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all words:
VNEN Huynh đệ Hồi giáo * Muslim brotherhood *
VNEN Tăng Đoàn Bảo Vệ Chánh Pháp * Buddhist Protection Society *
VNEN anh * (1) young man, elder brother, first cousin (son of parent’s older sibling), form of address to a young man
(2) England, (Great) Britain
(3) canary
(4) infant
(5) flower
(6) male hero
VNEN anh chồng * brother in law (husband’s oldest brother) *
VNEN anh cả * eldest brother, oldest brother *
VNEN anh em * brothers and sisters, siblings, brothers, comrades *
VNEN anh em bất hòa * disagreeing brothers *
VNEN anh em bầu bạn xa gần * brothers and friends everywhere *
VNEN anh em chị em * brothers and sisters *
VNEN anh em cột chèo * brothers in law *
VNEN anh em dị bào * half-brother, half-sister *
VNEN anh em nhà Wright * the Wright brothers *
VNEN anh em ruột * brother and sister, sibling *
VNEN anh em đồng bào * brothers by the same mother, compatriot, fellow countryman, fellow citizens *
VNEN anh ruột * elder brother (by blood) *
VNEN anh rể * brother-in-law (husband of one’s elder sister) *
VNEN anh vũ * (1) parrot
(2) nautilus
(3) type of fish (pseudogyrinochelus)
VNEN anh vợ * brother in law (wife’s older brother) *
VNEN bang * (1) state, country, nation
(2) to help, protect, assist
VNEN bao bọc * cover, envelope, covering; to envelope, protect *
VNEN bao che * to screen, shield, protect *
VNEN bao yểm * to protect *
VNEN biên vệ * flank protection *
VNEN bào huynh * brothers by the same mother, older brother, elder brother *
VNEN bào đệ * younger brother *
VNEN bá phụ * uncle, father’s elder brother *
VNEN bác * (1) uncle, father’s older brother
(2) wise, learned
(3) to scramble (eggs)
(4) cannon
(5) ample, wide
(6) to reject
VNEN bác ruột * parent’s older brother *
VNEN bênh * to protect, defend, take the side of, support *
VNEN bênh vực * to protect, support, defend, shield *
VNEN bùa hộ mạng * self-protection charm *
VNEN bùng binh * traffic-circle, roundabout, rotary *
VNEN bản mẫu * prototype *
VNEN bản tuyền * natural rotation *
VNEN bảo * (1) to say, order, tell (someone to do something)
(2) to insure
(3) to protect, guard
(4) precious, valuable
VNEN bảo anh * child protection; to care for, protect *
VNEN bảo bọc * to protect, guard *
VNEN bảo hộ * to protect, cover; protectorate *
VNEN bảo kê * to protect, insure; insurance *
VNEN bảo quốc * protector *
VNEN bảo trợ * to protect, aide, help, assist, patronize, sponsor *
VNEN bảo vệ * insurance, protection, defense; to preserve, guard, defend, protect *
VNEN bảo vệ chống máy cắt từ chối * breaker failure protection *
VNEN bảo vệ dự phòng * protective measures *
VNEN bảo vệ môi sinh * environmental protection *
VNEN bảo vệ quyền lợi * to protect, guard one’s interests *
VNEN bảo vệ quyền lợi củ a mình * to protect one’s rights, interests *
VNEN bảo vệ trái đất * to protect the earth *
VNEN bảo vệ từng tấc đất * to protect each inch of land *
VNEN bảo vệ xứ sở * to protect one’s homeland *
VNEN bầu chủ * to patronize, protect, guarantor *
VNEN bị ải * to rot *
VNEN bọc * (1) to cover, wrap; package, bundle, bag, sack, pack
(2) to protect, shelter; cover(ing)
VNEN bỏ đảng để phản đối * to quit the party in protest *
VNEN ca ca * brother *
VNEN ca rô ten * carotin, carotene *
VNEN ca rốt * carrot *
VNEN canh thiếp * age card (of the betrothed) *
VNEN cha anh * father and elder brothers *
VNEN che chắn * defend, protect, guarded *
VNEN che chở * to protect, guard, shield, give cover to *
VNEN che chở lẫn nhau * to protect one another *
VNEN che tai * to cover one’s ears, protect one’s ears *
VNEN cheo cheo * chevrotin, musk-deer *
VNEN chu du * to be a globe-trotter, do globe-trotting *
VNEN chuyển quân * rotate, rotation (of troops) *
VNEN cháu ruột * nephew, niece (one’s brother’s or sister’s child) *
