like: Religious texts
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all words:

OTOP: bible * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: commandment * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: epistle * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: gospel * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: Koran * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: the New Testament * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: the Old Testament * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: parable * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: psalm * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: the Rig Veda * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: scripture * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: sura * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: sutra * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: the Talmud * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: tantra * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: Torah * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: Veda * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: verse * Religion and politics Religious texts
OTOP: word * Religion and politics Religious texts