like: agreement
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VNEN bản hiệp định * agreement *
VNEN thỏa ước * agreement *
VNEN tương nhượng * agreement *

all words:
VNEN biểu đồng tinh * to express, indicate agreement *
VNEN bản hiệp định * agreement *
VNEN bất hòa * discord, disagreement, disharmony; in disagreement, at odds with each other *
VNEN bất mục * difference (of), disagreement (in), discord (in), unfriendly hostile, inimical *
VNEN bất đồng * differences, disagreements; different, divergent, dissimilar, uneven; to be different, diverge, disagree *
VNEN bất đồng căn bản * basic, fundamental differences, disagreements *
VNEN chiếu theo thỏa hiệp mới * according to the new agreement *
VNEN chấm dứt giao kèo * to conclude an agreement *
VNEN con khỉ * monkey; “my ass”, “my foot” (expressing disagreement with a statement) *
VNEN con tiều * monkey; “my ass”, “my foot” (expressing disagreement with a statement) *
VNEN công hàm * diplomatic note, letter, treaty, agreement *
VNEN dân ước * common agreement *
VNEN dự ước * preliminary agreement, draft agreement *
VNEN giao kèo * contract, agreement *
VNEN giao kèo vay nợ * loan agreement *
VNEN giấy giao kèo * contract, agreement *
VNEN gục gặc cái đầu * to nod one’s head in agreement *
VNEN hiệp nghị * agreement; to meet and discuss, hold discussions, have talks *
VNEN hiệp nghị thư * agreement, convention *
VNEN hiệp định * agreement, convention; to agree *
VNEN hiệp định khung * framework or outline agreement *
VNEN hiệp định thương mại * trade agreement *
VNEN hiệp định đình chiến * armistice agreement, truce agreement *
VNEN hiệp ước * agreement, pact, compact, treaty *
VNEN hiệp ước có giá trị trong 5 năm * the agreement is valid for 5 years *
VNEN hiệp ước thương mại * trade agreement *
VNEN hòa hảo * (1) accord, agreement, concord, harmony; united, both
(2) (name of a Vietnamese religion)
VNEN hòa hợp * to agree, harmonize; in concord, in agreement; tuning, accordance *
VNEN hòa khí * concord, agreement, harmony, mixture *
VNEN hòa thuận * harmony, agreement, accord; to live in peace or in harmony *
VNEN hảo hợp * be in accord, be in agreement *
VNEN không khí bất hòa * an atmosphere of disagreement *
VNEN ký giao kèo * to sign an agreement, contract *
VNEN ký kết * to sign, conclude (an agreement, pact) *
VNEN ký kết một hiệp định * to sign an agreement, intention *
VNEN ký kết vào thỏa ước * to sign an agreement *
VNEN ly gián * divide, cause disagreement between *
VNEN lủng củng * dissension, disagreement *
VNEN mật ước * secret agreement, secret treaty *
VNEN phụ ước * break an agreement, not to live up to a pledge *
VNEN quy ước * protocol, agreement, convention, consent; conventional *
VNEN sự đồng ý * agreement, permission, license *
VNEN thuận thảo * agreement, concord *
VNEN thương ước * trade agreement *
VNEN thỏa hiệp * agreement, understanding; to agree, reach a compromise *
VNEN thỏa hiệp hòa bình * peace agreement *
VNEN thỏa hiệp quốc phòng * defense agreement *
VNEN thỏa hiệp song phương * bilateral agreement *
VNEN thỏa thuận * to agree, consent; agreement, accord *
VNEN thỏa thuận bảo mật * confidential agreement *
VNEN thỏa thuận chung * common agreement *
VNEN thỏa thuận hòa bình * peace agreement *
VNEN thỏa thuận đấu nối * connection agreement *
VNEN thỏa ước * agreement *
VNEN thỏa ước hòa bình * peace treaty, peace agreement *
VNEN thỏa ước mậu dịch * trade agreement *
VNEN thỏa ước thương mại * trade agreement *
VNEN tương nhượng * agreement *
VNEN tỏ ra đồng ý * to express approval, agreement *
VNEN vi phạm thỏa ước * to violate an agreement *
VNEN vi ước * to break one’s promise, violate an agreement *
VNEN xích mích * to be in disagreement *
VNEN xóa bỏ thỏa ước * to annul an agreement *
VNEN đi đến thỏa thuận * to reach an agreement, come to an agreement *
VNEN đạt thỏa thuận * to reach an agreement *
VNEN đặt bút ký vào thỏa thuận * to sign an agreement *
VNEN định ước * agreement, act *
VNEN ước * (1) promise, treaty, agreement
(2) to wish
(3) to estimate, approximate, guess
VNEN ứ ừ * word used to express mild disagreement *

B2 agreement (n.)

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OTOP: agreement * War and conflict Peacekeeping

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FN: agreement n Documents
FN: agreement n Make_agreement_on_action
FN: agreement n Be_in_agreement_on_action
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DUOS sự đồng ý The agreement Nominalization
DUOS thoả thuận agreement Abstract Objects 1