like: Rest
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all words:
VNEN Lại nhà hàng Thanh Thế đi ! * How about going to the Thanh The (restaurant)? *
VNEN Minh Trị Phục Hưng * Meiji Restoration *
VNEN Nó bị bắt rồi * He was arrested *
VNEN Thái Hòa Phục Hưng * Showa Restoration *
VNEN an dưỡng * to rest (to regain one’s health), convalesce *
VNEN an dưỡng đường * health resort, sanatorium, rest home *
VNEN an nghĩ * to rest peacefully *
VNEN an tức * to rest *
VNEN buông thả * loose, self-indulgent, unrestrained, dissolute; to release, let go, free *
VNEN buồn rầu * sad, sorrowful, unhappy morose; uninteresting; to want to, feel like (doing something) *
VNEN bán danh * dishonor, disgrace, lose one’s prestige *
VNEN bút giá * a pen rest, a stand for pens *
VNEN bảo vệ quyền lợi * to protect, guard one’s interests *
VNEN bảo vệ quyền lợi củ a mình * to protect one’s rights, interests *
VNEN bần cố nông * poorest and most wretched peasant *
VNEN bắt * (1) to get, obtain, catch, seize, arrest, take, capture
(2) to forge, oblige, constrain, compel
VNEN bắt bớ * to arrest *
VNEN bắt giam * to arrest, detain, lock up, imprison, take into custody, incarcerate *
VNEN bắt giữ * to arrest, take hostage, prisoner *
VNEN bắt giữ về tội buôn lậu * to arrest for smuggling *
VNEN bắt lầm * to mistakenly arrest, false arrest *
VNEN bắt đền * to claim damages, demand compensation or restitution *
VNEN bị bắt * to be arrested, be caught, be under arrest *
VNEN bị bắt giam * to be arrested, locked up *
VNEN bị bắt giữ * to be arrested, taken into custody *
VNEN bị hạn chế * to be restricted, limited *
VNEN bồi * (1) to build up with earth
(2) to strengthen, make strong, glue together
(3) houseboy, waiter
(4) to reimburse, compensate, restore, indemnify
VNEN bồn chồn * anxious, uneasy, worried, restless *
VNEN bổ ích * useful, interesting *
VNEN cao lâu * restaurant *
VNEN chuỗi nhà hàng * a chain of restaurants or stores *
VNEN chán * (1) to have a lot of, plenty of
(2) to be sick of, tired of; dull, boring, uninteresting
VNEN chúa sơn lâm * king of the forest or jungle, tiger *
VNEN chận đứng * to arrest, check, stop *
VNEN chế dục * to restrain one’s passions and desires *
VNEN chế ngự * to stop, restrain, control *
VNEN chế ước * limit, restrict *
VNEN chịu lãi * to pay the interest *
VNEN chủ quán * innkeeper, caterer, restaurateur, proprietor (of an establishment) *
VNEN co vòi * crest-fallen, with one’s tail between one’s legs *
VNEN con ngựa bất kham * a restive horse *
VNEN cánh sinh * to come to life again, restore to life *
VNEN câu giam * to arrest, detain, imprison *
VNEN có tiếng * famous, prestigious *
VNEN có uy * to have influence, have prestige *
VNEN có uy tín * famous, prestigious *
VNEN cô hầu bàn * waitress, server (in a restaurant) *
VNEN công lợi * public good, public interest *
VNEN cù rù * boring, dull, uninteresting; slowpoke, slowcoach, laggard *
VNEN cú rũ * crestfallen, dispirited *
VNEN cương to * restrictions (to one’s freedom) (figurative) officialdom *
VNEN cải tổ * to reorganize, restructure; reconstruction, Perestroika *
VNEN cải tử hoàn sinh * to revive, resuscitate, restore to life *
VNEN cầm * (1) to hold, take hold of, arrest, capture
(2) to pawn
(3) guitar, lute, musical instrument
(4) bird
VNEN cận lợi * immediate interest *
VNEN cắt giảm lãi suất * to reduce the interest rate *
VNEN dành lại * to wrest, claim *
VNEN dìu dặt * now presto now largo *
VNEN dưỡng thân * rest, have or take a rest; nourish one’s parents *
