, break off, detach *
VNEN sai hẹn * to break an appointment *
VNEN sùi * to erupt, break out, foam, froth *
VNEN sùi sùi * rough, not smooth; to erupt, break out *
VNEN sổ lồng * to escape to break away, be let out *
VNEN sổng * to escape, break loose *
VNEN sủi * to bubble, froth up, boil (over), break out (of a rash) *
VNEN tan * to dissolve, disperse, evaporate, break up, rout, dissipate, melt, thaw, be over, be close to *
VNEN tan nát * smashed, destroyed completely, in pieces; to break into pieces *
VNEN tan rã * to break apart, break up, disintegrate *
VNEN tan tành * broken up, smashed, in pieces; to break into pieces *
VNEN tang tảng * dawn, daybreak *
VNEN tay phạm pháp * criminal, lawbreaker *
VNEN thoái hôn * break an engagement *
VNEN thoát khỏi * to escape, get out, break out *
VNEN thương tâm * sad, sorrowful, heartbreaking *
VNEN thường xuyên * regularly, usually, unceasingly, incessant, without a break, non-stop *
VNEN thất hứa * to fail to keep (or break) one’s word *
VNEN tin giờ chót * last minute, breaking news *
VNEN tiêu tán * scatter, dispel, break up, vanishing, dissolution *
VNEN tiếng thủy tinh vỡ * sound of breaking glass *
VNEN toát mồ hôi lạnh * to break out in a cold sweat *
VNEN trung tiện * to break wind, fart *
VNEN trái lệnh * to break a law, disobey an order *
VNEN trẹo hàm * jaw Ọ breaking *
VNEN tuyệt giao * to break off all relations with somebody, sever *
VNEN tuyệt tình * to break off all relations *
VNEN tàn phá manh mún * to destroy, break into pieces *
VNEN tảng sáng * daybreak, dawn, early morning *
VNEN vi ước * to break one’s promise, violate an agreement *
VNEN vượt ngục * to escape from prison or jail, break out of prison or jail *
VNEN vạc mặt * to break the face (of) *
VNEN vỡ * to break, rupture *
VNEN vỡ chuyện * to break a story *
VNEN vỡ ra * to break open, burst *
VNEN vỡ tiếng * one’s voice breaks *
VNEN vỡ tung * to break apart, rupture, burst *
VNEN vỡ tổ * (of a bird’s nest) break *
VNEN vỡ đê * to break (a dike, e.g.) *
VNEN xâm nhập * to infiltrate, penetrate, break into *
VNEN xé nát trái tim * to break sb’s heart *
VNEN áo gió * wind-breaker, wind-cheater, lumber-jacket, blouson, anorak *
VNEN ăn lót dạ * to snack, eat breakfast *
VNEN ăn sáng * to eat breakfast *
VNEN ăn điểm tâm * to eat, have breakfast *
VNEN đau thương * heart-rending, heart-breaking, sad, sorrowful; sorrow, pain, suffering *
VNEN điểm tâm * breakfast *
VNEN đoạn giao * to break off diplomatic relations, sever diplomatic *
VNEN đoạn quyệt * to break off, sever *
VNEN đoạn tuyệt * to break off *
VNEN đoạn tuyệt với quá khứ * to break with the past *
VNEN đánh bẻ * to break (glass, pottery) *
VNEN đánh bể * break *
VNEN đánh rắm * to fart, break wind, pass gas *
VNEN đánh vỡ * to break (glass, china, etc.) *
VNEN đả phá * to break, strike down *
VNEN đập bể * to break, smash *
VNEN địt * to break wind, fart *
VNEN đổ bể * to break out (of a secret) *
VNEN đổ gục * fall flat, collapse, break down *
VNEN đổ vỡ * to break to pieces, fall to pieces, be revealed; to call off, break up, break off; offshoot *
VNEN đột nhập * to break into, burst into, infiltrate *
VNEN đột nhập vào * to break into, burst into, infiltrate *
VNEN đột phá * to make a sudden attack on, make a breakthrough *
VNEN đột phá khẩu * breakthrough *
VNEN đột phát * to erupt, break out, appear suddenly *
VNEN đứt * to break, cut, collapse, give way *
VNEN đứt gánh tương tư * break love relations (with) *
VNEN ập * to break, burst, rush in *
VNEN đột phá ngoại giao * diplomatic breakthrough *

