like: between
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN buôn nước bọt * middleman; to act as a middleman or go-between *
VNEN bình đẳng giữa nam và nữ * equality between the sexes *
VNEN băng nhân * go-between, matchmaker *
VNEN chia đều * to divide or share something equally or fairly between or among *
VNEN chuyển mạng * roaming (between networks) *
VNEN chênh lệch giầu nghèo * gap between rich and poor *
VNEN chương đài * separation between husband and wife *
VNEN chết dở * to be in a fix, be between the devil and the deep blue *
VNEN chị ngã em nâng * mutual help between brothers and sisters *
VNEN chồng đông vợ đoài * separation between husband and wife *
VNEN co vòi * crest-fallen, with one’s tail between one’s legs *
VNEN cò rò * to walk with one’s head sunk between one’s shoulders *
VNEN có sự liên hệ giữa * there is a relation between *
VNEN căng thẳng truyền thống giữa hai nước * (a history of) strained relations between 2 nations *
VNEN cụp đuôi * with one’s tail between one’s legs *
VNEN giáp hạt * between-crop period *
VNEN giải hòa * mediate a peace (between two parties), act a peace-marker *
VNEN giắt răng * get stuck between the teeth *
VNEN giữa * between, center, (in the) middle, among *
VNEN hiểu ngầm * implicit, tacit, read between the lines *
VNEN họa hoằn * seldom, rarely, very occasionally, far between, once in a blue moon *
VNEN hữu ái * fraternity, affection between friends *
VNEN khoảng cách giàu nghèo * the gap between rich and poor *
VNEN kẽ răng * space between teeth *
VNEN kẽ tóc * interval between hairs on the scalp *
VNEN liên xã * between villages (for administrative purposes) *
VNEN ly gián * divide, cause disagreement between *
VNEN mình ơi * (form of address between people on a familiar basis) *
VNEN mười mấy * ump-teen (number between 10 and 20) *
VNEN mười mấy năm * between 10 and 20 years *
VNEN mối * (1) termite, white ant
(2) house lizard
(3) end (of entangled thread or string), beginning (of an involved story); [CL for feelings, tensions, relationships], cause for (hope, worry, danger), customer, passenger
(4) liaison, go-between
VNEN mối lái * middleman, go-between *
VNEN ngược xuôi * move heaven and earth, ply (between) *
VNEN nhà cầu * roofed corridor (between two buildings), gallery; toilet *
VNEN nhà trung gian * intermediary, go-between *
VNEN nhân hòa * harmony, accord (between or among people) *
VNEN năm bảy * small amount, amount between five and seven *
VNEN nằm giữa * to lie between *
VNEN phu xướng phụ tùy * harmony between husband and wife *
VNEN quan hệ giữa * relation, connection between *
VNEN quan hệ giữa Hoa Kỳ và CSVN * relations between the US and Communist Vietnam *
VNEN ruộng rộc * fields between two hills *
VNEN sống dở chết dở * to hover between life and death, be half *
VNEN thiu thiu * dozing, between waking and sleeping *
VNEN thông gia * union between families by marriage, alliance *
VNEN thẳng băng * perfectly straight; to cross, pass, go between *
VNEN tranh chấp giữa * controversy, dispute between *
VNEN trung gian * agent, intermediate, go-between; medium, intermediate; intermediary *
VNEN trống quân * folk song contest in the countryside (between group *
VNEN tình thâm * affection (between parents and children) *
VNEN vào giữ * between (X và Y) *
VNEN vào giữa * in between *
VNEN vào giữa trán * between the eyes, in the middle of one's forehead *
VNEN vân vê * to roll between one’s finger and thumb, twiddle *
VNEN yêu đương * love (between boys and girls) *
VNEN âm dương cách biệt * separation between life and death *
VNEN ông ta là chiếc cầu nối liền nước Pháp và Việt Nam * he was a bridge between France and Vietnam *
VNEN ăn quà * to snack, eat between meals *
VNEN ăn vặt * to snack, eat between meals *
VNEN đọc giữa hai dòng chữ * to read between the lines *
VNEN đồng hóa * to put in the same category, make no distinction between *
VNEN ở giữa * between, in between *

GNOT: between Spatial • relative position
GNOT: between Spatial • arrangement

A1 between (prep.) (adv.)

OXF3000: giữa between
OXF3000N giữa ở giữa between

BNC6000 : between [ Rank: 105 ] prep 👪

OPD : The green sweater is between the pink sweaters. Prepositions

FN: between prep Interior_profile_relation

VSLW 45 Để cân bằng giữa ☊ (S) to balance between [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 67 tiến thoái lưỡng nan ☊ (S) between the devil and the deep sea; caught in the dilemma [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 lẫn lộn vàng thau ☊ (S) confusion between gold and brass [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Không có gì giữa cô ấy và tôi. There is nothing between her and me. Prepositions 2
DUOS Nước nào ở giữa Tây Ban Nha và Pháp? Which country is between Spain and France? Prepositions 2
DUOS giữa between Prepositions 2
DUOS Hạnh phúc là một nơi giữa quá ít và quá nhiều. Happiness is a place between too little and too much. Common Phrases 3
DUOS Tình bạn giữa tôi và anh ấy rất đặc biệt. The friendship between me and him is very special. People
DUOS Tôi luôn đánh giá cao tình bạn quốc tế giữa họ. I always appreciate the international friendship between them. People