VNEN chân giò * (pig’s) trotters *
VNEN chín nẫu * (of fruit) be too ripe, rotten, overripe *
VNEN chú * (1) uncle, father’s younger brother
(2) to note, annotate, explain, mark
(3) to pour
(4) incantation, spell
VNEN chú tiểu * novice, lay brother (in Buddhist temple) *
VNEN chúng em * we (when addressing one’s elder brother or sister) *
VNEN chạy điện * electrotherapy *
VNEN chất đạm * azote, nitrogen, nitrogenous matter, protein *
VNEN chị dâu * sister-in-law (wife of one’s elder brother) *
VNEN chị ngã em nâng * mutual help between brothers and sisters *
VNEN chở che * protest *
VNEN cà rốt * carrot *
VNEN cá ươn * rotten, spoiled fish *
VNEN cái * (1) [CL for most inanimate objects, isolated events]
(2) object, thing
(3) female
(4) main, principle
(5) solid substances in soup (as opposed to nước, the liquid, broth)
VNEN cậu * mother’s brother, uncle *
VNEN cứu hộ * to rescue, salvage, save and protect *
VNEN dâm thư * sex book, erotic literature, pornographic book *
VNEN dâm tình * erotic *
VNEN dương tử * proton *
VNEN dập tắt * to extinguish, put out, stamp out (fire, protests) *
VNEN dị bào * half brother, half sister *
VNEN dị dưỡng * heterotrophic *
VNEN em * younger brother or sister; you (to child), I (of children) *
VNEN em chồng * brother-in-law, sister-in-law *
VNEN em giai * younger brother *
VNEN em nuôi * younger adoptive brother (sister) *
VNEN em ruột * full brother or sister *
VNEN em rể * brother in law (younger sister’s husband) *
VNEN em trai * younger brother *
VNEN em vợ * brother-in-law, sister-in-law (one’s wife’s younger sibling) *
VNEN em út * youngest sibling, youngest sister, youngest brother *
VNEN em đâu * sister in law (younger brother’s wife) *
VNEN gia huynh * my elder brother *
VNEN gia đệ * my younger brother *
VNEN giao thức * protocol *
VNEN giao thức định tuyến * routing protocol *
VNEN giũ * (1) to keep, guard, hold, protect
(2) to shake
VNEN giảo hình * garrote *
VNEN giữ * to keep, hold, stay, guard, maintain, protect, reserve *
VNEN giữ gìn bờ cõi * to protect the country *
VNEN gạc * antlers; crotch; to cross out *
VNEN gạc cây * crotch of a tree *
VNEN gồ * prominent, protu berant *
VNEN hang động * grotto, cave *
VNEN hiếu sự * fond of contriving unnecessary things, showing undue zeal; mourning rites, funeral protocol *
VNEN hiếu đễ * dutiful to one’s parents and submissive to one’s elder brother *
VNEN hiền huynh * dear brother *
VNEN hiền đệ * dear brother *
VNEN hiệp kỹ * to frequent brothels *
VNEN hoa tình * amorous, erotic *
VNEN huynh * elder brother *
VNEN huynh ông * venerable brother *
VNEN huynh đệ * brotherhood, brothers *
VNEN hôi tanh * to smell bad (like rotten fish) *
VNEN * rotten, bad, spoiled, naughty; to become bad, go bad *
VNEN hạ nang * scrotum *
VNEN học vẹt * to learn by rote, learn parrot-fashion *
VNEN hộ thân * self-protection *
VNEN hủ * old, outmoded, rotten *
VNEN hứa hôn * to engage, betroth *
VNEN kha * elder brother *
VNEN khiếu oan * to protest an injustice *
VNEN kháng * to resist, protest *
VNEN kháng nghị * protest against (some resolution) *
VNEN kháng thư * protest letter *
VNEN khối u * excrescence, protuberance, growth, tumor *
VNEN kết nghĩa * swear brotherhood, swear *
VNEN kỹ quán * brothel *
VNEN kỹ viện * brothel *
VNEN lon ton * to run with short steps, trot *
VNEN luân canh * rotation of crops, crop rotation *
VNEN luân chuyển * to rotate *
VNEN luân phiên * to alternate, take turns; alternating, rotating *
VNEN lũa * to decompose; rotten *
VNEN lấy cớ là để bảo vệ tài sản của Hoa Kỳ * under the pretext of protecting American property *
VNEN lầu xanh * brothel *
VNEN lễ hỏi * betrothal, engagement party or ceremony *
VNEN lễ tân * protocol *
VNEN lệnh huynh * your elder brother *
VNEN mang tai * part behind the ear; parotid *
VNEN móc * to hook, crotchet, clasp, hook, seize, pick, pull *