GNOT: to break Qualitative • physical condition
SNOT: to have breakfast etc. Daily life • at home
SNOT: break Daily life • at work
SNOT: bed and breakfast Travel • accommodation
SNOT: to break Health and body care • ailments– accidents
SNOT: breakfast Food and drink • types of food and drink
SNOT: to have breakfast Food and drink • types of food and drink

A2 break (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: nghỉ break
OXF3000N bẻ gãy đập vỡ sự gãy sự vỡ break

OTOP: break * Crime and law Justice
OTOP: break * Education School life
OTOP: break * Family and life stages Youth
OTOP: break * Health Injuries
OTOP: break * Health Injuries
OTOP: break * Leisure Tennis
OTOP: break * Leisure Pool and snooker
OTOP: break * Personality and emotio Loneliness
OTOP: break * Science How machines work
OTOP: break * The media Radio broadcasting
OTOP: break * The media TV shows
OTOP: break * Travel and tourism Types of holiday/vacation
OTOP: break * Work Office life

BNC6000 : break [ Rank: 2099 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : break [ Rank: 532 ] v 👪

Pause break giờ giải lao ☊ (N) Büro
Rast break giờ giải lao ☊ (N) Zeit

OPD : Take a break. A Day at School
OPD : eat breakfast Daily Routines
OPD : Break two eggs in a microwave-safe bowl. Food Preparation and Safety
OPD : windbreaker Seasonal Clothing
OPD : break a bone Medical Emergencies
OPD : break down Taking a Trip

FN: break n Opportunity
FN: break v Cause_harm
FN: break v Compliance
FN: break v Experience_bodily_harm
FN: break v Cause_to_fragment
FN: break v Render_nonfunctional
FN: break v Breaking_off
FN: break v Breaking_apart

VSLW123 chia tay ☊ (S) to break up vsl3
VSLW123 chia tay ☊ (S) to break up vsl3
VSLW 45 Đến giờ nghỉ! ☊ (S) Break time! [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 đột phá ☊ (S) breakthrough [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bữa ăn sáng ☊ (S) breakfast [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bước đột phá ☊ (S) breakthrough [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 bứt phá ☊ (S) to break through [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 khâu đột phá ☊ (S) breakthrough [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 phanh ☊ (S) to break / to stop [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 dịch sởi ☊ (S) measles outbreak [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Thưa ông, khách sạn chúng tôi có phục vụ ăn sáng miễn phí cho quý khách. Sir, our hotel also has free breakfast service for our guests. vsl2
VSLS Vậy sáng mai mời ông xuống nhà hàng ở tầng một ăn sáng nhé/nha. So tomorrow morning, please (to a male) go down to the restaurant on the first floor for breakfast. vsl2
VSLS Sau đó Thảo ăn sáng với gia đình rồi đến xưởng phim. After that I (Thảo)have breakfast with family and then I go to the film studio. vsl2
VSLS Vào buổi sáng. Lan thường vừa ăn sáng vừa đọc báo. In the morning. (I) Lan usually read while I am eating breakfast. vsl2

DUOS Bữa sáng breakfast Food
DUOS Người đàn ông suýt làm gãy cái bàn. The man almost breaks the table. Medical
DUOS làm gãy to break Medical
DUOS gãy break Medical
DUOS đập vỡ break Verbs 5

50L Mấy giờ có bữa ăn sáng / điểm tâm? * What time do you serve breakfast? 029
50L Ở gần đây có nhà trọ không? * Is there a boarding house / a bed and breakfast nearby? 030
50L Chúng tôi muốn ăn bữa sáng / điểm tâm. * We would like to have breakfast. 033
50L Bạn muốn ăn gì vào bữa sáng. * What would you like for breakfast? 033