VNEN dở * (1) quality, bad (tasting), uninteresting, poor, mediocre
(2) to open, get out
VNEN ghìm * to pull (up, back), restrain, reign in, hold back *
VNEN ghìm cương * to reign in, restrain, hold back *
VNEN giải lao * break, interval, rest; to take a rest *
VNEN giảm tức * reduce the interest *
VNEN giản xương * feel rested (as from stretching one’s legs or lying down) *
VNEN giới hạn * limit, term, bound; to limit, restrict *
VNEN giới hạn nhập cảng * import restrictions *
VNEN giờ chết * rest-hour *
VNEN gần nhất * nearest, most recent *
VNEN ham * eager, greedy, zealous; love, fondness, liking, interest; to like, be fond of *
VNEN hay * (1) interesting, well; or
(2) have the habit of doing; often, frequently
VNEN hay ho * interesting *
VNEN hay quá * very interesting *
VNEN hay thật * very interesting *
VNEN hiếu động * lively, active, dynamic, restless *
VNEN hiệu ăn * restaurant *
VNEN hung thủ đã bị bắt ngay tại chỗ * the murderer was arrested on the spot *
VNEN hàng cơm * restaurant *
VNEN hàng ăn * restaurant *
VNEN hưu * to rest, retire *
VNEN hạn chế * limit, restriction; to bound, limit, restrict *
VNEN hạn chế tôn giáo * to restrict, limit religion *
VNEN hấp dẫn * interesting, attractive; to attract, tempt *
VNEN hầu sáng * waiter (in a Chinese restaurant) *
VNEN hồi phục * to restore, recover *
VNEN hồi phục tỉnh dậy * to restore someone to consciousness, wake someone up *
VNEN hồi sinh * to restore to life, restart, rejuvenate; rebirth *
VNEN hứng thú * interesting; interest *
VNEN khinh thường * to underestimate *
VNEN khinh địch * to underestimate one’s enemy *
VNEN khiển hứng * arouse interest, rouse oneself, cheer up *
VNEN khu rừng * forest area *
VNEN khí độ * self-control, self-mastery, self-restraint *
VNEN khôi phục * to reconquer, restore, recover, restart, reestablish *
VNEN không gây được chú ý * did not create, generate much interest *
VNEN không màng * to have no, take no interest in *
VNEN khống chế * to control, dominate, restrain *
VNEN kiếm củi * to fetch firewood (in the forest) *
VNEN kiềm * (1) to hold back, restrain
(2) basic, alkali
VNEN kiềm hỏa * to coerce, put under restraint, place under duress *
VNEN kiềm thúc * tie or bind hand and foot, restrain *
VNEN kiềm tỏa * to restrain, bind *
VNEN kiểm lâm * forestry *
VNEN kìm * (1) to restrain
(2) pliers, pincers
VNEN kìm giữ * to hold (retain, restrain) one’s anger *
VNEN kìm hãm * to hold back, inhibit, check, limit, restrict *
VNEN kềm chế * to subdue, overcome, master, restrain, check, curb, dominate *
VNEN kỳ dư * apart from that, the rest *
VNEN kỳ khôi * unusual, strange, interesting, very odd, very peculiar *
VNEN kỳ thú * interest *
VNEN làm cho uy tín của ai lên cao * to increase someone’s prestige *
VNEN làm việc quần quật * to work hard and without rest, toil *
VNEN lâm * (1) neighbor; forest, woods
(2) to be on the verge of, about to
VNEN lâm chính * service of forestry *
VNEN lâm học * sylviculture, forestry *
VNEN lâm nghiệp * forest industry, forestry *
VNEN lâm sản * forest products *
VNEN lâm thổ sản * forest and native products *
VNEN lâm trường * afforestation yards *
VNEN lãi * profit, interest, dividend; to earn a profit *
VNEN lãi ròng * net interest, net profit *
VNEN lãi suất * interest rate *
VNEN lãi suất dài hạn * long term interest rate *
VNEN lãi suất nhẹ * low interest rate *
VNEN lãi suất thấp * low interest rate *
VNEN lý thú * interesting, entertaining, diverting, newsworthy *
