like: appear
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all words:
VNEN bay biến * to vanish, disappear *
VNEN biến * (1) to disappear, vanish
(2) to change, convert; variable
(3) catastrophe, disaster, calamity
(4) to spread, distribute
VNEN biến mất * to disappear, vanish, go away *
VNEN biến đi * to disappear, vanish *
VNEN biến đi mất hết * to disappear completely *
VNEN biệt * (1) separated, isolated
(2) to disappear
VNEN biệt dạng * to disappear, vanish *
VNEN bề ngoài * appearance, externals, outside (of something); exterior, outward *
VNEN bộ * (1) section, part department, ministry
(2) gear, part, device
(3) radical (of a Chinese character)
(4) collection, set, pack (cards), suit (clothes)
(5) appearance, mean, behavior, bearing
(6) step, pace
(7) [CL for laws]
(8) land
(9) foot
(10) re
VNEN bộ dáng * appearance, gait, posture *
VNEN chóc * appear, show up *
VNEN chường * to appear *
VNEN chợt hiện lên * to appear suddenly *
VNEN cuốn vó * run away, vanish, disappear *
VNEN cái vẻ * gesture, appearance *
VNEN có mặt trong tự nhiên * to appear in nature *
VNEN có tướng * to look, have an appearance *
VNEN có vẻ * to appear to be, seem, have the appearance of *
VNEN có vẻ hài lòng * to appear to be happy *
VNEN có vẻ ngạc nhiên * to look surprised, appear surprised *
VNEN có vẻ như * to appear to be, seem that *
VNEN có vẻ thành công * to appear to be successful *
VNEN dáng * air, appearance, shape *
VNEN dáng chừng * it seems that, it appears that, it looks as if *
VNEN dáng mạo * appearance *
VNEN dáng vẻ * appearance, air, mien *
VNEN dáng điệu * air, appearance, manner, attitude *
VNEN dáng điệu nhàn nhã * casual appearance *
VNEN dường như * to appear, seem that; it would appear, as it seems *
VNEN dạng * form, shape, format, air, appearance *
VNEN dị tướng * freakish appearance, queer appearance *
VNEN hiển hiện * to appear clearly *
VNEN hiện * (1) to appear, become visible, rise, come into sight
(2) at present
VNEN hiện hình * to appear *
VNEN hiện lên * to appear *
VNEN hiện ra * to appear, become visible *
VNEN hình * form, shape, appearance, photograph, picture *
VNEN hình dạng * form, shape, description, appearance *
VNEN hình dạng cũ * former appearance *
VNEN hình mạo * face, appearance, countenance *
VNEN hình như * to seem, appear; it seems, seemingly *
VNEN hóa ra * to appear, turn out, become *
VNEN hầu kiện * appear before the court (to face trial) *
VNEN hầu tòa * to appear in court, stand trial, go on trial *
VNEN hửng nắng * the sun begins to appear, sunny *
VNEN kỳ hình * extraordinary form, unusual form, odd appearance *
VNEN làm ra cái vẻ * to create the appearance (that) *
VNEN làm ra vẻ * to put on an appearance, give an appearance of *
VNEN lóe lên * to flash up, appear *
VNEN lúc ẩn lúc hiện * appearing and disappearing, now and then *
VNEN lại hiện lên * to reappear *
VNEN mang dáng vẻ * to have an air, appearance *
VNEN mang một vẻ * to have the appearance of, look like *
VNEN * code; appearance *
VNEN mã bề ngoài * outside appearance *
VNEN mất biệt * to disappear *
VNEN mất hút * to lose sight of somebody, leave no trace, disappear *
VNEN mất tích * vanish, disappear; missing *
VNEN mất tăm * to disappear, vanish *
VNEN mặt ngoài * outside (appearance) *
VNEN mẽ * appearance, air, outward show *
VNEN ngoài mặt * appearance; from the outside, on the outside, in the external appearance *
VNEN ngoại hình * outward aspect, physical appearance, looks *
VNEN nhen nhúm * be just off to a good start, be just starting, arise, be born, spring up, crop up, appear *
VNEN nhìn * to look (at), see, regard, appear *
VNEN nảy sinh * to develop, appear, sprout *
VNEN phong độ * manner, appearance *
VNEN phát tiết * to come out, appear; apparent *
VNEN quý tướng * appearance of a talented person, rare physiognomy *
VNEN ra dáng * to give the appearance (of) *
VNEN ra mắt * to appear, come into sight *
VNEN ra tòa * to appear before a court, stand trial *
VNEN ra vẻ * to appear, take on the appearance of, put on *
VNEN sắc * color, look, appearance; iron; sharp *
VNEN sắc giới * the world of appearances *
VNEN số ra ngày * (date) edition, edition appearing on day ~ *
VNEN sự xuất hiện * appearance, emergence *
VNEN tan biến * to disappear, dissolve, vanish, go away *
VNEN thân hình * physical appearance *
VNEN thấp thoáng * to appear and disappear alternately *
VNEN thất tán * dispersed, scattered, get lost, disappear *
VNEN thần thái * look, appearance, mien *
VNEN tiêu ma * disappear, vanish, be obliterated, be effaced *
VNEN tiêu tan * to dissipate, evaporate, disappear; dashed, destroyed *
VNEN tiêu vong * to be last; to disappear *
VNEN trông * to look, appear, have the appearance of, -looking *
VNEN trạng mạo * appearance, look, bearing, physiognomy, countenance *
VNEN trốn việc * to dodge or shirk work, malinger, do a disappearing *
VNEN tuồng như * it seems, it appears *
VNEN tàng hình * to disappear, hide oneself *
VNEN tái hiện * to reappear, reconstitute *
VNEN tái xuất hiện * to reappear *
VNEN tướng * (1) (military) general
(2) huge, enormous
(3) appearance
VNEN tấm hình * figure, shape, appearance *
VNEN tần số xuất hiện * frequency of appearance *
VNEN tỏ lộ * to express, appear, show *
VNEN tỏ lội kinh hoàng * to show fear, appear afraid *
VNEN tỏ vẻ * to show, prove to be, appear *
VNEN tồn vong * to appear and disappear, exist and not exist, be and not be *
VNEN vuột mất * to slip away, disappear *
VNEN văn * literature, letters, poetry; appearance, look *
VNEN vẻ * appearance, air, mien, color, look *
VNEN vẻ bơ phờ * tired, worn out appearance, air *
VNEN vẻ trong hình * similar in appearance *
VNEN xem ra * to appear, look like *
VNEN xuất hiện * to appear, become visible; appearance *
VNEN xuất hiện bất ngờ * to appear unexpectedly *
VNEN xuất hiện trên báo * to appear in a newspaper *
VNEN xuất đầu lộ diện * to appear, make an appearance, show up *
VNEN xảy ra bất ngờ * to appear unexpectedly *
VNEN đi vào dĩ vãng * to recede, vanish, disappear into the past *
VNEN điệu * appearance, aspect; tune, song; figure, carriage *
VNEN đăng đài * appear on the stage, appear on the prize-ring *
VNEN đẹp mã * having showy appearance *
VNEN đột phát * to erupt, break out, appear suddenly *
VNEN ẩn hiện * now appear, now disappear, loom *
VNEN ứng mộng * appear in the dream *