VNEN móng giò * pig’ feet, pig’s trotters *
VNEN mắt thô lố * protruding eyes *
VNEN mắt ốc nhồi * bulging eyes, protruding eyes, goggle eyes *
VNEN mọt xác * to rot *
VNEN mục nát * rotten, decayed, corrupt *
VNEN mục ruỗng * rotten to the core, thoroughly corrupt *
VNEN nghi lễ * rites, rituals, ceremony ceremonies, protocols *
VNEN nghi thức * department, protocol, ceremony, rights, form, formality *
VNEN nghĩa huynh * adopted older brother *
VNEN nghĩa đệ * younger brother by adoption, foster-brother *
VNEN nghị định thư * protocol *
VNEN ngu đệ * your stupid little brother *
VNEN nguyên mẫu * archetype, prototype *
VNEN nguyên sinh * proteozoic *
VNEN nguyên sinh chất * protoplasm *
VNEN nguyên sinh động vật * protozoa *
VNEN ngũ luân * five moral bonds (king and subject, father and child, husband and wife, brothers and sisters, friends) *
VNEN người anh duy nhất * only brother *
VNEN người anh em * brothers and sisters, siblings *
VNEN người phản kháng * protester *
VNEN ngồi tù đến mọt xác * to be left to rot in prison *
VNEN nhà chứa * brothel *
VNEN nhà thổ * brothel, bawdy-house *
VNEN nhân huynh * my eldest brother, my friend *
VNEN nhô * to jut out, protrude, project; to raise, rise *
VNEN nhô ra * to stick out, protrude *
VNEN như anh em * like brother(s) and sister(s) *
VNEN nhập tâm * know by heart (rote), commit to memory *
VNEN * prick, cock-protruding axle *
VNEN núng nính * rotund, flabbily fat *
VNEN núp bóng * to hide or shelter behind somebody, be protected by somebody *
VNEN nơi ẩn núp * cover, protected place *
VNEN nấp bóng * to stay under someone’s protection *
VNEN nỏ mồm * protest loudly, talk loudly *
VNEN nốt đen * (music) crotchet *
VNEN phong trào phản kháng * protest movement *
VNEN phá vỡ đoàn biểu tình * to break up a group of protestors *
VNEN phòng thân * self-defense; to protect oneself, defend oneself *
VNEN phòng về * to protect, guard, defend *
VNEN phòng vệ * to protect, guard *
VNEN phù hộ độ trì * (of god) protect and help *
VNEN phản kháng * to offer or put up resistance, protest *
VNEN phản đối * to oppose, object, protest; opposition *
VNEN phụ huynh * father and elder brother, parents *
VNEN phụng hội * brotherhood *
VNEN prô ton * proton *
VNEN prô tê in * protein *
VNEN prô tít * protein *
VNEN prô tô côn * protocol *
VNEN quai bị * mumps, parotitis *
VNEN qui trình * process, rule, protocol *
VNEN qui tắc * method, rule, protocol *
VNEN qui tắc kỹ thuật * protocol (telecom) *
VNEN quy ước * protocol, agreement, convention, consent; conventional *
VNEN quy ước chuyển siêu tập tin * hypertext transfer protocol (http) *
VNEN quyền bảo trợ * patronage, sponsorship, protection *
VNEN quốc cữu * emperor’s brother-in-law *
VNEN rô to * rotor *
VNEN rũ tù * rot in jail, stay long in jail *
VNEN rũa * to be rotten *
VNEN rục xương * rot in jail *
VNEN rừng cấm * protected forest *
VNEN rừng phòng hộ * protective forest *
VNEN rữa * to decompose, get rot *
VNEN sân hòe * brothers of the same family *
VNEN sùi * to erupt, break out, foam, froth *
VNEN sùi bọt mép * to foam, froth *
VNEN sư thúc * one’s teacher younger brother *
VNEN sủi * to bubble, froth up, boil (over), break out (of a rash) *
VNEN thanh lâu * brothel, house of prostitution, parlor house *
VNEN thay phiên * to rotate, do by turns *
VNEN theo nghi thức * according to protocol *
VNEN thiêt bị bảo vệ rơ le * relay protection equipment *
VNEN thè lè * to stick out, protrude, jut out *
VNEN thím * aunt, father’s younger brother’s wife *
VNEN thô kệch * grotesque *
VNEN thước đo góc * protractor *
VNEN thạch Động * grotto, cave *
VNEN thắt cổ * to hang, garrote *
VNEN thịt ôi * rotten meat *
VNEN thối nát * corrupt, rotten *
VNEN thối rữa * to decompose, become rotten or putrescent *
VNEN tin lành * good news; Protestantism *