VNEN lẫn lời * with interest *
VNEN lệnh bắt * arrest warrant *
VNEN lờ lững * indifferent, grow cold, lose interest (in) *
VNEN lời * (1) spoken words, statement
(2) interest, profit
VNEN lợi quyền * (economic rights), interests *
VNEN lợi suất * interest rate *
VNEN lợi ích * profitable, useful; to use, make advantage of; use, advantage, benefit, interest, profit *
VNEN lục cục * restless (sleep) *
VNEN mào * comb, crest (of bird) *
VNEN mào gà * crest, cockscomb *
VNEN mạng điện thoại cố định * fixed (terrestrial, land) telephone network *
VNEN mặc sức * without restraint, freely *
VNEN mặt đất * the face of the earth, ground; terrestrial *
VNEN mễ * trestle; (as a) cereals *
VNEN một số lớn trong số người bị bắt * many of those arrested *
VNEN nghỉ * to rest, relax *
VNEN nghỉ ngơi * to (take a) rest, relax *
VNEN nghỉ suốt sáu tháng * to rest for six months *
VNEN ngàn * (1) thousand
(2) mountains and forests
VNEN người rừng * forester, woodlander *
VNEN ngược với quyền lợi quốc gia * contrary to the interests of the country *
VNEN ngả lưng * to rest, lie down *
VNEN ngủ không an giấc * to sleep restlessly *
VNEN nhem nhẻm * without giving one’s mouth a rest *
VNEN nhà an dưỡng * old folks home, convalescent home, rest-home, health farm, sanatorium *
VNEN nhà hàng * restaurant, hotel, shop, store *
VNEN nhà ăn * dining-room, restaurant *
VNEN nhàm chán * uninspiring, uninteresting, boring *
VNEN nhân vị * for man’s interests, for man’s sake *
VNEN nhập lãi vào vốn * to add the interest to the capital *
VNEN nén * compress; to restrain, control, curb, check; bar, bullion *
VNEN nông lâm * agriculture and forestry *
VNEN núi rừng * mountain and forests, forests *
VNEN nơi an nghĩ cuối cùng * final resting place, grave *
VNEN nạn cháy rừng * forest fire *
VNEN nạn phá rừng * deforestation (as a problem) *
VNEN nặng lãi * at a high rate of interest, usurious, exorbitant *
VNEN nỗi thao thức * feeling of restlessness *
VNEN nội loạn * internal unrest, civil strife, war, internal upheaval *
VNEN phá rừng * to deforest *
VNEN phát hoàn * reimburse, return, give back, restore, send back *
VNEN phòng vệ sinh * restroom *
VNEN phạn điếm * restaurant *
VNEN phản ngựa * trestle-bed *
VNEN phần còn lại * the rest, the remainder *
VNEN phục chế * restore (a painting) *
VNEN phục chức * reinstate, restore *
VNEN phục cổ * to revive the past, restore the old *
VNEN phục hưng * to restore, rehabilitate, reconstruct; revival, renaissance *
VNEN phục hồi * to restore *
VNEN phục hồi dân chủ * to restore democracy *
VNEN phục hồi lòng tin * to restore confidence *
VNEN phục hồi được quyền lực * to be restored to power *
VNEN phục nguyên * to restore, return to health, rehabilitate *
VNEN phục quyền * to rehabilitate, restore to a position (of rank, privilege, etc.) *
VNEN phục quốc * to restore national sovereignty, regain national independence *
VNEN quan tâm * to pay attention, take an interest, concern; interest (in something) *
VNEN quang phục * restoration; to restore *
VNEN quyền lợi * interests; (work) benefits *
VNEN quyền lợi kinh tế * economic interests *
VNEN quyền lợi tổ quốc * national interests *
VNEN quyền lợi đảng * party interests *
VNEN quán * inn, restaurant, shop, kiosk *
VNEN quán ăn * restaurant, dining hall *
VNEN quản thúc tại gia * to put under house arrest *
VNEN quần quật * hard and without rest; to slave away *
VNEN quốc thể * national prestige *
VNEN rùng núi * forest and mountain, forest *
VNEN rảnh thân * able to rest, free of cares *
