like: atop
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all words:
VNEN mui luyện * the curved canopy atop a sedan chair *
VNEN rong đuôi chó * ceratophyllum demersum *
VNEN tanh tách * onomatopocia of various sounds *
VNEN tu tu * onomatopocia of whistle, horn, siren *
VNEN tung tung * onomatopoeia of the drumbeats *
VNEN tùng tùng * onomatopoeia of the sound of drum *
VNEN tượng thanh * onomatopoeia *
VNEN vun vút * very fast, onomatopoeia of hissing sound *
VNEN xoèn xoẹt * onomatopoeia for sound of the saw *
VNEN xoảng * onomatopoeia of metallic sound *
VNEN xành xạch * onomatopoeia of dry sound *
VNEN xèng * onomatopoeia of metallic sound *
VNEN xập xòe * onomatopoeia of sound of cymbals *
VNEN xịch * onomatopoeia of the sound of machines *
VNEN ù ù * onomatopoeia of muffled sound *
VNEN ùng ục * onomatopoeia for gurgling sound *
VNEN ủn ỉn * onomatopoeia for the grunting of pigs, grunt *

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