like: back
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN báo * (1) to announce, report
(2) newspaper
(3) panther
(4) to return, give back
VNEN băng sau * back seat (of a car) *
VNEN bơi ngửa * to swim on one’s back *
VNEN bước lùi * to step back(wards) *
VNEN bước lùi ra sau * to step back(wards) *
VNEN bấm bụng * to hold back laughter *
VNEN bắn lại * to shoot back *
VNEN bặt tăm * without sending back any news *
VNEN bẻ bão * massage by pulling the back *
VNEN bị gởi (gửi) trả về * to be sent back to *
VNEN bị gởi trả về * to be sent back to *
VNEN bị trao trả * to be sent back *
VNEN bị đau lưng. * to have back pain, suffer from back pain *
VNEN bỏ bớt * to cut down, cut back, reduce *
VNEN bối * (1) back
(2) age, group, generation
(3) shells, valuables
VNEN bối cảnh * condition, state, situation, context, background, environment *
VNEN bốp chát * to be bluntly outspoken, talk back bluntly *
VNEN bổ chửng * to fall backwards *
VNEN cham chảm * answer back insolently *
VNEN chuộc * to buy back, bribe *
VNEN chèn ép * to block, keep back, suppress *
VNEN chùn tay * pull back *
VNEN chạy lui * to run backwards, move backwards *
VNEN chạy ngược trở * to run back *
VNEN chạy tới chạy lui * to run back and forth *
VNEN co * to contract, shrink, pull back *
VNEN cuốn cẩm nang * paperback book *
VNEN cuộn trôi ra * to flow back, out *
VNEN cái gãi lưng * backscratcher *
VNEN cái lưng * back (part of the body) *
VNEN còng * (1) hunchbacked, bent, curved, arched
(2) handcuffed, bound; to handcuff
VNEN có căn bản vật lý học * to have a background in physics *
VNEN cõng * to carry on one’s back, carry piggyback *
VNEN căn bản * basis, base, root, background, groundwork, principle, foundation; basic, fundamental *
VNEN cưỡi hổ * we have gone too far to draw back now, in for a penny, in *
VNEN cầm được * to hold back *
VNEN cầm được nước mắt * to hold back tears *
VNEN cắt giảm * to cut back on, cut down, reduce *
VNEN cặp * (1) pair, couple
(2) schoolbag, backpack, briefcase
(3) to pinch, grip
VNEN cửa sau * back door, rear door *
VNEN dặm phần * the road back home *
VNEN dọng * back (of knife, sword) *
VNEN dội ngược ra sau * to move backwards *
VNEN dự phòng * backup; to provide for (some undesirable event) *
VNEN dựa theo * to follow, according to; in; based on, backed by *
VNEN eo * (1) curved; straights (water)
(2) waist, back
(3) horrible
VNEN ghìm * to pull (up, back), restrain, reign in, hold back *
VNEN ghìm cương * to reign in, restrain, hold back *
VNEN ghìm cương lạm phát * to hold back inflation, keep inflation down *
VNEN giao hoàn * return, give back *
VNEN giáng trả * deal riposte at, fight back *
VNEN giật lùi * to move back *
VNEN gánh nặng è cổ * a load of back-bending weight *
VNEN gáy * nape, back of neck *
VNEN gáy sách * back of a book *
VNEN gù lưng * hunch-backed, hump-backed *
VNEN gọi lại * to call back *
VNEN gỡ * to unravel, untangle, disentangle; to win back *
VNEN gụ * sindora tree, sindora wood-of a brownish-back color *
VNEN gửi trả * to send back, return *
VNEN hoãn trả * to pay back late *
VNEN hát ví * kind of song (which country boys and girls sing back and *
VNEN hậu * after, behind, back, rear *
VNEN hậu cảnh * background *
VNEN hậu thuẫn * support, backing; to support, back *
VNEN hậu tiến * lagging behind, backward *
VNEN hậu trường * backstage *
VNEN hậu vệ * back (in football) *
