like: Tuna
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all words:
VNEN Khổ chưa! * How unfortunate! *
VNEN * unlucky, unfortunate *
VNEN bạc mệnh * misfortune; unfortunate; poor fate, unhappy lot *
VNEN bất hạnh * unfortunate, unlucky, poor; misfortune *
VNEN bần khổ * unfortunate, unhappy, miserable, misfortune *
VNEN chí khổ * unfortunate, unhappy *
VNEN chẳng may * unfortunately *
VNEN có phúc * fortunate, lucky, blissful, born under a lucky star *
VNEN cực khổ * unhappy, unfortunate, miserable, unlucky *
VNEN hiềm vì * unfortunately, the problem is *
VNEN hẩm hiu * unlucky, unfortunate *
VNEN khốn nỗi * unfortunately *
VNEN may * (1) to sew, stitch, make clothes
(2) lucky, fortunate
VNEN may mà * luckily, fortunately *
VNEN may mắn * lucky, fortunate *
VNEN may sao * luckily, fortunately *
VNEN mát tay * (of doctor) skillful, skilled; pleasant to the touch; luck, fortunate *
VNEN nhèo nhẹo * (of children) troublesome, importunate *
VNEN nhưng may quá * but fortunately, but luckily *
VNEN rất tiếc là * it’s too bad that, it’s unfortunate that, I’m sorry that *
VNEN rỏi * unlikely, unfortunate *
VNEN rủi * unlucky, unhappy, unfortunate *
VNEN rủi ro * accident, incident, failure (of a business); unlucky, unhappy, unfortunate *
VNEN tốt phúc * fortunate, lucky *
VNEN tốt số * fortunate, lucky *
VNEN tốt tay * able, clever, adroit, fortunate, lucky *
VNEN vô phúc * ill-fated, ill-starred, evil-starred, unfortunate *
VNEN xui * (1) misfortunate, unlucky, unfortunate
(2) to excite, urge
VNEN xui xẻo * unlucky, unfortunate *
VNEN đó là điều bất hạnh * That was an unfortunate thing *

OTOP: tuna * Animals Fish

OPD : tuna Seafood and Deli
OPD : tuna A Grocery Store
OPD : tuna Marine Life, Amphibians, and Reptiles

FN: tuna n Food

VSLW 45 Không may thay/Không may là ☊ (S) unfortunately [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 chẳng may ☊ (S) unfortunately [ Basic Reading ]