VNEN tinh thần huynh đệ * spirit of brotherhood *
VNEN trang phục đặc biệt để bảo vệ * special protective clothing *
VNEN trán vồi * protruding forehead; stubborn *
VNEN trường kỳ * long-term, protracted *
VNEN trấn trạch * protect one’s new or newly built house against evil *
VNEN trầu cau * betel and areca (to be considered as betrothal gifts) *
VNEN tuần giờ * watch over, guard, protect *
VNEN tuần phòng an ninh * protective patrol, security patrol *
VNEN tuồng luông * in the open, unprotected, barefaced, exposed *
VNEN tình anh em * fraternity, brotherhood *
VNEN tôn huynh * your elder brother *
VNEN tẩu * (1) opium pipe
(2) sister in law (one’s elder brother’s wife)
(3) to run away, escape, flee
VNEN tự giữ * to protect oneself *
VNEN ung * (1) cancer, ulcer, boil
(2) rotten (egg)
(3) meek
VNEN vấn danh * pre-betrothal ceremony *
VNEN vẹt * parrot *
VNEN vệ * (1) edge, side (of a road, etc.)
(2) to protect
(3) group of 500 soldiers
VNEN vệ phòng * to protect *
VNEN xin bảo hộ * to act for protection *
VNEN xoay chuyển * to revolve, rotate, turn, reverse *
VNEN xầu * foam, froth *
VNEN xử giảo * to garrote *
VNEN ác mó * (1) parrot
(2) cruel person
VNEN ái quần * brotherly love, love of one’s fellow man; to love one’s neighbor *
VNEN âm nang * scrotum *
VNEN ô dù * protector, shield, umbrella *
VNEN ôi * (1) spoiled, rotten
(2) (exclamation of surprise or to get sb’s attention)
VNEN úng * rotten, spoiled (fruit) *
VNEN úng thủy * spoiled, rotten (due to water) *
VNEN ăn thể * to take an oath, swear brotherhood *
VNEN đang giữ nhiệm vụ bảo vệ trái đất * (responsible for) protecting the earth *
VNEN đoàn biểu tình * group of protestors *
VNEN đám hỏi * betrothal, engagement party or ceremony *
VNEN đì * scrotum *
VNEN đùm bọc * to cover, wrap, protect, envelope, support, aid *
VNEN đũng * crotch (of one’s pants), seat *
VNEN đũng quần * crotch (of one’s pants) *
VNEN được luật pháp bảo vệ * to be protected by the law *
VNEN đại nguyên sinh * the proteozoic era *
VNEN đạm * protein *
VNEN đạo tin lành * Protestantism *
VNEN để phản đối * in protest *
VNEN động mạch cảnh * carotid *
VNEN động tiên * grotto of fairies *
VNEN ươn * spoiled, rotten; to spoil, taint (fish) *
VNEN ải * (1) to defile, pass
(2) to mould, mildew, disintegrate, rot; rotten
(3) to hang
(4) pass (mountain)
(5) trial, ordeal, obstacle, hurdle
(6) to make loose, aerate (soil)
VNEN ống chống âm thanh * earplugs (to protect against sound) *
VNEN ở tù mục xương * to rot in jail *
VNEN ủ phân * to compost, rot manure *

SNOT: Protestant Personal identification • religion
SNOT: carrots Food and drink • types of food and drink

OTOP: rot * Houses and buildings How a building looks
OTOP: rot * Houses and buildings How a building looks

OPD : brother Families
OPD : brother-in-law Families
OPD : half brother Families
OPD : stepbrother Families
OPD : rotten banana Fruit
OPD : carrots Vegetables
OPD : Peel the carrots. Food Preparation and Safety
OPD : Protect your purse or wallet. Public Safety
OPD : rotary card file An Office
OPD : proton Science
OPD : surge protector Computers
OPD : rotary cutter Hobies and Games

FN: rot n Rotting
FN: rot v Rotting
FN: rot v Cause_to_rot

VSLW123 anh trai ☊ (S) elder brother vsl1
VSLW123 em trai ☊ (S) younger brother vsl1
VSLW123 em út ☊ (S) youngest sister/brother vsl1
VSLW 45 phòng chống ☊ (S) to protect against [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 luân phiên ☊ (S) rotating, to rotate [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 phản đối ☊ (S) to protest, outcry [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 lá chắn bảo vệ ☊ (S) protective shield [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 bảo kê ☊ (S) to protect [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 (thức ăn) ôi thiu ☊ (S) bad/rotten (food) [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 bảo kê ☊ (S) to assure, to protect [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 phản đối ☊ (S) to protest, to oppose [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 hư hỏng ☊ (S) spoiled / rotten [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Gia đình tôi hả? Có 5 người: ba má tôi, tôi và hai em trai. My family, right? There are five persons: my parents, I and two younger brothers. vsl1