VNEN hậu ý * thought at the back of one’s mind, ulterior motive *
VNEN hậu đường * building at the back of a mansion *
VNEN hỏi ngược lại * to ask back *
VNEN kheo * ham (back part of the leg behind the knee-joint) *
VNEN khiêng tới khiêng lui * to carry back and forth *
VNEN khiêng vác * carry on one’s shoulders (on one’s back) *
VNEN khom lưng * to bend one’s back, bend over *
VNEN khung cảnh * framework, background, backdrop, setting, scenery *
VNEN khách sạn ở đằng sau nhà ga * The hotel is in the back of the station *
VNEN khứ hồi * to go and to come back *
VNEN kiềm * (1) to hold back, restrain
(2) basic, alkali
VNEN kéo ai về thực tế * to bring sb back to reality *
VNEN kéo cơ bẩm ra sau * to pull back the slide (on a pistol) *
VNEN kìm hãm * to hold back, inhibit, check, limit, restrict *
VNEN lai lịch * background, past *
VNEN liên hệ ngược * feedback *
VNEN loạng choạng lùi vài bước * to stagger back a few steps *
VNEN lui * to move backward, retreat, recede, draw back, pull back, step back *
VNEN lui lại * to postpone, draw back, pull back, set back *
VNEN làm sống lại * to make (something from the past) come alive again, revitalize, reincarnate, reanimate, bring back to life *
VNEN lùi * to step back, move back *
VNEN lùi bước * to step back, back off, yield, give way, make concessions *
VNEN lùi lại * to postpone, delay, put off; to step back *
VNEN lùi lại một bước * to take a step back *
VNEN lý lịch * personal history, curriculum vitae, résumé, background *
VNEN lăn quay * fall on one’s back *
VNEN lưng * (1) back
(2) capital, funds
VNEN lưng còng * curved, hunched back *
VNEN lưng quần * back of one's pants *
VNEN lượn * to hover, soar, go back and forth, glide, fly *
VNEN lại * (1) again; against, over again, back towards; resume, re-
(2) to come, reach, get to
(3) (indicates something is contrary to expectations)
VNEN lại giống * atavism, throw-back, reversion *
VNEN lại mũi * back-stitch *
VNEN lấy lại * to take back, regain *
VNEN lấy lại sức * to get one’s strength back *
VNEN lần ngược * backtracking *
VNEN lắc đầu quầy quậy * to shake one’s head back and forth *
VNEN mang sau lưng * to wear on one’s back *
VNEN mang về * to bring back *
VNEN mu * shell, back, top *
VNEN mua lại súng * gun buyback *
VNEN mặt trái * back, reverse, wrong side; tails (of a coin) *
VNEN mới về * to just return, just get back *
VNEN nghĩ lại * to reconsider, rethink, have second thoughts, think back (on) *
VNEN ngách * back street *
VNEN ngã bổ chửng * fall back, fall head over heels *
VNEN ngã bổ ngửa * to fall on one’s back, fall backwards *
VNEN ngã chổng kềnh * fall backwards, fall on one’s back *
VNEN ngã người ra sau * to fall backwards, lean back *
VNEN ngã ngửa * fall on one’s back-be taken aback by something which comes as a *
VNEN ngã đồng kềnh * fall on one’s back *
VNEN ngó lại * to look back *
VNEN ngõ sau * back gate *
VNEN ngược trở * back (where something came from) *
VNEN ngảnh lại * turn back, turn one’s face (towards) take care (of) *
VNEN ngồi phía sau * to sit behind, sit in the back *
VNEN ngừng lại * to fall back, fall short *
VNEN ngựa quen đường cũ * to lapse back into one’s old ways *
VNEN nhìn lại 20 năm * to look back over the last 20 years *
VNEN nhìn lại * to look back, look again, take another look *
VNEN nhường lại * to cede, give up, give back, return *
