like: alcohol
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Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN bia rượu * beer and wine, alcohol *
VNEN cai rượu * to quit drinking, give up alcohol *
VNEN cất rượu * distill alcohol *
VNEN cồn * (1) sand dune
(2) alcohol
(3) collar
(4) gum, paste
VNEN cồn thực vật * grain alcohol *
VNEN * wild, savage, rustic; to neutralize the effect of (alcohol) *
VNEN dã rượu * to neutralize the effect of alcohol *
VNEN giấm thanh * vinegar of rice alcohol *
VNEN gọi rượu * to order (alcoholic) drinks *
VNEN hiếu tửu * to like alcohol, drinking *
VNEN ly rượu * (alcoholic) drink, glass of alcohol *
VNEN làm một ly * to have a drink (of alcohol) *
VNEN lên men rượu * alcoholic fermentation *
VNEN lúc nào mồm cũng nặc mùi rượi * to be always reeking of alcohol *
VNEN mùi rượu * smell of alcohol *
VNEN một chiến dịch chống rượu * an anti-alcohol program *
VNEN nghiện rượu * alcoholism, alcohol addiction; addicted to alcohol *
VNEN ngũ giới * the five prohibitions of Buddhism (no killing, no stealing, no sex, no vulgarity, no alcohol) *
VNEN ngộ độc rượu * alcohol poisoning *
VNEN nhậu * to drink alcohol *
VNEN nhắm rượu * eat over sips of alcohol *
VNEN nấu rượu lậu * to distill illegal alcohol, moonshine *
VNEN nốc hết chai rượu * to gulp down a whole bottle of alcohol *
VNEN nồng độ * concentration, proof (percent alcohol) *
VNEN phà hơi sặc mùi rượu * to reek of alcohol *
VNEN rót rượu * to pour alcohol *
VNEN rượu * alcohol, wine *
VNEN rượu chè * alcoholism, drinking (as a problem) *
VNEN rượu chổi * camphorated oil, rubbing with alcohol *
VNEN rượu cồn * alcohol, spirit *
VNEN rượu lậu * illegal alcohol, moonshine *
VNEN rượu mùi * alcoholic beverages, liquor *
VNEN rượu mạnh * strong alcohol, brandy *
VNEN rượu nếp * fermented sticky rice, alcohol made of sticky rice *
VNEN rượu đế * rice alcohol *
VNEN tiệm rượu * bar, liquor store, place where alcohol is sold *
VNEN trả tiền nhậu * to pay the tab (for alcohol) *
VNEN túy ông * drunkard, heavy drinker, demon of alcohol, dipsomaniac *
VNEN uống bia rượu * to drink alcohol *
VNEN uống có một chén rượu đã ngà ngà * to feel tipsy only after drinking a cup of alcohol *
VNEN uống rượu * to drink alcohol *
VNEN đèn cồn * spirit lamp, alcohol lamp *
VNEN chai rượu * bottle of alcohol *
VNEN két rượu * case of alcohol *

SNOT: alcohol Relations with other people • crime and justice

A2 alcohol (n.)

OXF3000: rượu alcohol
OXF3000N rừợu cồn alcohol

OTOP: alcohol * Health Addiction

BNC6000 : alcohol [ Rank: 2662 ] n 👪

Alkohol alcohol rượu cồn ☊ (N) Getränke

OPD : Do not drink alcohol. A Pharmacy

FN: alcohol n Intoxicants

VSLW123 rượu ☊ (S) wine, alcohol vsl1

DUOS Tôi bị cấm uống rượu. I am prohibited from drinking alcohol. Passive
DUOS Tôi bị cấm uống rượu. I am prohibited from drinking alcohol. Passive
DUOS Bạn trai của cô ấy không uống rượu. Her boyfriend does not drink alcohol. People
DUOS Hành lý của bạn chứa rượu. Your luggage contains alcohol. Verbs 4

50L Bạn có uống rượu cồn không? * Do you drink alcohol? 014
50L Bạn được phép uống rượu chưa? * Are you already allowed to drink alcohol? 075