like: altar
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VNEN bàn thờ * altar *
VNEN giường thờ * altar *
VNEN tĩnh đàn * altar *

all words:
VNEN bàn thờ * altar *
VNEN cúi lạy trước bàn thờ * to prostrate oneself before an altar *
VNEN gia đường * ancestral altar *
VNEN giường thờ * altar *
VNEN hương án * altar, incense-table *
VNEN linh sàng * cult table, altar, chariot of a soul *
VNEN lập đàn * set up altar *
VNEN trai đàn * altar where ceremony is made *
VNEN tĩnh * (1) quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful
(2) altar
(3) to stop, pacify
VNEN tĩnh đàn * altar *
VNEN án * (1) sentence, judgment, verdict
(2) altar; tall, high desk or table
(3) to examine
(4) to block, obstruct, barricade
(5) case (legal)
(6) to station, locate, position (troops)

OTOP: altar * Houses and buildings Religious buildings
OTOP: altar * Religion and politics Religious items

BNC6000 : altar [ Rank: 5643 ] n 👪

FN: altar n Building_subparts