VNEN rọ rạy * be restless *
VNEN rời tay * to let go of (somebody, something), part with; to rest *
VNEN rừng * forest, jungle *
VNEN rừng chồi * young offshoot forest *
VNEN rừng cây * forest, jungle *
VNEN rừng cây im lìm * quiet woods, forest *
VNEN rừng cấm * protected forest *
VNEN rừng già * forest of high trees *
VNEN rừng nguyên sinh * primitive forest *
VNEN rừng nguyên thủy * virgin forest *
VNEN rừng nhám * forest frequented by wild animals and robbers *
VNEN rừng núi * forest and mountain *
VNEN rừng núi bạt ngàn * mountains and forests are thick and interminable *
VNEN rừng phòng hộ * protective forest *
VNEN rừng rậm * dense wood, thick forest *
VNEN rừng thông * pine forest *
VNEN suốt đời tôi * for my whole life, in my whole life, for the rest of my life *
VNEN sên * snail terrestrial leech *
VNEN súc * (1) to raise (animals)
(2) bale, bundle
(3) to rinse
(4) to hold, contain, arrest
VNEN sự hạn chế * limitation, restriction *
VNEN sự phục hồi * rehabilitation, reinstatement, restoration *
VNEN thanh tịnh * tranquil, restful *
VNEN thao thức * restless *
VNEN thiện tiện * freely, without restrain, boldly *
VNEN thu hẹp * to narrow, close (a gap, distance), restrict, reduce, curtail *
VNEN thân hào * notable, prestigious *
VNEN thân nhất * dearest *
VNEN thích thú * interest, delight, pleasure; interesting *
VNEN thú vị * pleasant, agreeable, interesting, enjoyable *
VNEN thư lưu * poste restante, general delivery *
VNEN thả cửa * freely, at will, without restrain *
VNEN thắng tích * scenic spot (of historical interest) *
VNEN thắt buộc * tie up, restrict (in) cord, limit (to) *
VNEN thẳng cánh * without restraint *
VNEN thẳng thừng * blunt, without mercy, without restraint *
VNEN tiết ước * restrict, limit, curtail, restrain, confine, circumscribe *
VNEN tiền lãi * profit, interest, dividend *
VNEN tiền lời * interest (on loans) *
VNEN tiệm ăn * restaurant *
VNEN tom * tom-tom (noise of drum); to collect, gather; to arrest somebody, be in custody, be arrested *
VNEN trung hưng * restoration *
VNEN trùng tu * to reconstruct, rebuild, renovate, restore *
VNEN trạm * station, output, resting spot *
VNEN trả lãi * to pay the interest (of ) *
VNEN trả tiền lãi * to pay interest *
VNEN trấn * (1) town
(2) master, manage, command
(3) overcome, bar, block up, control, subdue, repress, restrain
(4) market town, curb, region, district
VNEN trấn phục * repress, restrain, curb, quell, put down *
VNEN trằn trọc * to toss, turn (unrest) *
VNEN tu bổ * to repair, fix, restore, mend, set right again *
VNEN tài lợi * interest, share, revenue, income *
VNEN tàn phá rừng * deforestation *
VNEN tái khởi động * to restart *
VNEN tái lập * to restore, reestablish *
VNEN tóm cổ * to arrest, nab, seize *
VNEN tùng lâm * pagoda, temple, pine forest *
VNEN tăng lãi suất * to raise interest rates *
VNEN tư lợi * self-interest *
VNEN tối nay chúng ta nghỉ ở đâu? * where do we rest tonight? *
VNEN uy * authority, prestige *
VNEN uy danh * authority, fame, prestige *
VNEN uy thế * power, influence, prestige *
VNEN uy tín * prestige, fame; prestigious *
VNEN vay lãi * to borrow (money) on interest *
VNEN việc bắt giam * arrest *
VNEN vãn hồi * to recover, restore *
VNEN vít * screw; to pull down, wrest down *
VNEN vùng cấm * prohibited area, restricted area *
VNEN vùng vẫy * to move about freely; to struggle, wrestle *
VNEN vật * (1) thing, object, creature, being; matter, body
(2) to slam (wrestling), wrestle, toss
(3) do not ~!
