like: basis
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all words:
VNEN bản * (1) edition, version, tablet, block, copy, print, piece, document, edition, impression
(2) [CL for scripts, songs, plays, statements, treaties]
(3) root, basis, base, origin, source
VNEN căn bản * basis, base, root, background, groundwork, principle, foundation; basic, fundamental *
VNEN căn cứ * according to; need, require; basis, base, based; to depend, be based *
VNEN căn cứ theo * on the basis of, based on *
VNEN cơ sở * (1) base (also math)
(2) installation, establishment, basis, branch, facility
VNEN hạ tầng cơ sở * basis, foundation *
VNEN luận cứ * foundation, basis, ground *
VNEN làm căn bản * to make the basis of *
VNEN mình ơi * (form of address between people on a familiar basis) *
VNEN nền * [CL for political, social ideals, concepts, institutions]; foundation, base, basis, surface, background; basic *
VNEN nền tảng * base, basis, foundation, (computer) platform *
VNEN trên căn bản * on the basis of *
VNEN trên căn bản cạnh tranh * on a competitive basis *
VNEN trên một căn bản rộng rãi * on a wide, broad basis *
VNEN ở năm * serve (a family) on a long-term basis *

B2 basis (n.)

OXF3000: căn cứ basis
OXF3000N nền tảng cơ sở basis

BNC6000 : basis [ Rank: 715 ] n 👪

FN: basis n Reason

DUOS Cơ sở basis Politics