VNEN nhảy lùi * to jump backwards *
VNEN nhận lại * to get back, retrieve *
VNEN nhổ bão * crack one’s back *
VNEN nhớ lại dĩ vãng * to go back to the past *
VNEN nuốt lời * to eat or swallow one’s words, back on one’s word *
VNEN nuốt nước mắt * to hold back one’s tears *
VNEN ném lại * to throw back *
VNEN nói láy * speak back-slang *
VNEN nói vụng * speak to one another in secret, backbite, speak in *
VNEN nói xấu * to speak ill of, backbite *
VNEN nước chậm phát triển * backward or underdeveloped country *
VNEN nước đổ đầu vịt * water off a duck’s back *
VNEN nắn xương * to put a bone back in place, reduce a bone *
VNEN nằm liệt * be on one’s back, supine *
VNEN nằm lăn * to throw oneself down, roll over onto one’s back *
VNEN nằm ngửa * to lie supine, lie on one’s back, lie face up, be flat on one’s back *
VNEN nền * [CL for political, social ideals, concepts, institutions]; foundation, base, basis, surface, background; basic *
VNEN nền trời * the sky (as background) the firmament *
VNEN nền vàng * yellow, gold background *
VNEN phát hoàn * reimburse, return, give back, restore, send back *
VNEN phông * font; scenery, scene, background (of a painting) *
VNEN phản * (1) wooden bed, camp bed
(2) to turn back, oppose, be contrary
(3) to counter, betray
VNEN phản hồi * to go back, return to; feedback *
VNEN phản pháo * to fire back *
VNEN phản tiến hóa * to be against progress, move backwards *
VNEN phục chính * to give back power *
VNEN phục hiện * flash back *
VNEN phục hoạt * resurrection; to bring back to life, resurrect, revive *
VNEN phục mệnh * to obey orders and report back *
VNEN quay lui * to turn back, go back *
VNEN quay lưng * turn one’s back on *
VNEN quay lại * to turn round, come back, return *
VNEN quay trở * to turn back *
VNEN quay trở vào * to turn around and go back in *
VNEN quay trở về * to turn around and come back *
VNEN quay đi * turn away from, turn one’s back *
VNEN ra sau * towards the back, backwards *
VNEN re * (1) to gush
(2) to reverse, back out
VNEN rùn * to pull back *
VNEN rút lui * to pull out, step back, withdraw, stand down; withdrawal *
VNEN rút vào thế thủ * to tighten up, pull back, make more conservative *
VNEN rơi trở lại trái đất * to fall back to earth *
VNEN rị * tug back, pull back *
VNEN rỡn lại * to joke back, say back jokingly *
VNEN rụt * to withdraw, take back *
VNEN sau lưng * behind (one’s back), in the back, in the rear *
VNEN sau lưng mình * behind one’s back *
VNEN suy đi nghĩ lại * to go back and forth, turn over (in one’s thoughts) *
VNEN sách cẩm nang * paperback book, pocket-sized book *
VNEN sách hoàn * to claim back *
VNEN sát vách * side by side, back to back *
VNEN sân sau * backyard *
VNEN sống dao * back of knife blade *
VNEN sống lưng * spine, backbone *
VNEN sống trâu * hog’s back *
VNEN sức học * ability (of a student); educational background *
VNEN sửng cồ * to get angry (in reaction to sth), get mad back at, bristle *
VNEN sự hậu thuẫn * support, backing *
VNEN thoái * to move back *
VNEN thoái lui * to retreat, withdraw, step back, back out *
VNEN thu mua súng * gun buyback *
VNEN thượng mã * to ride a horse, be on horseback *
VNEN thời ấy * at that time, (back) then *
VNEN thục hồi * buy back, repurchase, redeem, buy up *
VNEN thụt * to pull back, recede to pump out, shoot *
VNEN thụt lùi * to go backward, regress *
