like: bin
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN buồng * (1) room, cage, chamber, cabin
(2) bunch
(3) [CL for (body) organs]
VNEN bá vương * concubine *
VNEN bánh xe quạt nước * turbine *
VNEN bìm bìm * bindweed *
VNEN bó chân * to bind one’s feet, be unable to move *
VNEN bạch bì * albino *
VNEN bạch tạng * albinism; albino *
VNEN bản lĩnh * skill and spirit combined *
VNEN bấm đốt * to count by thumbing one’s phalanges, count on *
VNEN bấm độn * to predict by thumbing one’s phalanges *
VNEN bậc hai * binary *
VNEN chung * common, mutual, combined, together *
VNEN chung lưng * to join forces (with somebody), combine or unite *
VNEN chuỗi phím * key(stroke) combination *
VNEN chuột bạch * albinic mouse *
VNEN chính thất * main wife (in opposition to concubines in *
VNEN chứng bạch tạng * albinism *
VNEN con suốt * quill, spindle, bobbin *
VNEN cung phi * imperial concubine *
VNEN cung tần * imperial maid, imperial concubine *
VNEN cuốn hút * absorb, be absorbed, bind up *
VNEN cá rô * climbing perch, anabas *
VNEN các bin * carbine *
VNEN cát lũy * concubine *
VNEN cát đằng * creeper and liana, concubine *
VNEN cây leo * climbing plant, creeper, climber *
VNEN cạo gió * (scratch the wind) coin rubbing (an old folk remedy) *
VNEN cải tổ nội các * to reshuffle the cabinet *
VNEN cộng với * together with, in combination with, in addition, plus *
VNEN cột * (1) pole, column, rod, pillar
(2) to bind, tie up
VNEN cột chặt * to tie, bind *
VNEN cởi trói * to untie, unbind *
VNEN di * to move to leave behind, crush with feet by rubbing *
VNEN dì hai * father’s concubine *
VNEN gián miệng * to gag, bind someone’s mouth shut *
VNEN huyết cầu tố * oxyhaemoglobin *
VNEN huấn luyện liên binh * combined training *
VNEN hóa hợp * to combine (into a new substance) *
VNEN hầu non * young concubine *
VNEN hệ đếm nhị phân * binary numeration *
VNEN hội đồng bộ trưởng * cabinet council, council of ministers *
VNEN hội đồng chính phủ * cabinet council *
VNEN khóa chữ * combination-lock *
VNEN khóa số * combination lock *
VNEN khóc tức tưởi * to cry and sob, cry sobbingly *
VNEN kim oanh * (bird) pekin robin, red billedleiothrix, leiothrix lutea *
VNEN kiềm thúc * tie or bind hand and foot, restrain *
VNEN kiềm tỏa * to restrain, bind *
VNEN kính phòng lái * cabin window (on an aircraft) *
VNEN kết ghép * binding *
VNEN kết ghép động * dynamic binding *
VNEN kết hợp * to unite, combine, join; uniting, union *
VNEN liên hiệp * to ally, unite, combine, coalesce *
VNEN làm bé * to be or become a concubine *
VNEN làm lẽ * become someone’s concubine *
VNEN lắc lư * to oscillate, swing; swaying, bobbing *
VNEN lẽ mọn * concubine *
VNEN nhị phân * binary *
VNEN nhị thức * binomial *
VNEN niệt * cord for cattle; to bind, fasten, tie fast *
VNEN nàng hầu * concubine, consort *
VNEN nấc nở * sob, sobbing *
VNEN nội các * cabinet (government) *
VNEN oanh tạc * to bomb (from the air); (aerial) bombing, bombardment *
VNEN phi tần * royal concubines *
VNEN pháo kích * bombing; to bomb *
VNEN phòng giấy * office, writing-cabinet *
VNEN phòng lái * cabin (of an aircraft) *
VNEN phối hợp * to coordinate, combine, mate; synchronization, coordination *
VNEN phối hợp tác chiến * to carry out combined operations *
VNEN quốc vụ viện * council of national affairs, cabinet (in some countries) *
VNEN rau muống * water morning glory, spinach, bindweed *