VNEN vị lợi * for gain, self-interested, utilitarian *
VNEN vốn lời * capital and interest *
VNEN vụ bắt * arrest *
VNEN yên nghỉ * to rest in peace *
VNEN ái nương * my dearest, my sweetest, my love *
VNEN ăn cao lâu * to eat out, eat in a restaurant *
VNEN đem lại * to restore, return, bring back, take back *
VNEN đem lại một cuộc ngưng bán * to restore a cease-fire *
VNEN đem đến một số giới hạn * to carry a number of restrictions *
VNEN đi củi * fetch wood (in the forest) *
VNEN đi nghỉ * take (have) a rest, go to rest-spend one’s holiday *
VNEN đi nằm * go to bed, go to rest *
VNEN đi rừng * to go into the woods, penetrate into a forest *
VNEN đoạt khỏi tay * to snatch, take, wrest from someone’s hands *
VNEN đè nén * to command, control, restrain, repress, oppress *
VNEN đô vật * wrestler *
VNEN đướng sự * interested party, person in question *
VNEN đại ngàn * high mountain and thick forest, jungle *
VNEN đấu tranh tư tưởng * ideological struggle; to struggle with one’s conscience, wrestle with one’s conscience *
VNEN đề tài hấp dẫn * interesting subject, topic *
VNEN đọc riêng * to read separately (from the rest of the book, e.g.) *
VNEN đốc chứng * grow restive *
VNEN đốt rừng * forest fire *
VNEN đồ vật * thing, object; wrestler, wrestling *
VNEN động tỉnh * movement and rest, development(s) *
VNEN đức vọng * prestige from virtue *
VNEN ưu lự * disquieted, anxious, uneasy, restless; to worry *
VNEN ức chế * to oppress, suppress, inhibit, restrict, control, repress, restrain *
VNEN tái tục * to renew, restore *

SNOT: forest/wood House and home, environment • region
SNOT: names of fields of interest, e.g. computers, films, music Free time, entertainment • hobbies and interests
SNOT: restaurant Travel • public transport
SNOT: names of sights and buildings of interest e.g. Travel • holidays
SNOT: to arrest Relations with other people • crime and justice
SNOT: to rest Health and body care • personal comfort
SNOT: poste-restante Services • post

A2 rest (n.) (v.)

OXF3000: còn lại rest
OXF3000N sự nghỉ ngơi lúc nghỉ nghỉ nghỉ ngơi rest

OTOP: rest * Culture Reading music
OTOP: rest * Family and life stages Death
OTOP: rest * Health Recovering from illness
OTOP: rest * Health Recovering from illness

BNC6000 : rest [ Rank: 712 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : rest [ Rank: 1943 ] v 👪

OPD : restrooms School
OPD : Get bed rest. Taking Care of Your Health
OPD : restaurant Downtown
OPD : fast food restaurant An Intersection
OPD : drive-thru restaurant An Intersection
OPD : arrest a suspect The Legal System
OPD : forest fire Emergencies and Natural Disasters
OPD : Point of Interest Directions
OPD : A Restaurant kitchen A Hotel
OPD : Restaurant Dining A Hotel
OPD : rain forest Geography and Habitats
OPD : forest Geography and Habitats

FN: rest n Rest
FN: rest n Stimulus_focus
FN: rest v Placing
FN: rest v State_continue

VSLW123 nhà hàng ☊ (S) restaurant vsl1
VSLW123 nhà hàng ☊ (S) restaurant vsl1
VSLW123 nhà vệ sinh ☊ (S) rest room vsl1
VSLW123 tiệm ăn ☊ (S) restaurant vsl1
VSLW123 nghỉ ☊ (S) to rest vsl2
VSLW123 thú vị ☊ (S) interesting, pleasant vsl2
VSLW123 tiệm ăn ☊ (S) small restaurant vsl2
VSLW123 lãi suất ☊ (S) interest rate vsl3
VSLW123 lãi suất ☊ (S) interest rate vsl3
VSLW123 nhà hàng ☊ (S) restaurant vsl3
VSLW123 đăng ký (khách sạn, hiệu ăn) ☊ (S) to book (hotel, restaurant) vsl3
VSLW 45 Quan tâm (đến) ☊ (S) to be interested (in) [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 nhà hàng ☊ (S) restaurant [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 tiệm ăn/quán ăn ☊ (S) small restaurant [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 nông lâm ☊ (S) agriculture and forestry [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 quan tâm ☊ (S) to be interested in [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 rừng nguyên sinh ☊ (S) primitive forest [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nghỉ ngơi ☊ (S) to rest [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nông lâm thủy sản ☊ (S) agriculture, forestry and fishery products [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 lãi suất ☊ (S) interest rate [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 sự quan tâm ☊ (S) interest, concern [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tha thiết ☊ (S) dearest [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 còn lại ☊ (S) remaining, the rest [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 không hạn chế ☊ (S) no limit, no restriction [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 lãi suất ☊ (S) interest rate [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hạn chế ☊ (S) to limit, to restrict [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 kiềm chế ☊ (S) to restrain [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 rừng nguyên sinh ☊ (S) primary forest [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 uy tín ☊ (S) reputable, reputation, prestige [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 sự quan tâm ☊ (S) interest [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tái khởi động ☊ (S) to restart [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 rừng ngập mặn ☊ (S) mangrove forest [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 tán rừng ☊ (S) forest canopy [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 lệnh bắt ☊ (S) arrest warrant [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 lợi ích nhóm ☊ (S) group interest [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 bị can ☊ (S) arrestee [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 trả lại ☊ (S) to restore [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Ở tiệm A Phủ, tiệm bánh xèo này nổi tiếng lắm. At A Phủ restaurant. This place is very famous for Vietnamese pancakes. vsl1
VSLS Vậy sáng mai mời ông xuống nhà hàng ở tầng một ăn sáng nhé/nha. So tomorrow morning, please (to a male) go down to the restaurant on the first floor for breakfast. vsl2

DUOS Tôi nghĩ nó không hay. I think it is not interesting. Adjectives 1
DUOS hay interesting Adjectives 1
DUOS Xem tivi rất hay. Watching television is very interesting. Adjectives 1
DUOS Câu hỏi của bạn rất hay. Your question is very interesting. Adjectives 1
DUOS quan tâm care, to be interested Attributes
DUOS nhà hàng restaurant Places
DUOS Họ muốn biết danh sách rượu ở nhà hàng này. They want to know the wine list in this restaurant. Abstract Objects 1
DUOS Cô ấy dạy rất hay. She teaches very interestingly. Verbs 4
DUOS Tôi không đại diện cho nhà hàng đó. I do not represent that restaurant. Verbs 4
DUOS rừng forest Nature
DUOS Nhà vệ sinh restroom Miscellaneous
DUOS Kế hoạch của chúng tôi là bắt giữ họ. Our plan is to arrest them. Politics
DUOS Ai đã bị bắt giữ bởi cảnh sát hôm qua? Who was arrested by the police yesterday? Politics
DUOS bắt giữ arrest Politics
DUOS Đây sẽ là một trận đấu bóng chuyền hay. This will be an interesting volleyball match. Sports
DUOS Bộ phim đó hay không? Is that film interesting? Classifiers 2
DUOS Sao Thuỷ, Sao Kim, Trái Đất và Sao Hoả là các hành tinh đất. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Jupiter are terrestial planets. Astronomy
DUOS hành tinh đất terrestial planet Astronomy
DUOS Cô ấy luôn đánh giá thấp chúng tôi. She always underestimates us. Verbs 5
DUOS đánh giá thấp underestimate Verbs 5

50L Học ngôn ngữ rất là thú vị. * Learning languages is interesting. 006
50L Bộ phim hay. * The film was interesting. 012
50L Ngoài ra còn có cảnh đẹp nào nữa không? * Are there any other places of interest? 027
50L Tôi thấy cái này hay. * I find that interesting. 028
50L Ở gần đây có quán ăn không? * Is there a restaurant nearby? 030
50L Trạm điện thoại gần đây ở đâu? * Where is the nearest telephone? 041
50L Ở đâu có quán ăn ngon không? * Is there a good restaurant around here? 042
50L Tôi quan tâm đến kiến trúc. * I’m interested in architecture. 044
50L Tôi quan tâm đến mỹ thuật. * I’m interested in art. 044
50L Tôi quan tâm đến hội hoạ. * I’m interested in paintings. 044
50L Nhà vệ sinh ở đâu vậy? * Where is the toilet / restroom (am.)? 045
50L Ở kia có một quán ăn. * There is a restaurant over there. 045
50L Bưu điện gần nhất ở đâu? * Where is the nearest post office? 061
50L Thùng / hộp thư gần nhất ở đâu? * Where is the nearest mail box? 061
50L Trạm điện thoại công cộng gần nhất ở đâu? * Where is the nearest telephone booth? 061
50L Anh ấy đã không có hứng thú. * He wasn’t interested. 078
50L Anh ấy đã không đến, bởi vì anh ấy đã không có hứng thú. * He didn’t come because he wasn’t interested. 078
50L Những người thú vị * interesting people 080
50L Khách của chúng tôi là những người thú vị. * Our guests were interesting people. 081
50L Tôi rất vui, vì bạn quan tâm. * I’m happy that you are interested. 094