like: bốc
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VNEN bốc * (1) to rise, emanate
(2) to draw (a card), take with one’s fingers
(3) boxing
(4) to discharge, unload
(5) divine

all words:
VNEN bốc * (1) to rise, emanate
(2) to draw (a card), take with one’s fingers
(3) boxing
(4) to discharge, unload
(5) divine
VNEN bốc bài * to draw cards *
VNEN bốc cháy * to burn up, burst into flames *
VNEN bốc hàng * to unload merchandise *
VNEN bốc hỏa * to blush *
VNEN bốc lên * to lift up, rise up *
VNEN bốc lột * to rob, exploit *
VNEN bốc nọc * to draw the last card *
VNEN bốc phét * to exaggerate *
VNEN bốc phôn * to pick up the phone *
VNEN bốc ra * to come out *
VNEN bốc thuốc * to fill a prescription *
VNEN chiêm bốc * to divine, cast lots *
VNEN phu bốc vác * porter *
VNEN tâng bốc * to raise, (over)praise *
VNEN xe này bốc lắm * this car has a lot of pickup *
VNEN ăn bốc * to eat with one’s fingers *
VNEN đánh bốc * to box *

OXF3000N khói hơi thuốc hút thuốc bốc khói hơi smoke

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DUOS bóc lột exploit History
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DUOS bóc lịch go to jail Informal Expressions

SYL bóc SYL bọc SYL bốc