VNEN ràng * to fasten, bind, tie up *
VNEN rượu chổi * camphorated oil, rubbing with alcohol *
VNEN sự kết hợp * unification, combination *
VNEN sự tổng hợp * synthesis, combination *
VNEN thiếp * (1) card
(2) concubine
(3) almost unconscious, semi-conscious
VNEN tháo * to dismantle, take apart, open, unwrap, untie, release, unbind *
VNEN thê thiếp * wife and concubine *
VNEN thứ phi * royal concubine *
VNEN tiểu tinh * concubine *
VNEN trói * to tie, bind *
VNEN trói buộc * to tie, fasten, bind *
VNEN trói tròn * bind or tie up with string *
VNEN trụ điện gió * wind turbine (for generating electricity) *
VNEN tua bin * turbine *
VNEN tua bin hơi * steam turbine *
VNEN tua bin khí * gas turbine *
VNEN tua bin thủy điện * hydroelectric turbine *
VNEN tuốc bin * turbine *
VNEN tì thiếp * concubine *
VNEN tìm kiếm nhị phân * binary search *
VNEN túp * hut, cabin, small house *
VNEN tổ họp * joint venture; union, combination, cooperation, organization, trust *
VNEN tổ phím * key combination *
VNEN tủ thuốc * medicine cabinet, medicine chest *
VNEN tức tưởi * sobbingly *
VNEN văn phòng * office, cabinet *
VNEN vương phi * imperial concubine *
VNEN vợ bé * secondary wife, concubine *
VNEN vụ nổ bom * bombing *
VNEN vụ đánh bom * bombing *
VNEN vụ đánh bom tự sát * suicide bombing *
VNEN vụ đánh bom xe hơi * car bombing *
VNEN vụ đặt bom * planting of a bomb, bombing *
VNEN á thất * concubine *
VNEN ái thiếp * concubine *
VNEN đau nhói * sharp or stabbing or piercing or throbbing pain *
VNEN đau điếng * shooting or stabbing pain *
VNEN đoàn kết * to unite, combine, join; unification, union, joining, solidarity, unity *
VNEN đáng lo ngại * troublesome, worrisome, disturbing *
VNEN đánh bom * bombing, bomb attack; to set off a bomb *
VNEN đánh bom cảm tử * suicide bombing *
VNEN đánh trống ngực * have one’s heard throbbing *
VNEN đánh đai * hoop, bind with hoops *
VNEN đóng bìa * to bind (a hardback book) *
VNEN đúng * (1) correct, exact, sharp (of time), accurate, correct
(2) to bind (book); to close, shut; to pay; to build, (3) to fit with, go with, agree with, be in accord with
(4) to play (a role), act
VNEN đằng la * climbing plant, concubine *
VNEN đề cử vào một chức vụ nội các * to appoint to a cabinet office *
VNEN đồng tâm hiệp lực * to unite, join or combine forces *
VNEN ẩn ức * upsetting, disturbing *
VNEN đánh bom hàng loạt * serial bombing *

SNOT: cabin Travel • public transport

B1 bin (n.) (BrE)

OXF3000: thùng rác bin
OXF3000N thùng thùng đựng rượu bin

BNC6000 : bin [ Rank: 5403 ] n 👪

OPD : 3-ring binder / notebook A classroom
OPD : trash bin Apartments
OPD : cabinet A Kitchen
OPD : medicine cabinet A Bathroom
OPD : recycling bin Cleaning Supplies
OPD : bobbin Making Clothes
OPD : Cabinet Government and Military Service
OPD : bin An Airport
OPD : supply cabinet An Office
OPD : file cabinet An Office
OPD : robin Birds, Insects, and Arachnids
OPD : climbing apparatus The Park and Playground

FN: bin n Containers
FN: bin v Placing

VSLW 45 tháo gỡ ☊ (S) to to untie, to unbind [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 ràng buộc ☊ (S) to tie, to bind [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tách riêng ≠ gộp chung ☊ (S) to separate ≠ to combine [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 sự ràng buộc ☊ (S) binding, complicance [ Advanced Reading ]