VNEN tiền vệ * (sport) half-back *
VNEN trang trải * to pay back, settle (debt) *
VNEN trao lại Hồng Kông lại cho Trung Quốc * to hand Hong Kong back to China *
VNEN trao trả * to hand back, return, give back *
VNEN trao trả lại cho * to give back *
VNEN trung vệ * center, half-back, midfield player *
VNEN truy lãnh * back pay *
VNEN truy nguyên * to trace back to (the source of sth) *
VNEN tránh mặt * to avoid (someone), stay in the background *
VNEN trùn * (1) earthworm
(2) to back up, pull back
VNEN trùn bước * to back up *
VNEN trả * (1) to pay, repay, pay back
(2) to return, give back
VNEN trả lại * to give back *
VNEN trả nợ * to pay back a loan, pay off a debt *
VNEN trả treo * to retort, riposte, answer somebody back, talk *
VNEN trở gót * to turn back, retrace *
VNEN trở lên lầu * to go back upstairs *
VNEN trở lại * to come back, return; again *
VNEN trở lại chuyện của mày * getting back to you *
VNEN trở lại cái vấn đề này * coming back to this issue *
VNEN trở lại liền * to come right back *
VNEN trở lại ngay * to come right back *
VNEN trở ra * to return (back out of) *
VNEN trở về * to come back, be back, return *
VNEN trở về liền * to come right back, come back right away *
VNEN trở về với thực tại * to come back to reality *
VNEN trở về ám ảnh * to come back to haunt (sb) *
VNEN tái lai * come again, come back, return *
VNEN tái lại * return, go back, recurrence (of disease), recur (of disease) *
VNEN tóc gáy * the hair on the back of one’s neck *
VNEN từ phía sau lưng * from behind (one’s back) *
VNEN vãng lai * to come and go, go back and forth, frequent *
VNEN vãng phản * travel back and forth *
VNEN về * (1) about, concerning, regarding
(2) in, towards
(3) to come back, return, go
VNEN về không * to come back empty-handed *
VNEN xoay người ra sau * to turn (oneself) around backwards, turn (oneself) facing backwards *
VNEN xê xích * to move, shift back and forth; more or less *
VNEN xương sống * spine, backbone *
VNEN è cổ * back-bending; to bear a heavy load *
VNEN đau lưng * back pain, backache *
VNEN đem lại * to restore, return, bring back, take back *
VNEN đi ngược lại * to go against, be contrary to; to turn back, backtrack, retrace one’s steps *
VNEN đi qua đi lại * to go back and forth *
VNEN đi ra đi do * to go back and forth *
VNEN đi trở lại * to go back *
VNEN đi trở về * to go back, walk back *
VNEN đi tới đi lui * to go back and forth, run back and forth *
VNEN đi về * to return, go back, go home *
VNEN đi đi lại lại * to walk back and forth *
VNEN đánh lui * beat back, fight off *
VNEN đã trót phóng lao * the die has been cast, there is no turning back *
VNEN đít * posterior, backside, ass (hole), anus *
VNEN đóng bìa * to bind (a hardback book) *
VNEN đùn * to accumulate (cloud); to push (back) *
VNEN đưa lại * to give back, return *
VNEN đẩy lui * to push back, repel *
VNEN đẩy lùi * roll back, push back, drive back *
VNEN đằng sau gáy * on the back of one’s neck *
VNEN đằng sau lưng * behind (one’s back) *
VNEN địu * to carry (a child) strapped to one’s back *
VNEN đối gia đối giảm * answer back *
VNEN đồng quy * go back together *
VNEN ẵm ngửa * to carry a baby on its back *
VNEN ẹo lưng * bent back *
VNEN ở dằng sau * behind, in back *
VNEN ủng hộ * to support, stand up for, back *
VNEN đưa trả * to bring back, carry back *
VNEN nhìn ngang nhìn ngửa * to look back and forth *

