like: Security
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all words:
VNEN Hội Đồng Bảo An * security council *
VNEN Nha An Ninh Xã Hội Bắt Đầu * Social Security Office *
VNEN Tổ Chức An Ninh và Hợp Tác Âu Châu * Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) *
VNEN an * (1) peace, safety, security, safe, secure
(2) saddle
VNEN an ninh * peace, health, security, safety *
VNEN an ninh biên giới * border security *
VNEN an ninh hóa học * chemical security *
VNEN an ninh hải quân * naval security *
VNEN an ninh hệ thống liên lạc * traffic security *
VNEN an ninh kỹ nghệ * industrial security *
VNEN an ninh quốc gia * national security *
VNEN an ninh quốc nội * domestic security *
VNEN an ninh sở tại * local security *
VNEN an ninh thực thể * physical security *
VNEN an ninh truyền tin * transmission security *
VNEN an ninh xã hội bắt đầu * Social Security *
VNEN an toàn * safety, security; safe, secure *
VNEN an toàn bên sườn * flank security *
VNEN an toàn dữ liệu * data security *
VNEN an toàn khu * safety area, security zone *
VNEN an toàn lúc di chuyền * security on the march *
VNEN an toàn mặt trước * frontal security *
VNEN an toàn phòng cơ giới * anti-mechanical security *
VNEN an toàn phóng xạ * radiological security *
VNEN biện pháp an ninh * security measures *
VNEN bảo an * to maintain law and order, ensure security, keep peace *
VNEN bảo chứng * bail, security *
VNEN bảo mật * confidential; confidentiality; to keep secret; preservation of secrecy, security *
VNEN bảo đảm an toàn * to guarantee, ensure safety, security *
VNEN bất an * without security, unsafe *
VNEN chuyên gia bảo mật * security expert *
VNEN chứng phiếu * stock certificate, security *
VNEN có những mối quan tâm về an ninh quốc gia * there are national security concerns *
VNEN công an * policeman; public security, police *
VNEN công an viên * security officer, irregular or semiofficial policeman (in rural areas) *
VNEN cơ mật viện * security council *
VNEN cơ quan an ninh * security service *
VNEN cố vấn an ninh * security council, advisor *
VNEN cố vấn an ninh quốc gia * national security council *
VNEN gạt nợ * to give security for a debt *
VNEN hưu bổng * retirement pension, social security *
VNEN hội đồng an ninh * security council *
VNEN hội đồng an ninh quốc gia * national security council *
VNEN khang an * in security and good health, safe and sound *
VNEN khu an ninh * safety, security zone *
VNEN liêm phóng * police, security service *
VNEN làm tin * as security *
VNEN lính an ninh * security guard *
VNEN lực lượng an ninh * security forces *
VNEN lực lượng cảnh sát * police force, security force *
VNEN ngũ phúc * five blessings (wealth, position, longevity, good health, security) *
VNEN người bảo vệ * guard, security person *
VNEN nhân viên an ninh * security (staff) *
VNEN nhân viên an ninh vũ trang * armed security (staff) *
VNEN nền an ninh * security, safety *
VNEN nền an ninh quốc gia * (foundation of) national security *
VNEN sự bất an * insecurity *
VNEN tuần phòng an ninh * protective patrol, security patrol *
VNEN tăng cường an ninh * to increase, tighten security *
VNEN vùng an toàn * security zone *
VNEN vấn đề an nang quốc gia * a national security issue *
VNEN xuya rơ tê * security forces, police *
VNEN đe dọa nền an ninh Trung Quốc * to threaten the China’s security, safety *
VNEN đe dọa nền an ninh trong vùng * to threaten the security, safety of a region *
VNEN đặt cọc * advance security money; to make a down-payment *

SNOT: social security/ social benefits Daily life • at work
SNOT: security Travel • public transport

B1 security (n.)

OXF3000: an ninh security
OXF3000N sự an toàn sự an ninh security

OTOP: security * Personality and emotio Happiness

BNC6000 : security [ Rank: 644 ] n 👪

Geborgenheit security an ninh ☊ (N) Gefühle

OPD : Social Security Number Personal Information
OPD : Social Security card Life Events and Documents
OPD : security gate Apartments
OPD : security camera Apartments
OPD : Security Guard Workplace Clothing
OPD : security shirt Workplace Clothing
OPD : security pants Workplace Clothing
OPD : security guard The Bank
OPD : At the Security Checkpoint An Airport
OPD : TSA agent/ security screener An Airport
OPD : Go through security. An Airport
OPD : security guard Jobs and Occupations P-W

FN: security n Being_at_risk

VSLW123 mất an ninh ☊ (S) no security vsl3
VSLW 45 phòng bảo vệ ☊ (S) security room [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 an sinh xã hội ☊ (S) social security [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bảo mật ☊ (S) security [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 công ty vệ sĩ ☊ (S) security firm [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 sự bất an ☊ (S) insecurity [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Chúng tôi luôn quan tâm về an ninh của họ. We always care about their security Politics
DUOS an ninh security Politics
DUOS Họ đã chuẩn bị an ninh tối đa tại sân bay. They prepared maximum security at the airport. Adjectives 3