GNOT: to appear Existentia • existence, non-existence
GNOT: to disappear Existentia • existence, non-existence

B1 appear (v.)

OXF3000: xuất hiện appear
OXF3000N xuất hiện hiện ra trình diện appear

OTOP: appear * Culture Film reviews and promotion
OTOP: appear * The media Producing TV shows

BNC6000 : appear [ Rank: 319 ] v 👪

OPD : Appearance Describing People
OPD : appear in court The Legal System

FN: appear v Give_impression
FN: appear v Coming_to_be
FN: appear v Arriving
FN: appear v Becoming_visible
FN: appear v Performers_and_roles
FN: appear v Circumscribed_existence
FN: appear v Publishing

VSLW123 hình như ☊ (S) to seem, to appear vsl2
VSLW123 bề ngoài ☊ (S) appearance, look vsl3
VSLW123 công dung ngôn hạnh ☊ (S) industrious, appearance, speech, virtue vsl3
VSLW123 dung ☊ (S) appearance vsl3
VSLW123 hình dáng ☊ (S) figure, appearance, stature vsl3
VSLW123 bề ngoài ☊ (S) appearance, look vsl3
VSLW123 bề ngoài ☊ (S) appearance, look vsl3
VSLW123 hình như ☊ (S) to seem, to appear vsl3
VSLW123 dáng vẻ ☊ (S) appearance, outward look vsl3

DUOS He appears and starts following us.
DUOS Người đầu bếp xuất hiện ở nhà thờ. The cook appears in the church. Verbs 3
DUOS xuất hiện appear Verbs 3
DUOS Anh ấy xuất hiện và bắt đầu đi theo chúng tôi. He appears and stars following us. Verbs 3
DUOS Nhiều khái niệm môn toán cũng xuất hiện trong môn vật lý. Many math concepts also appear in physics. Science
DUOS Tổng thống đã biến mất cùng với mộ tcon mèo. The president disappeared with a cat. Verbs 5
DUOS biến mất disappear Verbs 5
DUOS Tôi buộc cô ấy phải biến mất. I force her to disappear. Verbs 5
DUOS Rồng xuất hiện trong thần thoại Việt Nam. The dragon appears in Vietnamese mythology. History
DUOS Những con ma ở trong lâu đài đã biến mất. The ghosts in the castle disappeared. Paranormality