VSLS Hai em của chị làm gì? What do your (to a female) two younger brothers do? vsl1
VSLS Hai em tôi còn đi học. My two younger brothers are still in school. vsl1

DUOS Tôi muốn bảo vệ những con mèo. I want to protect the cats. Verbs 2
DUOS bảo vệ protect Verbs 2
DUOS Con chó của tôi bảo vệ tôi. My dog protects me. Verbs 2
DUOS Chúng tôi bảo vệ cô ấy. We protect her. Verbs 2
DUOS Em trai của cô ấy her younger brother Family
DUOS Anh trai và em trai The elder brother and the younger brother Family
DUOS Chúng tôi là anh em. We are brothers. Family
DUOS Em trai và em gái của tôi có ba con cá. My younger brother and younger sister have three fishes. Family
DUOS Anh trai và chị gái The older brother and the older sister Family
DUOS The truth needs protection. Nominalization
DUOS Anh tôi không đánh giá cao sự cố gắng của tôi. My older brother does not appreciate my efforts. Verbs 2.5
DUOS Anh tôi luyện tập hát vào những ngày thứ sáu. My elder brother practices singing on Fridays. Verbs 2.5
DUOS Anh trai và em trai the elder brother and the younger brother Places
DUOS Chung toi la anh em. We are brothers. Places
DUOS Em trai của cô ấy Her younger brother Family
DUOS Anh trai của tôi không phải là mộtnghiên cứu sinh lười biếng. Me elder brother is not a lazy researcher. Education
DUOS sự bảo vệ protection Abstract Objects 1
DUOS Bà tôi đã viết di chúc của mình. My grandmother wrote her testament. Abstract Objects 1
DUOS Anh trai của tôi luôn dậy sau tôi. My older brother always gets up after me. Verbs 4
DUOS Anh ấy có hai con vẹt xanh da trời. He has two blue parrots. Animals 2
DUOS Con vẹt này có thể nói không? Can this parrot speak? Animals 2
DUOS vẹt parrot Animals 2
DUOS Quốc hội đang thảo luận về sự bảo vệ môi trường. The Congress is having a discussion about environmental protection. Politics
DUOS Họ yêu cầu chính phủ phải có chiến lược để bảo vệ môi trường. They demand that the government must have a strategy to protect the enviro Politics
DUOS Quân đội phải bảo vệ chủ quyền quốc gia. The army must protect the national sovereignty. Politics
DUOS Ai đã viết bài hát này? Who wrote this song? Arts
DUOS Chúng tôi phải bảo vệ môi trường thiên nhiên We must protect the natural environment. Arts
DUOS Anh ấy đã viết bức thư này vào hôm qua. He wrote this letter yesterday. Classifiers 2
DUOS Bạn phải bảo vệ cái đầu của mình. You must protect your head. Medical
DUOS Những người da đen biểu tình vì quyền bình đẳng. Black people protest for equal rights. Verbs 5
DUOS biểu tình protest Verbs 5
DUOS Ai bảo vệ công lý? Who protects justice? History
DUOS Công lý phải được bảo vệ. Justice has to be protected. History
DUOS Lực lượng này sẽ bảo vệ hoà bình. This force will protect peace. Military
DUOS Những người lính đã cố thủ để bảo vệ thủ đô. The soldiers stood their ground to protect the capital. Military
DUOS Anh ấy không bao giờ che chở tôi. He never protects me. Reduplicative Words
DUOS che chở protect Reduplicative Words

50L Người em / anh trai * the brother 004
50L Chúng ta cần cà rốt và cà chua cho món xúp. * We need carrots and tomatoes for the soup. 017
50L Bạn cũng thích ăn cà rốt à? * Do you also like to eat carrots? 034
50L Anh ấy đã viết một lá thư. * He wrote a letter. 083
50L Và chị ấy đã viết một cái thiếp. * And she wrote a card. 083
50L Tôi viết cái này – tôi đã viết cái này. * I write that – I wrote that. 086