GNOT: at the back of Spatial • relative position
GNOT: at the back Spatial • relative position
GNOT: in the background Spatial • relative position
GNOT: back Spatial • direction
GNOT: backward(s) Spatial • direction
SNOT: back Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre
SNOT: back Health and body care • parts of the body

A1 back (n.) (adj.) (adv.)

OXF3000: trở lại back
OXF3000N (n)adj. (adv). lưng về phía sau trở lại back

OTOP: back * Body and appearance Body parts
OTOP: back * Health Recovering from illness
OTOP: back * Houses and buildings House location
OTOP: back * Leisure Equine sports

BNC6000 : back [ Rank: 3160 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : back [ Rank: 118 ] adv 👪
BNC6000 : back [ Rank: 415 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : back [ Rank: 2048 ] v 👪

Rücken back lưng ☊ (N) Körper

OPD : Go back to class. A Day at School
OPD : Pay back money. Money
OPD : backpack Shoes and Accessories
OPD : tote back Shoes and Accessories
OPD : back The Body
OPD : lower back Inside and Outside the Body
OPD : backache Symptoms and Injuries
OPD : Write back. The Post Office
OPD : backseat Parts of the Car
OPD : backhoe Construction
OPD : back support belt Job Safety
OPD : Get feedback. English Composition
OPD : back button The Internet
OPD : backpacking Outdoor Recreation
OPD : horseback riding Outdoor Recreation
OPD : backpack Outdoor Recreation

FN: back a Part_orientational
FN: back n Observable_body_parts
FN: back n Part_orientational
FN: back v Self_motion
FN: back v Taking_sides
FN: back v Funding

VSLW123 về ☊ (S) to go home, to go back vsl1
VSLW123 du lịch ba lô ☊ (S) backpacker vsl2
VSLW123 sân sau ☊ (S) back yard vsl2
VSLW123 ba lô ☊ (S) backpack vsl2
VSLW123 lưng ☊ (S) the back vsl3
VSLW123 lưng ☊ (S) the back vsl3
VSLW123 ba lô ☊ (S) back pack vsl3
VSLW123 du lịch ba-lô ☊ (S) backpack travel vsl3
VSLW 45 trở về ☊ (S) to return, come back [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 trở lại ☊ (S) to go back [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 lý lịch ☊ (S) background, curriculum vitae [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 ngược lại ☊ (S) back and forth, roundtrip [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 ba lô ☊ (S) backpack [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 phản ánh ☊ (S) to reflect, feedback [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 đẩy lùi ☊ (S) to push back / to drive back [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 (bị) chèn ép ☊ (S) to (be) blocked, to (be) kept back [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 lai lịch dân sự ☊ (S) civic backgrounds [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 đẩy lùi ☊ (S) to push back [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Chúng tôi sẽ không bao giờ trởvề với nhau We will never get back together. Adverbs
DUOS ba lô backpack Travel
DUOS Chúng tôi cần những phản hồi từ các bạn. We need feedback from you. Communication
DUOS phản hồi feedback Communication
DUOS Làm ơn đăng nhập để viết bình luận hoặc phản hồi. Please sign in to write comments or feedback. Communication
DUOS Bà của tôi có cuộc hẹn với bác sĩ để khám lưng. My grandmother has an appointment with the doctor to examine her back. Medical
DUOS Ông bà của tôi luôn bị đau lưng vào mùa đông. My grandparents have always back pain in winter. Medical
DUOS lưng back Medical
DUOS Tây ba lô Western backpacker Informal Expressions

50L Bạn phải xuống đằng sau. * You have to get off at the back. 038
50L Tôi quay trở lại ngay. * I’ll be back immediately. 040
50L Tôi muốn ngồi ở phía sau. * I want to sit in the back. 046
50L Tôi muốn ngồi ở đằng sau. * I want to sit at the back. 047
50L Tôi lúc nào cũng bị đau lưng. * I always have back pain. 059
50L Cái lưng cũng không nhìn thấy được. * One cannot see his back either. 060
50L Nhưng mà chủ nhật tôi đã về rồi. * But I will be back on Sunday. 067
50L Tôi không biết liệu anh ấy có trở lại không. * I don’t know if he’ll come back. 095
50L Liệu anh ấy có trở lại không? * Maybe he won’t come back? 095
50L Chờ đến khi anh ấy trở lại. * Wait until he comes back. 096