like: approach
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all words:
VNEN bén mảng * to approach, near, come close to, come near *
VNEN gùn ghè * try to make approaches to a girl *
VNEN gạ chuyện * to try to approach (someone), try to make friends with *
VNEN gạ gẫm * to coax, cajole, wheedle (into doing something); make approaches to (a woman), make a pass at *
VNEN gần tới * to approach, draw near *
VNEN mon men * to approach, draw near *
VNEN mùa đông gần tới * winter is approaching *
VNEN sắp tới * forthcoming, approaching, next *
VNEN thèm * (1) to desire, crave, thirst for
(2) to near, approach
VNEN tiến gần tới * to approach, get close to *
VNEN tiếp cận * to approach, reach, access; adjacent *
VNEN tiếp cận dưới lên * bottom-up approach *
VNEN tiếp cận trên xuống * top-down approach *
VNEN tới gần * to approach, get close to *
VNEN xáp * to accost, approach *
VNEN xích * (1) chain
(2) to approach, move nearer
VNEN xề * to approach, come near *
VNEN xề xề * to approach, come near *
VNEN áp * (1) to press (up to, against), place against, approach, get close
(2) to detain
(3) to pawn
VNEN đi tới * to go towards, approach *
VNEN đảng phong * true communist approach *
VNEN ẩn lộ * covered approach *
VNEN ẩn đạo * covered approach *

B1 approach (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: phương pháp tiếp cận approach
OXF3000N đến gần lại gần sự đến gần sự lại gần approach

OTOP: approach * Business Business deals
OTOP: approach * Travel and tourism Plane travel
OTOP: approach * Travel and tourism Types of road

BNC6000 : approach [ Rank: 621 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : approach [ Rank: 1310 ] v 👪

FN: approach n Arriving
FN: approach n Means
FN: approach v Arriving

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VSLW 45 tiếp cận ☊ (S) to approach [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tiếp cận ☊ (S) to approach, to access [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tiếp cận ☊ (S) to access, to approach [ Basic Reading ]