like: afterward
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Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN không lâu sau * not long after, afterwards *
VNEN không lâu sau đó * not long afterwards *
VNEN kể từ khi * since, afterwards *
VNEN mãi sau này * long afterwards *
VNEN một thời gian ngắn sau khi * a short time thereafter, shortly afterwards *
VNEN ngay sau đó * immediately thereafter, afterwards; the following day, the next day *
VNEN phía sau * after, behind, afterwards *
VNEN rồi * already, then, after that, afterwards, next *
VNEN rồi thì * afterwards, and then *
VNEN sau * again; next; after, behind, afterwards *
VNEN sau này * after this, afterwards, later (on), in the future *
VNEN sau đó * after that, afterwards, later *
VNEN thời gian ngắn sau đó * a short time afterwards *
VNEN tiếp theo đó là * and afterwards, after that *
VNEN xong rồi * afterwards, then; over, finished *

GNOT: afterwards Temporal • posteriority
GNOT: afterwards Temporal • sequence

FN: afterward adv Time_vector

VSLS Sau đó, đi thêm khoảng 200 mét nữa thì đến. Afterward, go more about 200 meters then there it is. vsl1