like: anchor
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VNEN mỏ neo * anchor *
VNEN neo * anchor *

all words:
VNEN bỏ neo * to cast, drop anchor; to anchor *
VNEN chỗ dựa * support, sheet-anchor, stay, mainstay *
VNEN chỗ thả neo * anchorage *
VNEN mỏ neo * anchor *
VNEN neo * anchor *
VNEN nhổ neo * to weigh anchor *
VNEN thả neo * to (weigh) anchor *

OTOP: anchor * The media Journalism
OTOP: anchor * The media People in radio
OTOP: anchor * The media TV people
OTOP: anchor * Travel and tourism Parts of boats and ships
OTOP: anchor * Travel and tourism Travelling by boat or ship
OTOP: anchor * Travel and tourism Travelling by boat or ship

Anker anchor mỏ neo ☊ (N) Werkzeuge

FN: anchor v Attaching